But that's not the subject of the thread either, Dignity . Focus please.
The subject isn't alterations. It is: "AFA upset that plus sizes can't wear red dress"
They filed the grievance indicating discrimination..not the fit of the particular style.
The discussion is whether the grievance is with merit. Whether AFA should be upset that plus sizes cannot order/wear the red dress in the manner in which it was designed/made. Not an altered version.
INMHO, the grievance only has merit if there is a NW f/a who can fit into her jumpseat with the lapbelt/harness provided (w/out use of an extension.) and yet the red dress still doesn't come in her size. Then...yes, they will either have to offer it in larger sizes or do away with it I suppose.
I actually agree with you. I do believe the end result is that they will discontinue the
red dress if Delta looses the grievence.
Also Kev, You stated several times that Delta "Leaked" this information.. If they did so what?
What is wrong with full disclosure? I can only imagine if tables were turned, what the
reaction would be. As I see it on this board. The Union supporters, defend, no matter what
they do. On the other hand, I support Delta but also speak up when they are doing something
that I don't think is fair. Fair play.
I simply can't understand why the AFA chose now to fight this. Why not wait until after the
vote? This is only going to divide. Maybe Delta saw this and chose to release the information.
If so, remember , there would be nothing to release if AFA didn't bring this subject up at this time.
Now that Delta has a taste of the AFA's pettiness, look for them to further find examples of
just how unfocused and petty they are. Who can blame them. The AFA does a good job pointing at Delta's faults right?