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Watch what you say, because in this case a nice healthy buyout is good thing.

Here in PIT, we are the senior of the senior, and most of us are in the top 10% of the combined list.

In my case, I started young at Allegheny, and I am not near retirement age yet. So if there is a buyout, I will not commute. I'll take the buyout, the pension and work in the fracking industry or something.

If there's no buyout, then I'm coming for you or anybody junior to me. And I want your shift, your days off, your shop, and your locker.

In some cases, with lots of senior people hanging out, buyouts are a good thing.
The ONLY reason for a buyout is to BUY YES VOTES. This has been done many times. The scare tactic has been played over and over again by the union and the company and less benificial labor agreements for the WORKERS have ALWAYS been the result. If you want to retire, then retire. If you want to work, you are more than welcome to come to my station or base. If the company wants to get rid of you early, they should give you a package before any agreement is voted on. I'm sick and tired of being sold out for a hand full of silver. You are not doing me or anyone any favor by helping the company pass a POS contract.
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The ONLY reason for a buyout is to BUY YES VOTES. This has been done many times. The scare tactic has been played over and over again by the union and the company and less benificial labor agreements for the WORKERS have ALWAYS been the result. If you want to retire, then retire. If you want to work, you are more than welcome to come to my station or base. If the company wants to get rid of you early, they should give you a package before any agreement is voted on. I'm sick and tired of being sold out for a hand full of silver. You are not doing me or anyone any favor by helping the company pass a POS contract.
Unfortunately that's just the way the industry is, and always will be.
Noob here, just want to reach TOS before we get a contract. Have had pay red-circled once already, not interested in 5+ years without a raise. You senior of the seniors can have my locker, I'll be gone.
Unfortunately that's just the way the industry is, and always will be.
No it isn't. It's the union making it that way by agreeing with the company to have the buy-out vote with the contract vote. The union should be demanding seperate votes. If they do that to us it will not go over well for the union, this I can promise you.
No it isn't. It's the union making it that way by agreeing with the company to have the buy-out vote with the contract vote. The union should be demanding seperate votes. If they do that to us it will not go over well for the union, this I can promise you.
If my memory rember right after the agents passed there contract the company then offered a buyout. But knowing the twu they will put in contact to get it to pass like they always do. I hope they don’t it should be after the contract passes
Watch what you say, because in this case a nice healthy buyout is good thing.

Here in PIT, we are the senior of the senior, and most of us are in the top 10% of the combined list.

In my case, I started young at Allegheny, and I am not near retirement age yet. So if there is a buyout, I will not commute. I'll take the buyout, the pension and work in the fracking industry or something.

If there's no buyout, then I'm coming for you or anybody junior to me. And I want your shift, your days off, your shop, and your locker.

In some cases, with lots of senior people hanging out, buyouts are a good thing.

This kind of talk is not indicative of you, you usually don't sound like such an A-hole.

GP has said numerous times that a buyout will not be part of the contract. Hopefully our new contract will let you bump using your seniority if AA closes PIT, and you can go anywhere. If the contract is the TWU way, first the junior guys will get the better stations then by the time the senior guys get laid off, the only stations open will be LGA or ORD. Nobody knows for sure how it's going to be.
If my memory rember right after the agents passed there contract the company then offered a buyout. But knowing the twu they will put in contact to get it to pass like they always do. I hope they don’t it should be after the contract passes

If an early out package is offered, it would be best for the membership for it to be offered and COMPLETED before a contract vote. If a retirement package is offered before a vote as a condition of the agreement passage but not completed until after a vote, it is still out there for potential retirees that have only one single issue concerning them. That issue being, “How much is the company giving me to sell out my brothers and sisters?”. The only people that need to vote on a contract and consider all of its details are the members that are going to stick around and live with it.

I really don't think the company will offer an early out package. There are enough older workers that are going to retire anyway. If the company wants to reduce headcount, they have time on their side and will rely on attrition. Offering an early out package would be a waste of money unless of course they use it to try and pass a labor agreement that is more favorable for the company and less beneficial to the workers that remain.
Watch what you say, because in this case a nice healthy buyout is good thing.

Here in PIT, we are the senior of the senior, and most of us are in the top 10% of the combined list.

In my case, I started young at Allegheny, and I am not near retirement age yet. So if there is a buyout, I will not commute. I'll take the buyout, the pension and work in the fracking industry or something.

If there's no buyout, then I'm coming for you or anybody junior to me. And I want your shift, your days off, your shop, and your locker.

In some cases, with lots of senior people hanging out, buyouts are a good thing.


Here at LAA, we have heard that very talk from Tulsa for years. The company stirs it up and gets the line and overhaul fighting each other. Congratulation you have become a company lackey. No one needs to hear your threats to another union member. If you want to show what a horses backside you are, go somewhere else so your fellow union brother does not have to hear how you are going to take his or her job.

Here at LAA, we have heard that very talk from Tulsa for years. The company stirs it up and gets the line and overhaul fighting each other. Congratulation you have become a company lackey. No one needs to hear your threats to another union member. If you want to show what a horses backside you are, go somewhere else so your fellow union brother does not have to hear how you are going to take his or her job.
You can be as hardcore as you want, but if the price is right (medical coverage or bridge) for example, even the hardest hard core unionist can be bought. We all have a family we want to get to before we die, you give me something that I can leave this company after 35 plus years and enjoy my remaining years with my family, I'm gone. I have paid plenty of dues and the price for both my time here and those who remain. It is their collective battle now and when the next contract comes around, then it's your decision time. I'm fairly positive the next contract I vote on will not be a "lifetime" contract. But yes, in a perfect world, have the folks who want to leave gone before a vote occurs. Again, it's gotta be the right price.

Here at LAA, we have heard that very talk from Tulsa for years. The company stirs it up and gets the line and overhaul fighting each other. Congratulation you have become a company lackey. No one needs to hear your threats to another union member. If you want to show what a horses backside you are, go somewhere else so your fellow union brother does not have to hear how you are going to take his or her job.
I don't think he was being confrontational or harsh, he was just just telling you how it is. Would you rather have his honest assessment or a sugar coated half truth?
This kind of talk is not indicative of you, you usually don't sound like such an A-hole.

GP has said numerous times that a buyout will not be part of the contract. Hopefully our new contract will let you bump using your seniority if AA closes PIT, and you can go anywhere. If the contract is the TWU way, first the junior guys will get the better stations then by the time the senior guys get laid off, the only stations open will be LGA or ORD. Nobody knows for sure how it's going to be.

And how many times so far has GP been wrong? Get a clue and inquire, investigate and get informed.
I want to keep my IAM pension fund and want TWU to keep their 401k match. We should not negotiate to have either one removed. Let us all send a message to the company and unions that this is nonnegotiable!!!!
If an early out package is offered, it would be best for the membership for it to be offered and COMPLETED before a contract vote. If a retirement package is offered before a vote as a condition of the agreement passage but not completed until after a vote, it is still out there for potential retirees that have only one single issue concerning them. That issue being, “How much is the company giving me to sell out my brothers and sisters?”. The only people that need to vote on a contract and consider all of its details are the members that are going to stick around and live with it.

I really don't think the company will offer an early out package. There are enough older workers that are going to retire anyway. If the company wants to reduce headcount, they have time on their side and will rely on attrition. Offering an early out package would be a waste of money unless of course they use it to try and pass a labor agreement that is more favorable for the company and less beneficial to the workers that remain.
As long as the ones wanting the package do not get to vote then that’s fine .
I want to keep my IAM pension fund and want TWU to keep their 401k match. We should not negotiate to have either one removed. Let us all send a message to the company and unions that this is nonnegotiable!!!!

Just so I know, what does the IAM Pension Fund cost per p[ay period?
If my memory rember right after the agents passed there contract the company then offered a buyout. But knowing the twu they will put in contact to get it to pass like they always do. I hope they don’t it should be after the contract passes
Yes. I remember it happening that way with the agents. The same should happen with you mechanics. Vote for or against the new contract, then announce the buy-out. Which BTW, there should NEVER be a vote on a buy-out anyway. The company should offer one and if the employees decide to take it then great if not then great, no vote for a buy-out should even be conducted period. And never ever should vote for a buy-out be tied to a contract vote, whenever you see this, this is the unions working with the company to get a YES vote for the contract. It just doesn't make sense. Why would anyone entertaining a buy-out to leave the company give a shite about what will be in the contract that he or she will not even be there to go by. It's also stupid to have all the guys that are staying for many more years with the company to vote on something that does not pertain to them. It is simply a ploy to buy the vote and that is all when puting the votes together. You guys should be asking why there is a vote on a buy-out to begin with? It just does not make sense.

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