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AFA upset that + sizes can't wear red dress..

FAT TOMATOES coming down the aisle? D I E T !!! say it slowly
D I E T ...

tomatoes, going on a diet or seat belt extensions?

I thought this was a discussion regarding a dress?


if she wants to wear a plus sized red dress, absolutely let her.. and special order it

I really dont have an issue with it at all...however,

I do not think it should have been brought to nation wide media attention to begin with.. but since it has been established basically world wide at this point, topics are being created and discussed throughout the country.

I will share my opinion on the subject.

my firm belief on the topic is simply,

Leave the Red Dress alone..


the wrap Red Dress is not going to fit properly once it has been altered and the Navy Shirt Dress should be offered in Red.. IMO.
when the shipments months ago arrived to individuals.. included with the uniforms were packing receipts, return forms and a Style Guide.

The Style Guide is a brochure that is basically a very detailed booklet.. that has an overview of every single piece, explains how to wash, dry or iron.. there is section regarding wearing standards, proper alterations and instructions and

oh yeah...

the sizes available for each piece. The highly professional models are all wearing the pre-merger DAL wings. It is a wonderful booklet full of helpful information and other necessary care instructions.

(I checked to see if there was a Maternity Dress, too... there is..)

turning to the section that states sizing for the dresses.. what I have referred to as the Red Wrap Dress or what they technically call the Red Shirt Dress states plainly 0-18 Missy... or 0-18 Missy and 16W-28W Women's for all the other dresses.

the 28W size was already established by....DL. (not that NW Flight Attendants are necessarily asking for that size)

so basically, I would be under the impression, the union is asking the Red Dress to parallel all the sizes that have already ...been established.

if some want to know why there is a size 28W..


do I personally believe there are size 28W Flight Attendants? No.

however if they alter the current dress to accommodate that size and all sizes beyond 18, the concern is simply they are going to effect the entire design of that particular dress to do so, which..more than likely is totally unnecessary including the expense..that is why I feel they just need to completely leave it alone.

what they may have going forward is either an altered dress.. that is not the same (at all) or they will unnecessarily discontinue the dress altogether and that may be totally unjustified because that size may not even be present on anyone.


focus on the important issues as a priority (that are currently not being addressed at all.)


simply wait to resolve all outstanding issues after an SOC...(since that was apparently why everything is being put on hold).
...no answer to Luke's or my question...Any other
NW f/a on here who can?

Also, I find it funny that they can cry about the size of
a red dress, but can't sit and discuss seniority? Never mind
organize a vote. Yeah, I have confidence in the AFA.....
One can only wonder what else they will nit pick.
This is their vote to loose. Even die hard AFA supporters on
the DL side are scratching their heads on this one.
It's a shame how easily you all have been duped into discussing this topic over and over. Upper management must be laughing their a---s off. A distraction/diversion is a tactic straight out of the union busting 101 playbook, and you all are doing the heavy lifting for them...

Nothing like internecine warfare to throw off a campaign's momentum. Good job, everyone.
It's a shame how easily you all have been duped into discussing this topic over and over. Upper management must be laughing their a---s off. A distraction/diversion is a tactic straight out of the union busting 101 playbook, and you all are doing the heavy lifting for them...

Nothing like internecine warfare to throw off a campaign's momentum. Good job, everyone.
Yes they did have some momentum, but they are ruining it themselves
with this grievence. Many are asking what could be next...
So your playing the "everything is a conspiracy card". ok.
Well before blaming some of us for "running with it". Why not
ask yourself why now? why when they need to sit down and discuss
seniority, or organize a vote. They chose to cry about uniforms. We
also understand this is "just a start of the problems they have with the
uniform". It's the AFA who has a problem, not Delta. This only opens
f/a's eyes up to the pettiness and decisiveness of the AFA. Instead of
attacking important issues, they choose to nit pick the Uniform?...
Come on Kev, even you can see that this is frivolous. We want a vote
and we want it now.
Yes they did have some momentum, but they are ruining it themselves
with this grievence.

Who exactly are "themselves?"

Many are asking what could be next...
So your playing the "everything is a conspiracy card". ok.
Well before blaming some of us for "running with it". Why not
ask yourself why now?

Why now? Why not now? Tech2101 put it perfectly; boring old integration talks don't sell newspapers, nor do they get the workforce in this kind of lather. It's a perfect scenario to derail a campaign. DL couldn't have asked for anything better. Regardless of how you feel personally, look at the infighting it's causing. My point about you all playing into it stands.

why when they need to sit down and discuss
seniority, or organize a vote. They chose to cry about uniforms. We
also understand this is "just a start of the problems they have with the

It's illegal to discuss seniority until representation is solved. Last I heard, an election was slated for later this summer. I know you know both of these things, but others reading this may not.

As for uniform problems, I can't speak to that, since I'm not an AFA member, and I still have my NW issued uniforms.

It's the AFA who has a problem, not Delta. This only opens
f/a's eyes up to the pettiness and decisiveness of the AFA. Instead of
attacking important issues, they choose to nit pick the Uniform?...
Come on Kev, even you can see that this is frivolous. We want a vote
and we want it now.

I don't know if it's frivolous or not; it's not my place to decide. Obviously, they felt that the grievant's claim(s) had merit. That's called advocating for your membership, not pettiness.

Maybe the question you guys oughta be asking is: Who leaked this to the press, and why?
The NWA AFA officers have a duty, and that is to represent the NWA flight attendants. The people on the joint organizing committee are the ones that will decide when and where to move forward with a representational election. If a problem arises now, then the MEC has a duty to raise the issue NOW. Have you actually looked at the grievance and did you see what it is actually all about? The Red Dress issue is only 1 little part of a much larger issue.

Should the police department let people speed on the roads just because there is a high murder rate and thats what they should focus on? NO.

We will move forward with a representational election soon...really soon. We will do everything possible to proceed in a way that will allow employee free choice.
It's a shame how easily you all have been duped into discussing this topic over and over.
with all due respect, this is a forum where discussions take place, and sometimes that means over and over..

Nothing like internecine warfare to throw off a campaign's momentum. Good job, everyone.
personally, I believe people are a little smarter than that and can take a step back and look at the big picture and make an intelligent decision when the time comes for a vote.. if an entire campaign momentum comes to a halt over the discussion of a dress.. then I honestly do not know what else to say! (again I think people are smarter than that...)

My point about you all playing into it stands.
so we all should go sit down and be quiet until the all clear.

so much for balanced perspectives!

as far as the "infighting" allegations...

personally believe people or in this case Flight Attendants who do not share each others views at all.. regardless of the subject matter, can work well together on the plane, and then meet each other for dinner on a layover and discuss, debate, or even just listen to each others concerns.

it is called being a professional crew member and no we are not always going to agree with each other on every issue,

but I think we deserve a little more credit than some apparently are giving.
It's illegal to discuss seniority until representation is solved.
that is a very interesting comment, which states have that law?

oh wait a minute... the topic is a dress...!

(but I would still like to know)
The people on the joint organizing committee are the ones that will decide when and where to move forward with a representational election.
what about us, the dues paying members?

I looked at the grievance regarding the concerns brought up and yes there are some valid issues that needs to be addressed... but the summer shirt and dress issues does have some people "scratching their heads" when in fact there is a short sleeve shirt and multiple dresses available for all sizes...at this time.

It would have been great if the time spent right now filing grievances over a dress, shirt and whatever else..was actually being spent negotiating a combined contract so we have that available at the time of an SOC, by having an election already wrapped up. (determined how the majority wishes to proceed)

and yes, I completely understand that small issues to large ones are addressed sometimes at the same time.. but it is that perception of not prioritizing at this time, which is a concern.

I personally believe a lot of time is simply being wasted.

my main concern are us, those in the middle who want to see resolution but always seem to be stuck right there...in the middle.. while the union off doing their thing and how it is alledged others are probably..how was that put..

laughing their "a---s" off.

It's a shame how easily you all have been duped into discussing this topic over and over. Upper management must be laughing their a---s off. A distraction/diversion is a tactic straight out of the union busting 101 playbook, and you all are doing the heavy lifting for them...

Nothing like internecine warfare to throw off a campaign's momentum. Good job, everyone.

Excellent post Kev.....
a dress is now a union busting technique?

I simply cannot believe what I read sometimes..

because of course now some believe we are all so gullible to be duped over a dress...

(I believe people are smarter than that, have made up their minds at this point and are ready to move forward or should I say..have been)
that is a very interesting comment, which states have that law?

Railway Labor Act.

a dress is now a union busting technique?

I simply cannot believe what I read sometimes..

Believe it.

The goal isn't to be overt, but to plant seeds of doubt. This thread is proof positive that it's an effective stratagem- and this is but one little thread on one mesage board. I can only imagine what's being discussed in the galley, on the crew bus, etc.

A tiny crack in a window can be just as damaging to a window's integrity as throwing a brick through it.

Again, everyone in Inflight should be asking who leaked this to the press and why?
SOC is not expected until 2Q2010 now...

As the joint campaign has said, we will move forward in the summer of 2009. This is still the case.

No time is being wasted, every day hundreds of people are putting in hourse to ensure our collective bargaining rights continue. You assume that we will continue to have these rights, but if we aren't adequately prepared to handle what Delta management will throw at us...we run the risk of losing.

That is not an acceptable outcome to me!
Railway Labor Act.
the word you choose was illegal and without further clarification, made absolutely no sense at all.

Believe it.

The goal isn't to be overt, but to plant seeds of doubt.
I know this is going to be repeated for the fourth time..

but, I think people are smarter than that..

This thread is proof positive that it's an effective stratagem- and this is but one little thread on one mesage board.
this thread, this board, this website, the internet.. whatever are places people can go to discuss and share their ideas, however some may take.. that is absolutely up the to reader.

I can only imagine what's being discussed in the galley, on the crew bus, etc.
and all it would be is imagination.

we are not allowed to discuss these type of issues on the aircraft and furthermore simply are professional enough to focus on the job and customers.

A tiny crack in a window can be just as damaging to a window's integrity as throwing a brick through it.

so lets pull all the shades, block up the windows.. close those shutters tight and go hover in the corner and not make a peep.

Again, everyone in Inflight should be asking who leaked this to the press and why?
whoever is responsible leaking this to the press creating a world wide embarrassment, I would like to know.

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