Here are the statisitics:
Some higlights: 2003 Average Unemployment rate of 6.0%
1994: 6.1%
1993: 6.9%
1992: 7.5%
1991: 6.8%
All years were above 6.0% from 1975 to 1987, expect for 1979, when the rate was 5.8%.
You can try and spin the numbers anyway you want, but historically, they are not bad.
Some higlights: 2003 Average Unemployment rate of 6.0%
1994: 6.1%
1993: 6.9%
1992: 7.5%
1991: 6.8%
All years were above 6.0% from 1975 to 1987, expect for 1979, when the rate was 5.8%.
You can try and spin the numbers anyway you want, but historically, they are not bad.