Aircraft maint issues

Heard a RUMOR, that teamsters will start organizing in August. Curious to see if we have a contract before IBT vote or even if the IBT will get support after stabbing us in the back.
Heard a RUMOR, that teamsters will start organizing in August. Curious to see if we have a contract before IBT vote or even if the IBT will get support after stabbing us in the back.
I heard the NEA will start a drive soon. Why the NEA? It is obvious we as aircraft maintenance personel need an education on wising up to the scams of the Association and the AFL-CIO.
It would be nice to change unions. I've been signing AMFA cards since the early 90's. But we have too many sheep and with the IAM scaring the uninformed with pension scare tactics. It makes me believe that we probably won't be able to change representation. But one can only hope for a miracle to happen.

And I really do hope I get to see that miracle in my career before I retire...
Heard a RUMOR, that teamsters will start organizing in August. Curious to see if we have a contract before IBT vote or even if the IBT will get support after stabbing us in the back.
Whatever you guys do, DO NOT go with the teamsters. Go with a class and craft union for the mechanics. The only group the teamsters care about are the truckers period. If not AMFA, then please go with an in house union or that AMP that you guys were firing up a while back. The teamsters are the exact same as the TWU and the IAM. Except with the teamsters you get all the crooked illegal activities that cost the members in a rather very large members dues. Teamsters are well known for doing behind closed door deals like the TWU/IAM has done in the past. Good luck in you quest for a new union, and go with a mechanics union or just keep what you currently got.
Whatever you guys do, DO NOT go with the teamsters. Go with a class and craft union for the mechanics. The only group the teamsters care about are the truckers period. If not AMFA, then please go with an in house union or that AMP that you guys were firing up a while back. The teamsters are the exact same as the TWU and the IAM. Except with the teamsters you get all the crooked illegal activities that cost the members in a rather very large members dues. Teamsters are well known for doing behind closed door deals like the TWU/IAM has done in the past. Good luck in you quest for a new union, and go with a mechanics union or just keep what you currently got.
Sorry Swampy Teamsters would be better than their association, because it is one union. They can go with whoever will get them out of their association, regardless who it is, better than what they have now!
Sorry Swampy Teamsters would be better than their association, because it is one union. They can go with whoever will get them out of their association, regardless who it is, better than what they have now!
You know we need to wise up after the last drive that nailed the coffin for the association to represent us. If the teamsters were to do a drive they would collect cards from the dumb asses and then file short of the required percentage. Then the NMB will lock us out for another two years. Is this what we really want? We loose that option and then we kick ourselves in the butt for being so stupid for being duped a second time. Does anyone really know what will transpire in negotiations after our contract becomes amendable? If the teamsters file and loose we all loose. We have no means of getting out of the association for two more years. The association and company know this. Then your really going to be crying like a baby. Did you guys forget what happened at UAL? Teamsters represented both sides and it took them almost 5 years to get a JCBA that barely passed by a small majority. We are not even at the amendable date. You guys willing to go the distance under the teamsters? We can't be all that stupid to see through any drive attempt the teamsters will put together.
All this discussion about salaries and "Leapfrogging" is like a foreign language to those of us at American and the TWU.
You know we need to wise up after the last drive that nailed the coffin for the association to represent us. If the teamsters were to do a drive they would collect cards from the dumb asses and then file short of the required percentage. Then the NMB will lock us out for another two years. Is this what we really want? We loose that option and then we kick ourselves in the butt for being so stupid for being duped a second time. Does anyone really know what will transpire in negotiations after our contract becomes amendable? If the teamsters file and loose we all loose. We have no means of getting out of the association for two more years. The association and company know this. Then your really going to be crying like a baby. Did you guys forget what happened at UAL? Teamsters represented both sides and it took them almost 5 years to get a JCBA that barely passed by a small majority. We are not even at the amendable date. You guys willing to go the distance under the teamsters? We can't be all that stupid to see through any drive attempt the teamsters will put together.
I wasn't telling you to go with them. I was saying it was better than what you have. If whatever you can get the right number of cards with. If you guys can wait till you get a contract, then kick your association out. Whoever you go with you have to have the numbers. If you don't then you are just spinning your wheels.
Heard a RUMOR, that teamsters will start organizing in August. Curious to see if we have a contract before IBT vote or even if the IBT will get support after stabbing us in the back.
So another industrial union with a broke pension? The same one that helped the TWU remain on the property? Anyone who signs a Teamsters card needs to be kicked in the pills.
So another industrial union with a broke pension? The same one that helped the TWU remain on the property? Anyone who signs a Teamsters card needs to be kicked in the pills.

It's still IAM Red shirt day around here. Not Association Red shirt day. Not TWU Red shirt day, but IAM Red shirt day.

I do not know one person sympathetic to your plight. I do not know one person who even knows or cares.

I said a long time ago, if we as a group, are going to change, the change will come from your side when you've had enough. Your group is the majority.

What you are experiencing now is my past and your future. Get used to it. Unless you've had enough.
It's still IAM Red shirt day around here. Not Association Red shirt day. Not TWU Red shirt day, but IAM Red shirt day.

I do not know one person sympathetic to your plight. I do not know one person who even knows or cares.

I said a long time ago, if we as a group, are going to change, the change will come from your side when you've had enough. Your group is the majority.

What you are experiencing now is my past and your future. Get used to it. Unless you've had enough.
Most people become apathetic, so if someone throws them a bone like a raise or you guys get a contract. Then it never changes bcause no one really wants to get involved.
Sorry Swampy Teamsters would be better than their association, because it is one union. They can go with whoever will get them out of their association, regardless who it is, better than what they have now!

Actually no union at all would be better than the reamsters. I already had a bad experience under my belt with AMFA. However, I do not blame AMFA for all of the demise we suffered at NWA. The concept of AMFA is a sound one compared to anything offered by industrial unions to AMT's today. Anyone who has seen my posts knows my issue is with how we as A@P's are classified by the NMB as well as the rules of the RLA that have every airline employee by the throat. Either way I would have hoped by now that the AA guys would have seen the light. At least the AA dispatchers were smart enough to toss the twu to the street. How many times do you AA AMT's have to get kicked in the balls to to see the light?
It's still IAM Red shirt day around here. Not Association Red shirt day. Not TWU Red shirt day, but IAM Red shirt day.

I do not know one person sympathetic to your plight. I do not know one person who even knows or cares.

I said a long time ago, if we as a group, are going to change, the change will come from your side when you've had enough. Your group is the majority.

What you are experiencing now is my past and your future. Get used to it. Unless you've had enough.
We have the majority? Not in the association. It's obvious you don't care. You have made it clear before you're a Me Me guy. I had enough a long time ago but we have this cancer called the IAM that begged the NMB for the association. So how are we supposed to change? Suck up to Dougie? No thanks. You can have your broke pension, glorified regional airline and your lousy attitude.