Added Videtich, “Our members understand that this has been a difficult economic climate to negotiate in. Understanding the challenges, we have been able to reach TAs that include raises and other improvements. The members must decide if these negotiated agreements are acceptable. If the members do not want to ratify the TA that is their right. However, It also is important that everyone understand the full consequences and next steps entailed in a “no” vote.”
Hopefully one of the consequences is that he is removed from heading the committee. As he gets his annual raises on top of his six figure salary (the smallest annual raise Don has ever seen since he went on the TWU payroll is 3%) he has steered this committee to this TA since at least the year and a half that I've been there. He justified our low table position by claiming it was a "credilbe offer" that we were firm on. Yep, we remained "credible" in the eyes of the company, and we didnt even get one contract article that was gutted in 2003 restored and the company put in dozens of additional concessions. The modest 'improvements" dont even bring us up to industry standard. I felt as if I was talking to the company whenever I spoke to Don and his followers. Everytime fuel went up a nickel a gallon he would make sure the Committee knew how much more it was going to cost the company, when it went down he would say nothing about the millions they were saving, last fall he kept hinting that the company may file for bankruptcy by this past winter, he said the Billion Dollar pension payment might push them to file, well it turned out to be $500 million and thats because they put nothing in for 2009. Don was talking BK to the committee despite the fact that most of the company's numbers were improving. Why would he do that?
One of the favorite lines of the Videtich pro-concession team is "how are you going to pay for that", its another way of saying that we have to give up something of greater or equal value to get something we want, not including our labor, because according to these guys that has no value. Our labor was worth all these things in the past, and our productivity has improved since then so if anything it should be worth even more, but Don and his minions didnt see it that way. We should be willing to accept whatever concessions the company was asking for because "we have overhaul". That was the pro-concession teams answer to all the inconvient questions. To borrow a line from one of the more progressive Presidents out there the strategy was "Dont ask for anything and you wont be dissapointed". Even though the question has never been answered as to whether keeping OH in house is better for the bottom line, I believe it is, thats why the company refuses to answer it, the assumption by the ATD is that AMR is doing us a huge favor by keeping these jobs 'in house'. I dont believe that AA does favors for labor, unless its good for AMR. If they could get it done cheaper by outsourcing, after everything is factored in, they would have. Prior to 2003 , even with low cost SRPs , AA was one of the leaders in outsourcing. Other carriers could not compete with AA's low cost structure so they sent it out. If we agree to this we lower their costs even more.
Its funny but even though our ATD officials get annual pay increases I dont see them giving up benifits to pay for them. How did these guys "Pay for" their increases in pay? Why is it that even retired TWU officials get COLA increases to their pensions but we have to give up benifits for increases that dont even keep up with inflation? I wonder if how these guys would react if Little decided to cut their pay, would they be willing to "Put it in their rear view mirror and do what's best for the TWU?"