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Aircraft maint issues

False rumor no there is no agreement on scope.
We will be last to here it when agreed upon, look at it from company side, Cks going out on time, on time Departures at all time highs at most stations, why would you be in a hurry to give us anything but scraps, so expect that.....
Why is it so had for people to hear the truth. The company want a relax scope. They will never give in to us because unlike the pilots. WE have no BALLS. Picking does nothing. Crying on this sorry BB does nothing. There for you get nothing. Wake up. The international will make this contract pass and all of you will say u voted no. I will say I told you so as you get walked out the door. Don’t blame anyone else for you not having balls.
As far as having no balls speak for yourself. Looks like you already gave up.
I was reading last night of the company has to discuss my $1000 with the unions first. That is BS!!!! The union can go pound sand for all I care! I also keep reading about the pension. Give me a matched 401k! I believe the pension fund is to help more of the top union officials not the members!!!!

Go to management if you dont want to be under a collective bargaining agreement, thats why it must be agreed to.
If you guys had not voted for the Merger of the two AFL-CIO unions, there would probably be some seniority positions.

How many Union officers are there at the TWU and IAM? or the Association that duplicates positions?
If rumor is just a rumor. I will have to scratch another inside informant from the list, to bad he has always been dead on.
False rumor no there is no agreement on scope.

Kinda what I thought. I really don't think the union would just "agree" to scope changes with the company and probably even vise-versa. I do know that one of the negotiators have stated they want to bring "in" new cities for maint, and protect all current maint stations and even grow them where possible. The company is not just going to agree to all the union wants either. we are going into our 6th year over scope issues, I really don't see an "agreement" in just one week for you guys. Besides, if the union was to simply "agree" to the company asks your gonna see an uproar with the mechanics.

I need to make a correction, the company started nego after the first 4 years so the last 1.5 is when our company really started to get serious in nego's in order to have a 5 year pay freeze. So a better picture would be around 2 years spent on scope not 6.
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Found out last night the the IAM is coming to talk about the pension. I truly believe that we will lose the pension because the TWU can out vote us and they don’t want to join the pension fund. I’m ok with that just give me my money and I’ll put it in my 401k.
Then there is this kick in the groin
So the dismissal of the 1114 process does not obligate the company to distribute the pre-fund match. Is it still in our accounts as revealed from the statements previously and mistakenly sent?
What about the cut for the Association, both unions ( they probably did already ) and the AFL-CIO?

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