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Aa's Big Announcement On Feb, 2005

Decision 2004 said:
I suspect the BIG announcment will be the sale or spin-off of American Eagle.

Take alook at the AA class II station reductions, and watch at the RJ's enter those markets in preparation for the spin-off.

This is probably the most credible rumor I could see happening.

I was on a 3 hour sit-time in ORD (AKA "nap-time", it was an ugly sequence) when they were having the business meetings.

One commuting F/A came into K-19 Ops and gave her overview.

Basically, what was said is that the AA that would exist in January 2005, would not be like the AA we previously knew. HOWEVER, they could not tell us anything due to confidientiality (sp?) issues...Nice.

Since then, everyone has been trying to figure out what the "Big January Announ cement" will be.

Rumor control - integration of Domestic and International...basically shot down by the APFA in Rumor Control.

Also, AA would only do base-to-base flying and transcons on Domestic, the rest goes to Eagle. I don't see how this would be possible for DFW-SEA, 2 hours on an RJ is excrutiating (can you imagine 4 hours!?).

This would be interesting if only for the fact many of us (AA) would voluntarily transfer to LGA (perennially understaffed) just to make AA wages (which will not carry you too far in NYC). I would rather be LGA-AA than Eagle elsewhere. It's also the best base for the MIA forced-transfers.

I do know that RDU is pretty much going all Eagle...the only thing saving the few senior AA agents is the RDU-LGW flight.

RDU is an Eagle hub in all but name only. Eagle had a problem with American Connection flying to RDU from STL, now it is Eagle, interesting.


WorldTraveler said:
While I don't think AA will buy US in its current situation, it is foolish to think that AMR will never be interested in US. First, it is very unlikely that US will be able to come up with a plan to exit bankruptcy and stay out so creditors, management, and employees will be looking for a knight in shining armor. US' creditors could well see AMR as a very plausible entity to take over US' obligations. Many of US' creditors are probably also AA's creditors; they would thus be more willing to work w/ AA to protect the creditors and make it possible for AA to do a deal. Second, bankruptcy does provide the opportunity to jettison excess assets which cannot be done outside of bankruptcy. Third, AA does possess some valuable assets including a pretty strong position on the east coast which AA could certainly use to fill in the blanks in AA's system. Fourth, don't assume that the fleet compatibility issue is a done deal. Businesses make deals if the price is right. If AA can get a good enough deal on the Airbus aircraft, don't rule out that they would not end up in AA's fleet. The S80s are getting old and will need to be replaced in the not too distant future. However, as I've pointed out, swapping of aircraft fleets could well be a part of larger consolidation in the industry. ie AA could acquire US' assets and then swap the A320s with NW for Boeing aircraft which NW might gain in an acquisition of CO...

Don't think for a minute that US is not seriously damaging AA's revenues in the Caribbean - a problem AA would like to fix.

I'm certain AA employees don't want to even consider the thought of another nasty acquisition but AMR has shown before that it will think strategically and do what makes sense for the company even if doing so is not in the employees best interests; companies protect the interests of its owners before they consider the interests of employees.

It would be nice if AA could acquire a company and make it work for everyone's benefit but we can all hope, can't we?

It would be nice to think that AA could acquire a company and make it work for everyone's benefit. And is it foolish to think there's no way in he double ll it would be US?

aafsc said:
If AA is interested in US Airs most valuable assets, then AA should just let it die and pick up the pieces it wants. It should have done this with TWA. It makes no sense to take the people and pay them on our payscales and have the integration problems. I have nothing against the people at US, they are good people doing their jobs (just like the TWA people) but like the TWA people, they will want to take their seniority from a dead company and use it at AA to take nAAtive jobs. Arpey has to realize there will be an uproar among nAAtives if this occurs. The only way to go is to acquire slots and gates only and if the US Air people want to work for AA then they have to start at the bottom of the pay scale and seniority lists, just as the EAL people had to do when AA acquired the Latin American routes.

I disagree. When Piedmont "merged" (yeah, sure we did) with USAIr in 1989 we were only given credit for half our seniority. That's why today I have a hire date, and an adjusted seniority date. And my pay scale was merged in with there's. I don't want to take any nAAtive AAers job. I don't want to work in place of you; I want to work along side of you. I would be proud to work for AA. My dad worked for AA for forty years before he retired; and I love that big blue eagle. I'm not trying to take anything away from anybody. I just want a honest days pay for an honest days work.

WorldTraveler said:
I know most of you are employees but this discussion is being approached from a decidedly employee perspective. AMR will make their decision based on AA's strategy first and foremost. It is doubtful that AMR will repeat what happened at TWA since US' assets are probably worth as much as the ATSB loan which is one of the few debts that must be paid off. Just about everything else can be negotiated in bankruptcy.

The reason why employees are often take as part of an asset acquisition is because there are significant costs to the estate of the acquired company for it to have to terminate employees prior to selling the assets to another company. Further, US employees are now a pretty good bargain relative to AA employees given their lower pay scales and soon to be lack of pension obligations. To the degree possible, AA would rather acquire US assets and staff them w/ US employees while correcting the costs on the AA side of the company by improving productivity.

There will be a false sense of security in the industry this winter as fuel prices stay closer to $40/bbl but the underlying issues in the industry are unchanged - falling yields, excess capacity, severely imbalanced costs between the legacy and low cost carriers. The long term view says that unless US fails fairly quickly.

Our labor costs are low. Two years ago I was making twenty two dollars an hour. I am now making fifteen dollars an hour. By the time AMR could finalize a deal to buy US I will be making approximately twelve dollars an hour. How cheap a labor force do you want?

firstamendment said:
7. US Airways has some of the best employees out there. You see, we have had years of the crap you guys have just put up with for the last 3. We have learned that you can love your job and hate your employer. We may mouth off over on the U boards, but 9/10 step to the plate and do a hell of a job. I am always amazed how well we do considering..so anyone who hires or merges in a formal U employee will be lucky. B)


We do love our job and hate our employer. And many of us do have friends and family who work for AA. A lot of us would love to work for the big blue eagle. What would be so bad about giving us that chance? Are you afraid we would taint you in some way? Do you really believe we want to steal something from you?

jimntx said:
Pick your favorite...

1. AMR is going to merge with US Airways to "save" them from going out of business. (Like AA cares, and also assumes that AMR management is both stupid and crazy. See also AA-TWA transaction.)

In other words, NOBODY KNOWS. :lol:

Would it really be that crazy? Or that stupid?

AirwAr said:
The only reason I can think of for AA to purchase US Airways now, is to lock in the assets it wants without getting into a bidding war with other carriers.

If this happens, the question isn't whether U employees will go to the bottom of the seniority list or not, of course they will. Look no further than the TWA purchase for the road map as to what the AA unions will do. My question is, does that mean that the U employees would be furloughed to make room for our current TWAA'ers on furlough? Maybe AA would initially allow a "fence" around U employee bases to get the deal past regulators, but once it was done, you can bet those bases will close.

Actually, if AA were to do this, they would probably purchase the assets without the employees.

Why purchase the assets without the employees? We're a good bargain. We'd be a good part of the deal; maybe the best part. US is not a package to be broken up piecemeal. The entire package could be a good investment for AA to make. Don't just laugh. Think about it.

I, for one, would love to be a part of your team.
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
TheLazarusman said:
It would be nice to think that AA could acquire a company and make it work for everyone's benefit. And is it foolish to think there's no way in he double ll it would be US?
I disagree. When Piedmont "merged" (yeah, sure we did) with USAIr in 1989 we were only given credit for half our seniority. That's why today I have a hire date, and an adjusted seniority date. And my pay scale was merged in with there's. I don't want to take any nAAtive AAers job. I don't want to work in place of you; I want to work along side of you. I would be proud to work for AA. My dad worked for AA for forty years before he retired; and I love that big blue eagle. I'm not trying to take anything away from anybody. I just want a honest days pay for an honest days work.
Our labor costs are low. Two years ago I was making twenty two dollars an hour. I am now making fifteen dollars an hour. By the time AMR could finalize a deal to buy US I will be making approximately twelve dollars an hour. How cheap a labor force do you want?
We do love our job and hate our employer. And many of us do have friends and family who work for AA. A lot of us would love to work for the big blue eagle. What would be so bad about giving us that chance? Are you afraid we would taint you in some way? Do you really believe we want to steal something from you?
Would it really be that crazy? Or that stupid?
Why purchase the assets without the employees? We're a good bargain. We'd be a good part of the deal; maybe the best part. US is not a package to be broken up piecemeal. The entire package could be a good investment for AA to make. Don't just laugh. Think about it.

I, for one, would love to be a part of your team.
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
<_< Forget it man! Been there, done that! Don't work! These people are one way! They take!!! Not give!!! And that is an understatement!!! :down:
I suspect the big announcement has already been made. Effective Feb 1, buy your meal onboard for $3.00. That includes TransCons and Hawaii. According to the press release the employees, probably F/As, suggested this. Wonder how the F/As are going to like this?
MCI transplant said:
<_< Forget it man! Been there, done that! Don't work! These people are one way! They take!!! Not give!!! And that is an understatement!!! :down:

No MCI, you people are one way. You got your TWA seniority in your bases (MCI and STL) but that was not enough; you wanted your TWA seniority in all of the nAAtive bases also so you could throw the nAAtives out of their own airline. If the TWA people would have been able to keep their seniority everywhere then all the people who were furloughed would have been nAAtives and no TWA people would have been laid off. Even with the current situation, there are more than twice as many AA mechanics gone as there are TWA mechanics gone (See my post in the other thread concerning the numbers).
Lazarusman, Even though U is in pretty bad shape, things here at AA are not that great at all. All the "legacy 6" are miserable but some (UA and US) are more miserable than others. If you want to still work in aviation if/when U dies then why not consider the cargo carriers. I used to work in DFW and as you know UPS has a small hub on the West side of the airport. Also FedEx has an operation at the North end of the field along with their hub at Alliance field in Fort Worth (AFW).
aafsc said:
If you want to still work in aviation if/when U dies then why not consider the cargo carriers?

Sage advice (if anyone can get in the door at this point)...
Kev3188 said:
Sage advice (if anyone can get in the door at this point)...
yea with thousands of A&P's on the street it will be hard to get on with anyone except the likes of TRASHCO!
aafsc said:
Lazarusman, Even though U is in pretty bad shape, things here at AA are not that great at all. All the "legacy 6" are miserable but some (UA and US) are more miserable than others. If you want to still work in aviation if/when U dies then why not consider the cargo carriers. I used to work in DFW and as you know UPS has a small hub on the West side of the airport. Also FedEx has an operation at the North end of the field along with their hub at Alliance field in Fort Worth (AFW).

Kev3188 said:
Sage advice (if anyone can get in the door at this point)...

I'm weighing my options. I have a college degree to fall back on; but I fear it and a dollar bill won't buy me a cup of coffee. I guess I'll just always have a soft spot in my heart for the big blue eagle. Good luck to all of you at AA! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your families.
aafsc said:
No MCI, you people are one way. You got your TWA seniority in your bases (MCI and STL) but that was not enough; you wanted your TWA seniority in all of the nAAtive bases also so you could throw the nAAtives out of their own airline. If the TWA people would have been able to keep their seniority everywhere then all the people who were furloughed would have been nAAtives and no TWA people would have been laid off. Even with the current situation, there are more than twice as many AA mechanics gone as there are TWA mechanics gone (See my post in the other thread concerning the numbers).
😉 That's right aa! We were all going to get on school bus, and come down to TUL, and AFW to take your jobs!!! Man you are sick!!!!! :down:
MCI transplant said:
😉 That's right aa! We were all going to get on school bus, and come down to TUL, and AFW to take your jobs!!! Man you are sick!!!!! :down:

I'm not sick, I am right. Where would have those TWA mechanics (and others) that got laid off have gone if they still had their 100% TWA seniority everywhere? Answer: Anywhere they could have displaced a nAAtive (preferably in the better work locations). Your posts clearly show that you are bitter about the seniority ARBITRATION.
Ok guys. My last intention was to start a fight between the two of you. All I wanted to do was express my opinion that it sure would be favorable to me if somehow US could become a part of the AA team. Every airline in the industry has its problems right now, but I'd like to see US become part of a winner; and I believe AA is just that, a winner. Maybe I'm a little too optimistic, but I believe we could overcome our differences and be a winner together.
TheLazarusman said:
...................I'd like to see US become part of a winner; and I believe AA is just that, a winner...................

L-Man, AA might end up a winner, but it will be on the backs of the employees. Those who are left will be working for Wal Mart wages and benefits.

Business all over the US is in a race to the bottom, thanks to an oversupply of labor, both here and abroad.
TheLazarusman said:
Ok guys. My last intention was to start a fight between the two of you. All I wanted to do was express my opinion that it sure would be favorable to me if somehow US could become a part of the AA team. Every airline in the industry has its problems right now, but I'd like to see US become part of a winner; and I believe AA is just that, a winner. Maybe I'm a little too optimistic, but I believe we could overcome our differences and be a winner together.
Lazarusman, this has been going on for a while. A few ex-TWA people on these boards whine and cry about the seniority ARBITRATION by saying things like "just another one of AA's redheaded step children" and accusing us of "taking" something from them when in fact they wanted to "take" from us. The ARBITRATOR more or less put a fence between the TWA people and the nAAtives to protect each side from the other. Except for the sparring on these boards, the ex-TWA and nAAtives work very well together (at least in my city) and the seniority ARBITRATION is not even discussed. Everyone lives with Kasher's ruling. If by some remote chance AA did do some kind of transaction with US, I believe we would work just as well with US people. I, along with everyone else, can and do treat the ex-TWA people I work with with respect even though we had opposite points of view regarding seniority. Both groups were affected by Carty's decision to purchase TWA's assets; a decision ONLY he could make. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to you and your family.

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