Aircraft maint issues

Who in their right mind would want to live in Oklahoma?

A guy living in Miami who thought he had it so bad at Eastern that he had to walkout. Then realized, HOLY COW !!!! All that union rhetoric isn’t paying my mortgage.

Kind of like the 2010 vote no cheerleaders. Send them back to negotiations , AA has to restore and more!!

We have all lost over $100k in CASH alone. We need less rhetoric and more realistic expectations.

I love listening to the AFW guys complain about pay, but yet they voted against a pay raise that would have given them that raise, we have lost $40k in just line premium alone.

Let’s not forget that offer was 2 years into the financial crisis, but yet the rhetoric was for more more more. Remember our amendable date is in September, we can be working under this current contract for another 5 years, we already work on each other’s metal so it won’t be any problem for AA. The flight crews will be all merged together in October, so AA will have everything it needs in place. We are not as critical as the flight crew, if one station won’t do the work another one will. Look at all the work MIA gets, they have 3 hgr bays, DFW has 20ish. We all have a lot of experience but our work can be moved around or AA will just fly us to where the plane is broken, you all know someone will take that field trip even at 1.5x pay.
A guy living in Miami who thought he had it so bad at Eastern that he had to walkout. Then realized, HOLY COW !!!! All that union rhetoric isn’t paying my mortgage.

Kind of like the 2010 vote no cheerleaders. Send them back to negotiations , AA has to restore and more!!

We have all lost over $100k in CASH alone. We need less rhetoric and more realistic expectations.

I love listening to the AFW guys complain about pay, but yet they voted against a pay raise that would have given them that raise, we have lost $40k in just line premium alone.

Let’s not forget that offer was 2 years into the financial crisis, but yet the rhetoric was for more more more. Remember our amendable date is in September, we can be working under this current contract for another 5 years, we already work on each other’s metal so it won’t be any problem for AA. The flight crews will be all merged together in October, so AA will have everything it needs in place. We are not as critical as the flight crew, if one station won’t do the work another one will. Look at all the work MIA gets, they have 3 hgr bays, DFW has 20ish. We all have a lot of experience but our work can be moved around or AA will just fly us to where the plane is broken, you all know someone will take that field trip even at 1.5x pay.

Let me refresh your memory. AFW never voted yes on concessionary contracts. I was there from the beginning and it was always Tulsa voting us in the bad contracts. Tulsa gave us the srp's. Tulsa gave us the great 1995 six year contract. The Pilots loved us for that. They took all of the money left on the table and laughed all the way to the bank.
Let me refresh your memory. AFW never voted yes on concessionary contracts. I was there from the beginning and it was always Tulsa voting us in the bad contracts. Tulsa gave us the srp's. Tulsa gave us the great 1995 six year contract. The Pilots loved us for that. They took all of the money left on the table and laughed all the way to the bank.

AFW also that voted against pay raises in 2010. Yes some concessions were in it, but aa got their concessions and we got nothing in return. AFW showed who’s boss and how much power they have/had, seeing how AA moved AFW work to MRO operations. Instead of mechanic spending his time in the seat shop or cargo lock shop, those mechs are living in crash pads and fighting all the other commuters trying to get to DFW. But be proud, AFW never voted for a concession.

Rhetoric took over, instead of getting something, we lost everything and got nothing. The think tank members will say we would have lost gains anyway. NO, the MCTs voted their 2010 contract in and did not lose anything other then their pension freeze and retiree medical in bk, same with the pilots and FAs. The think tank will say there is no garentees we wouldn’t have lost anything, ok then we would have had those improvements for 2 years at the least, assuming AA would just attack the TWU and not the other work groups including the non union agents. 8 years later we still have those concessions in place.

I’m sure there are think tank members who have charts and graphs to make whatever point they want, but let me refresh your memory, they have ALWAYS been wrong about the outcome.
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I think we are both on the same page actually. I would take the UAL plus 3% also. Like you I don't think we should sacrifice pay for jobs, hasn't worked in the pass won't in the future. I think the Association is an abortion with guys trained to be AMTs FSCs or stock clerks running an organization that was formed because bus drivers ordered it formed, regardless of what the members want.

Here's the problem, UAL outsources 51% of their maintenance and we outsource 33% of our maintenance. I'm guessing that would equal thousands of mechanics, you and I would be fine, but OH mechs and junior mechs would not be so good. The NC promised industry leading meaning HW VC shift diff, the company means it as the most expensive contract, but yet the NC has to worry about scope, and nobody on that NC wants to negotiate away THOUSANDS of jobs.

We support the company doing as much work as possible "in house". The work gets done faster, and with better quality. The quality of the people doing the work - is better as well. The only people working at these shite bag, third party MROs - are the one who were either inexperienced, or damaged goods. That being said, if AA wants to outsource more (huge mistake) it's gonna happen. Once the maintenance vendors know they have these airlines over the barrel in need of heavy maintenance, cause they cut their capability, the rates for their services (sic) will increase dramatically. It's just business.

Don't know what it's gonna take, they have to find some middle ground on outsourcing. Through attrition if they desire. I really don't think they have the luxury of losing new hires. It's too hard to find quality people that can pass a drug screening or background check.

Get that sorted out, and take up Doug on the UAL deal plus 3 percent.
Well I believe that Doug said he would be willing to sign UAL or DAL contract. That tells me that our contract will be much more.
So if you think Doug is BSing, that would mean our union is not fulfilling their duty to us.
Well I believe that Doug said he would be willing to sign UAL or DAL contract. That tells me that our contract will be much more.
So if you think Doug is BSing, that would mean our union is not fulfilling their duty to us.

Doug says a lot of things, like Delta +7. I don't see him posting some nice charts, graphs or metrics comparisons about the huge difference in maintenance costs for all to scrutinize.
This comprehensive offer is basically on par with the industry so when he says I'll sign DL/UA to me it's just hyperbole.
Let me refresh your memory. AFW never voted yes on concessionary contracts. I was there from the beginning and it was always Tulsa voting us in the bad contracts. Tulsa gave us the srp's. Tulsa gave us the great 1995 six year contract. The Pilots loved us for that. They took all of the money left on the table and laughed all the way to the bank.

The SRPs and the 95 contract was passed by "A" scalers taking a buyout from both Base and Line maintenance.
Sound Familiar?
Doug says a lot of things, like Delta +7. I don't see him posting some nice charts, graphs or metrics comparisons about the huge difference in maintenance costs for all to scrutinize.
This comprehensive offer is basically on par with the industry so when he says I'll sign DL/UA to me it's just hyperbole.

I agree with you, our union should except Doug’s offer of either DAL or UAL contract, with a 3% over in pay, and see if Doug actually signs it.

Unless there’s something like scope in their contract that our NC knows would be devistating to the AA mechanic head count. But I guess it’s easier to say the company is screwing us.

Let’s look at the troubleshooting chart,
Doug paid the pilots, even gave them a raise when Delta got a raise.
Doug paid the FAs, even gave them $81 million when he didn’t have to after they voted down agreement and sent their agreement to arbitration. FAs lost every arbitrated item.
Then gave them another raise because UAL FAs were taking so long to negotiate a contract.

Doug paid the gate agents who never had a contract.

Doug gave all the non union people raises.

Now when it comes to the TWU, now all of sudden Doug is hyperbolic?

I’ll tell you what OPINION is. Our NC wants the best contract ever conceived, they have talked up a great contract, AA is making billions, BUT that best contract comes with a stipulation, a more generous scope clause, which would mean not as many TWU heads in the future. I don’t think our NC committee can stomach that, or fear the membership if that happens.

My conspiracy view is the association doesn’t want to lose heads at all, and wants more union jobs to keep the dues coming in, and is willing to except less pay, but our NC knows they will be voted out of office for bringing us the 1995 contract again. Tough position our NC is in, seeing how AA has a final dollar amount and that’s it.

We pay twice the union dues as the FAs and they are preparing for their next contract negotiations.
Doug says a lot of things, like Delta +7. I don't see him posting some nice charts, graphs or metrics comparisons about the huge difference in maintenance costs for all to scrutinize.
This comprehensive offer is basically on par with the industry so when he says I'll sign DL/UA to me it's just hyperbole.

UAL outsources 51%
DAL outsources 46%
AA outsources 33%

The days of an AMT going into the seat shop for early retirement making $48 an hour are over. Just changed a 777 tire with 68 year old mech.
UAL outsources 51%
DAL outsources 46%
AA outsources 33%

The days of an AMT going into the seat shop for early retirement making $48 an hour are over. Just changed a 777 tire with 68 year old mech.
But GP wants to reverse the outsourcing trend. Admirable of his position but will prove futile.
UAL outsources 51%
DAL outsources 46%
AA outsources 33%

The days of an AMT going into the seat shop for early retirement making $48 an hour are over. Just changed a 777 tire with 68 year old mech.

As I was leaving work the other morning, I watched a coworker walking a 30+ year guy thru on how to change a tire. Over 30 years as a "mechanic" at AA and the guy had never touched an airplane and he is not the only one! Unbelievable.
As I was leaving work the other morning, I watched a coworker walking a 30+ year guy thru on how to change a tire. Over 30 years as a "mechanic" at AA and the guy had never touched an airplane and he is not the only one! Unbelievable.
But he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express and may have cheaper insurance thanks to the
Let me refresh your memory. AFW never voted yes on concessionary contracts. I was there from the beginning and it was always Tulsa voting us in the bad contracts. Tulsa gave us the srp's. Tulsa gave us the great 1995 six-year contract. The Pilots loved us for that. They took all of the money left on the table and laughed all the way to the bank.
Tulsa gave you more than the SRP's and the massive hiring began in 1983 with the "B-Scale and more.