Aircraft maint issues

The only thing I understand as a former union steward, the Union's job is to negotiate a contract, present the contract to the membership, and let the members decide. When they are stonewalling for whatever reason, to not bring it to T/A. They are not doing their job.

Then you do understand the TWU to some extent...
Actually TWU President John Samuelsen has a pretty good professional relationship with NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo who may run for POTUS.

You see right there you show that you are more interested what party gets the Whitehouse than what is right for the maintenance safety of the aircraft.
"If the AFL,/ CIO didn't look at AMFA, as nothing more than a Raider union, they might have some friends in Washington."

That is exactly what "The ASSociation" IS: A RAIDER UNION at AA. They never were ELECTED by AA employees but SELECTED by the AFL-CIO.

I'm no fan of AMFA either.

How do you bridge the point of those co-workers that require a union shop?
"If the AFL,/ CIO didn't look at AMFA, as nothing more than a Raider union, they might have some friends in Washington."

That is exactly what "The ASSociation" IS: A RAIDER UNION at AA. They never were ELECTED by AA employees but SELECTED by the AFL-CIO.

I'm no fan of AMFA either.
I would say do a TWU card drive, that's the best chance of getting your union back. The AMFA vote would fail again. Leaving you guys stuck with the Association.
You see right there you show that you are more interested what party gets the Whitehouse than what is right for the maintenance safety of the aircraft.

If it was Donald Trump or Paul Ryan who spoke I would have provided the YouTube as well.

Otherwise take your Political crap up to the Water Cooler.

This was about does the Union have Political connections of ANY kind period.
I told you long ago I am done doing the work for other people. I know the representation we have in Washington, it's very obvious driver doesn't have a clue about it.
I do have a clue, anyone can write a letter, show me some results , you can't.
I told you long ago I am done doing the work for other people. I know the representation we have in Washington, it's very obvious driver doesn't have a clue about it.

With representing a whole 3,500 people in the entire US with a population of over 320 Million I’m sure the pressure you can bring to bear is absolutely frightening.
I would say do a TWU card drive, that's the best chance of getting your union back. The AMFA vote would fail again. Leaving you guys stuck with the Association.

Unless the TWU resigns from the AFL/CIO they would not be able to accept the cards.

I was told that the efforts of the TWU is one of the major reasons this bill has been introduced or will be. I said TWU.
As usual the IAM is silent in our Association. This bill sounds great but passengers main concern is cheap fares. You will get a handful of passengers show interest but in the end it's about money.
Airlines want cheap labor and passengers want cheap fares.

Here's the problem I see with this bill........It is citing FOREIGN REPAIR STATION MAINTENANCE..........What if the bill gathers steam and the airlines capitulate? Will the TWU be happy to have the work done by a dozen more HAECOS and TIMCOS as long as it is on US soil?

Or maybe they can organize the TIMCOS and HAECOS or whoever and collect dues from them?
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Here's the problem I see with this bill........It is citing FOREIGN REPAIR STATION MAINTENANCE..........What if the bill gathers steam and the airlines capitulate? Will the TWU be happy to have the work done by a dozen more HAECOS and TIMCOS as long as it is on US soil?

Or maybe they can organize the TIMCOS and HAECOS or whoever and collect dues from them?

Unbelievable!!!!! No one can win with “some” of you guys. It’s always damned if they do, damned if they don’t. If they do nothing at all you *****. If they try to do something you *****.

My suggestion to those guys when they won the office was to just COMPLETELY ignore any and all rock throwers and just do what they know is right thing to do.

Thankfully by doing that they ARE winning people over and I think that’s what’s scaring you.
Unbelievable!!!!! No one can win with “some” of you guys. It’s always damned if they do, damned if they don’t. If they do nothing at all you *****. If they try to do something you *****.

My suggestion to those guys when they won the office was to just COMPLETELY ignore any and all rock throwers and just do what they know is right thing to do.

Thankfully by doing that they ARE winning people over and I think that’s what’s scaring you.
What is your problem WeAAs? ARE they going to win AA mechanics over and brag how they stopped OFFSHORING maintenance but not OUTSOURCING here in the US? It sounds like it is damned if you do, damned if you don't with respect to you.
First the TWU is crying foul about the Brazil hangar as outsourcing? Are they that naive to believe that the company would not outsource more on US soil?
By only complaining about foreign work gives airlines an out. Should we be happy if AA outsourced way more work to 3rd part US vendors?
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What is your problem WeAAs? ARE they going to win AA mechanics over and brag how they stopped OFFSHORING maintenance but not OUTSOURCING here in the US? It sounds like it is damned if you do, damned if you don't with respect to you.
First the TWU is crying foul about the Brazil hangar as outsourcing? Are they that naive to believe that the company would not outsource more on US soil?
By only complaining about foreign work gives airlines an out. Should we be happy if AA outsourced way more work to 3rd part US vendors?

The way I read it you want the World on a string? You can’t fight everything all in one shot so you take one fight at a time. The first fight is HOT in the Public mind right now. American work leaving America. So that’s what all the AMT Unions AMFA, IAM, IBT and TWU should be laser focused on. AND they should be working together on it.
At least they the TWU actually has people in Washington that will listen to them.
Twu and communications have never seemed to go hand and hand. They do not listen to there members we have a lineman as are Intl president that we did not get to vote on it. The twu is a bus driver union not an airline mechanics union. That’s why most aa mechanics wants a change either amfa are our own independent union. Ran by
I would say do a TWU card drive, that's the best chance of getting your union back. The AMFA vote would fail again. Leaving you guys stuck with the Association.
most amt do not want the twu they never work for us only the other work groups. If a card drive independent are amfa it is the only way us amts are going to get a union for our interest