Does anyone have any predictions of how the NO vote for AFA will affect the merger of f/a's at the two airlines? Since DAL seems to be the surviving carrier I wonder how they will reach out to NW f/a's to bring them into the DAL culture. I think that DAL will want to show them that being non union is not so bad so maybe they will be generous to them. I am sure they will try to show them how responsive they can be to their concerns. I will be interesting to see what happens next.
Well cooper43, you've overlooked just one lil' "tidbit",...that being, ALL of the RED TAIL F/A's(NW), ..KNOW beyond ANY reseonable doubt,.........what "DICK" "all about" !!
They are..WITHOUT Question, the savviest group of F/A's in the Industry.
Addressed to ..LUKE Skywalker;
Luke, you said all along that you hoped for a Yes vote in the 40 percentile.
Congratulations, you and yours achieved your goal. now simply "add water"(the NW group), shake well and pour,.........................PRESTO ..Instant UNION at DL.
I cannot Imagine the "uphill battle" that you and your fellow progressive DL F/a's had to climb, to get the 40%. That in itself is Astounding, within a KOOL AID culture like ATL/DL.
trust me,......the brain trusts at DL, are almost Psycotic over the 40%, knowing that the RED TAILS, WELL versed about Anderson, are looming "right around the corner"
One other thing. Of the non-voting DL F/A's , MANY will have NO choice, but to vote YES, simply to protect their jobs,.......................Because of the pro-Union. NW F/A's. THAT I can assure you, will happen !!
Either way, you, and your group, PLUS the RED TAILS..............."WIN", while Anderson and his "lemmings"................LOSE.
Stay strong, and watch your back.
Fresh Troops are Enroute !!