This kind of talk is not indicative of you, you usually don't sound like such an A-hole.
GP has said numerous times that a buyout will not be part of the contract. Hopefully our new contract will let you bump using your seniority if AA closes PIT, and you can go anywhere. If the contract is the TWU way, first the junior guys will get the better stations then by the time the senior guys get laid off, the only stations open will be LGA or ORD. Nobody knows for sure how it's going to be.
Not trying to be an A-hole. I wasn't trying to threaten or push seniority around. Plus I have never voted Yes for any contract at LUS yet, because all through my career, every contract has been concessionary.
Plus here at USAirways, we have NEVER had a buy out offered. The most they ever did, during any RIF, and it still bought yes votes, was offer 15 weeks severance and a whopping $10 bucks per hour for any unused sick time. In my eyes, a $100,000 buy out for someone ready to retire or unwilling to commute, would be a gift a LUS person has not ever seen.
That's how they got the Utility to vote yes to eliminate their own job. They told them, "we're going to lay you off, so you might as well vote yes to get your severance, because if you vote no, we'll lay you off anyways and you get nothing." They used the same methodology to stick us with the IAM pension.
It wouldn't buy my vote, but it sure might get me to leave. I'm not going to commute. I commuted in the beginning of my career, I won't do it again.
USAirways has become a company of concession loving, apathetic yes voters that are afraid to stand and fight, so around here, a buy out would be a good thing because we vote yes anyways and we never had one.