The facts is that pilots occupying the jumpseat isn't the big bad boogie man that many East FA's make it out to be. The reality of it is that they stay out of the way, make for a change in conversation companions when engaged and are more likely to buy a round of drinks next time you have a "legal" overnight with them. This appears to be an issue in which the West folks have more experience with an issue and yet you East folks seemingly won't listen.
I'm still wondering why you seemingly hate you pilots so much to deny a potentially simple kindness to them?
No hatred of pilots here. The issue is getting the door shut on time, early, shut shut shut shut shut shut shut the door now! There have been times where flight attendants have been denied a jumpseat because we have to shut shut shut shut shut shut the door early (not on time, EARLY) - and I have to agree with a previous poster's comments - the f/a probably wouldn't get the jumpseat if another warm body with bags stowed was already occupying said jumpseat.
That said, how do you guys feel about the company wanting a 35 / 40 minute boarding time (current West language)? READ: CONCESSION
How do the blockholders feel about having a holiday restriction? READ: CONCESSION
How do you feel about having to clean on all flight segments under 1000 NM? READ: CONCESSION
How do RSVs feel about having to take a 4 day trip, even if there are 3 days, 2 days, or 1 days available if "scheduling deems it necessary?" READ: CONCESSION
How do you feel about daily scheduling assigning trips in inverse seniority order? READ: CONCESSION
How do you feel about a 6 hour OPR stint? READ: CONCESSION
How do you feel about splittiing from the pilots? READ: CONCESSION
How do you feel about PREF BID preventing you from negotiating your own schedule so trips fall off etc and you can maximize time off? READ: CONCESSION
For PHL F/A's - How do you feel about the AFA office being $30,000 + in the hole regarding the budget?
How do you feel about not getting much communication from our elected officers?
How do you feel about having given to the company, once, twice, THREE times, only to have this GARBAGE presented to us at meetings where CAROL AUSTIN herself doesn't even bother to show up?
How do you feel about them collecting 105 hours of international pay? (and PBGC and pension for some...)
How do you feel about NO RESERVES on the JNC?
Here's a little tidbit for those of you who weren't in attendance at the most recent CLT AFA meeting. Rob Wessinger (Past LECP of LGA and current PHL F/A asked Mike some very pressing and relevant questions at the meeting. Mike's wife TRIED TO CLOSE the meeting to all F/A's that weren't based in CLT. It took Rob's reading the C&B regarding the meeting being open to EVERY F/A in good standing to get them to stop their madness. How do you feel about the MECP trying to shut flight attendants out of the meetings?
Can any one of you name a few things that are coming out of this 5 year negotiation meltdown from Flores & Austin that really benefit the F/A group at large? No, seriously... I'll wait...