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Aircraft maint issues

So the dismissal of the 1114 process does not obligate the company to distribute the pre-fund match. Is it still in our accounts as revealed from the statements previously and mistakenly sent?

As the Bloch decision states, the trigger for the March wasn't met.

The Trust agreement protects the money as it is only to be used to the exclusive benefit of those still using the Retiree Medical.
I did give up. I got tired of standing in the front fighting. Then looking behind me and not seeing anyone there.

I ain't going to quit. If I have to stand alone I'll do it. As a matter of fact I have. We aren't done till we're dead.
Just make sure you stand behind him. For some reason it is really important that he sees someone standing behind him when he turns around.
I did give up. I got tired of standing in the front fighting. Then looking behind me and not seeing anyone there.
What you said is indicative of your personality. You see yourself as a leader but you are not. You are also self important and arrogant (i.e. delusions of grandeur) with a bit of megalomania to go with it.

If you stand alone there is probably a reason for that.

How can you expect someone to stand by you when they just flat out can't stand you?
Scope has not been agreed to. The unions proposal was passed to the company. The company has been complaining that the proposal is more restrictive than UAL. I would be surprised if the company had a counter proposal at the next negotiation session.
Well considering United is allowed to outsource 50% or more of their maintenance, including basically all the engines, back shop work and widebody work.....
I hope it is a **** ton more restrictive than United.

Funny thing about all this, and I hope your union is smart enough to point it out, the new tax bill is going to make it even harder for China and Mexico to compete with US labor. The US airlines re running out of reasons to outsource other than the fact they just don't want to deal with employees when a vendor can do it.
that the best you got. Man you don't even make it fun. I guess I am about to get kicked off of this BB for the 3rd time in less than 30 days. Its funny that I have NEVER attacked anyone until I was attacked 1st. Hey buy the way. Where is your boy GP. Oh I forgot he got what he wanted and sold all you TrumpTards out.
Once again there is NO Such thing as Negotiations. Its all bull and no matter what comes out it will pass because the vote processed is rigged. Wake up people.
There is one way to engage this score card, between these two administrators, and I didn't vote for Trump, because he scared me at first. How many companies moved jobs out of the United States under Obama's watch, how many companies paid bonuses to their employees. One year Under Trump what a difference. I say the results speak for themselves.
If you were a true Union officer or a Steward like I was, when SWA had the Teamsters, you would present yourself as a professional, instead of acting ghetto, sorry dude you are a phony stop why you are ahead.
As the Bloch decision states, the trigger for the March wasn't met.

The Trust agreement protects the money as it is only to be used to the exclusive benefit of those still using the Retiree Medical.
Did you really expect something else?
After speaking personally to my informant. I stand by the rumor.
People on here do not know how the IAM and TWU negotiate.
There is the dog and pony show that Peterson and the rest of the committee participate and then the real behind closed door negotiations. Which Peterson may now be part of it since joining the International staff. These are all off the record meetings where they come to agree on certain issues. Then they slowly bring the rest of the negotiation team on board.
Company gets the scope they want by offering big bucks to those leaving.
Swampy nope, I would say, you are spot on in your analysis, even though we disagree sometimes.
Well, I didn't think so but he did post his "topic" phrase right below mine. No big deal I think I know who he was addressing.

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