No. Two very different, according to the company. Co. says the Brazile is simply putting a roof over the regular maint. already done on the lines in Brazile. But I would be following up on this very strongly to hold them to it. Have they done this anywhere else in the past, JUST to put a roof over regular maint already being done? I don't think so. Something really smells fishy here about Brazile.
Buck, are you guys hearing some buzz about Aeroman? I do know that Aeroman must get those 4 lines filled rather quickly as they built so many hangars in such a short time span in order to pay for them. i also just thought Aeroman would approach AA to further expand their current maint. with them since they were bought by AA. Trust me, you guys will have to do a lot of rework once those planes are delivered back to your co. in the states. This was one of the big reasons SWA pulled out of there. They are not happy with the results. They could not deliver on what they promised aircraft after aircraft and was given plenty of time to clean it up but failed.