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Aircraft maint issues

No. Two very different, according to the company. Co. says the Brazile is simply putting a roof over the regular maint. already done on the lines in Brazile. But I would be following up on this very strongly to hold them to it. Have they done this anywhere else in the past, JUST to put a roof over regular maint already being done? I don't think so. Something really smells fishy here about Brazile.
Buck, are you guys hearing some buzz about Aeroman? I do know that Aeroman must get those 4 lines filled rather quickly as they built so many hangars in such a short time span in order to pay for them. i also just thought Aeroman would approach AA to further expand their current maint. with them since they were bought by AA. Trust me, you guys will have to do a lot of rework once those planes are delivered back to your co. in the states. This was one of the big reasons SWA pulled out of there. They are not happy with the results. They could not deliver on what they promised aircraft after aircraft and was given plenty of time to clean it up but failed.

I realize they are two different entities and I am not hearing anything concerning Aeroman. At Tulsa, there has not been a lot of farming out of complete overhauls, but piece parts and some of those are performed by unlicensed mechanics or licensed but not compensated for them in-house. One of the most detrimental issues in the maintenance program the company uses is through their "Lean Manufacturing" process. While Lean Manufacturing has its merits, in my opinion, you cannot use this process to repair the final product. The repair is as it has always been i.e. based on the manufacturer's program, however, the Lean program has to stop before entering the repair of the aircraft. There lies the problem that can create a process in-house to take too long. I am surprised how well it works, but it could work better. When the two clash, confusion ensues and the easy way out becomes outsourcing.
While the company or LAA wants a contract that grants them more control over their maintenance, looking at the process flaws internally should be the first step. If you farm out you do lose the control you have enjoyed.

Q: When an aircraft gets outsourced, are the non-routine maintenance items bid or so many come in the package?
If its SAT its probably ST Aero. They do some of our (Delta) 757 work.

Its garbage water.

LUS had a long list of vendors. They also sent a good bit of work down to BFM.

We have been sending some of the Airbus aircraft down for mods. That will be ending soon. Haven't heard if they will get any of the heavy work though. I'm sure if they are willing to offer American the best deal, that's who will get some of American's work.

They might be telling you that, but its probably bull crap. They pulled the work because they found a vendor who will do it cheaper. When that contract ends they will probably change vendors again. All the airlines do it. Areoman will be doing work from someone else then in a few years that work will move and another airline(s) will step in. round and round we go.
Not arguing, but, no vendor in history has offered cheaper rates than Aeroman. That is fact. And Aeroman beat the US prices by a lot not just a little. Matter fact I remember the number 10 million in savings at one time from the company going with Aeroman. Forget the time period that was over, but I think it was a couple years. To this date no one has underbidded Aeroman on their hourly rate they charge. Even with paying crew to deliver, test flight, and fly in to pick up to deliver back to Dallas as well as all the fuel was a substantial savings over the FBO's in the US.
Jetnet comment winner of the week.....

Twas the week after Christmas and all through the palace,

the grinches were counting their money in Dallas.

Their stockings were hung in the boardroom with care,

knowing their bonus checks soon would be there !!

The pilots and flight attendants slept snug in their beds,

while mid-contract adjustments danced in their heads.

The shareholders are partying and dancing with glee,

dreaming of what the stock prices will be !!

While down at the hangar and out on the ramp,

the mechs and rampies work in the cold dark and damp.

As their bankruptcy contract smothers the dream,

that they would ever be thought of as part of "the team".

Another year gone more promises broken,

from Parker and Isom more hollow words spoken.

From the Company the IAM and the TWU,

don't expect a new contract for me or for you !!
Jetnet comment winner of the week.....

Twas the week after Christmas and all through the palace,

the grinches were counting their money in Dallas.

Their stockings were hung in the boardroom with care,

knowing their bonus checks soon would be there !!

The pilots and flight attendants slept snug in their beds,

while mid-contract adjustments danced in their heads.

The shareholders are partying and dancing with glee,

dreaming of what the stock prices will be !!

While down at the hangar and out on the ramp,

the mechs and rampies work in the cold dark and damp.

As their bankruptcy contract smothers the dream,

that they would ever be thought of as part of "the team".

Another year gone more promises broken,

from Parker and Isom more hollow words spoken.

From the Company the IAM and the TWU,

don't expect a new contract for me or for you !!

That was great!!!
Jetnet comment winner of the week.....

Twas the week after Christmas and all through the palace,

the grinches were counting their money in Dallas.

Their stockings were hung in the boardroom with care,

knowing their bonus checks soon would be there !!

The pilots and flight attendants slept snug in their beds,

while mid-contract adjustments danced in their heads.

The shareholders are partying and dancing with glee,

dreaming of what the stock prices will be !!

While down at the hangar and out on the ramp,

the mechs and rampies work in the cold dark and damp.

As their bankruptcy contract smothers the dream,

that they would ever be thought of as part of "the team".

Another year gone more promises broken,

from Parker and Isom more hollow words spoken.

From the Company the IAM and the TWU,

don't expect a new contract for me or for you !!
The problem is there no I in team as I Doug Parker will not give the mechanics a industry leading contract. I Doug Parker will do a stock buy back. And I Doug Parker will laugh all the way to the bank. As I Doug Parker will not take care of the LAA mechanics as I have the flight crews and let them have no parity with LUS
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Does anybody know for sure how layoffs will go in new contract? Either you go to base where your seniority will carry.


The rules change everytime depending on how it effects the union officials.

Just listening to union guy talking about how he doesn’t want transfers to happen as to not effect his OT.

Union strong.
Does anybody know for sure how layoffs will go in new contract? Either you go to base where your seniority will carry.


The rules change everytime depending on how it effects the union officials.

Just listening to union guy talking about how he doesn’t want transfers to happen as to not effect his OT.

Union strong.

Our NC knows but won't say anything. I hope it goes to straight up seniority. Our current system sucks imho.
Our NC knows but won't say anything. I hope it goes to straight up seniority. Our current system sucks imho.
It seems there is a TWU article, maybe in the TWU Constitution?, that protects Union Officers. Anyone else heard of this?
Does anybody know for sure how layoffs will go in new contract? Either you go to base where your seniority will carry.


The rules change everytime depending on how it effects the union officials.

Just listening to union guy talking about how he doesn’t want transfers to happen as to not effect his OT.

Union strong.
Look for the local Union President spot on the seniority list, wherever he is, everyone below him, is a goner!
There has to be some kind of language that does cover the officers for some reason. I do not know the details but there were some huge shanigans played out with officers and union folks in DFW, HFW?, and AFW that were able to somehow slip in where they wanted instead of going by the contract seniority when getting bumped during rifs, I think all the guys referred to it as the "juniority" system at work...
It seems there is a TWU article, maybe in the TWU Constitution?, that protects Union Officers. Anyone else heard of this?
There must be, just ask our ex-president local 514 president before Dale about how he got to stay in TUL while others had to leave.
There must be, just ask our ex-president local 514 president before Dale about how he got to stay in TUL while others had to leave.

I knew it happened I could not recall the story. His name is Sam, his Title group was Fleet Service and at that Fleet Service had been removed from Tulsa. When he was no longer president of TWU 514 he mysteriously transferred to Facility Maintenance.

I was referring to the language of a reduction in force. Where Juniority stayed and Seniority would be bumped?
Hopefully the $1000 dollars doesn’t go through the union, they might have to hold onto it.

Or the retirees might want to take part of ours

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