Aa's Big Announcement On Feb, 2005

aafsc said:
Lazarusman, this has been going on for a while. A few ex-TWA people on these boards whine and cry about the seniority ARBITRATION by saying things like "just another one of AA's redheaded step children" and accusing us of "taking" something from them when in fact they wanted to "take" from us. The ARBITRATOR more or less put a fence between the TWA people and the nAAtives to protect each side from the other. Except for the sparring on these boards, the ex-TWA and nAAtives work very well together (at least in my city) and the seniority ARBITRATION is not even discussed. Everyone lives with Kasher's ruling. If by some remote chance AA did do some kind of transaction with US, I believe we would work just as well with US people. I, along with everyone else, can and do treat the ex-TWA people I work with with respect even though we had opposite points of view regarding seniority. Both groups were affected by Carty's decision to purchase TWA's assets; a decision ONLY he could make. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Well said, aafsc. Happy Holidays to you and yours, as well.
aafsc said:
I'm not sick, I am right. Where would have those TWA mechanics (and others) that got laid off have gone if they still had their 100% TWA seniority everywhere? Answer: Anywhere they could have displaced a nAAtive (preferably in the better work locations). Your posts clearly show that you are bitter about the seniority ARBITRATION.
:angry: aafsc--- Please don't try and put words into my mouth! As for the seniority matter, I have always said I feel "FAIR" is somewhere between stapel, and dovetail! You say "FAIR"is Stapel! Kind of narrow mined arn't we? You say you have more a.a. natives out on the street than ex-TWA, and even put numbers to it.Where you got those numbers, I have no idea! But failed to mention that at the time of the buy out, April 10th,2001, there were at least four time the number of AMT's working for a.a., than there were working for TWA! Today, that "percentage" is even higher! I'm not bitter about the "ARBITRATION"! I'm bitter about a.a. not liveing up to it's stepulations! In fact about 300 of my fellow employees feel the same way, and have filled greavances stating same! Oh! Just as a footnote to that, some have been filled out by local nAAtives as well!!!!
If there is anything I've learned in my 50+ years on this Earth, is that there is a time and place for all matters! And now is the time and place for my family and I to wish all of you at American Airlines, both nAAtive, and "EX"-TWA, a "Merry Christmas! And a Happy, and prosperous New Year"!!!!!! :up:
MCI transplant said:
:angry: aafsc--- Please don't try and put words into my mouth! As for the seniority matter, I have always said I feel "FAIR" is somewhere between stapel, and dovetail! You say "FAIR"is Stapel! Kind of narrow mined arn't we? You say you have more a.a. natives out on the street than ex-TWA, and even put numbers to it.Where you got those numbers, I have no idea! But failed to mention that at the time of the buy out, April 10th,2001, there were at least four time the number of AMT's working for a.a., than there were working for TWA! Today, that "percentage" is even higher! I'm not bitter about the "ARBITRATION"! I'm bitter about a.a. not liveing up to it's stepulations! In fact about 300 of my fellow employees feel the same way, and have filled greavances stating same! Oh! Just as a footnote to that, some have been filled out by local nAAtives as well!!!!

**My position is that stapling was not a matter of being fair but of being legal; and that is what a union contract is, a legal document. When the IAM, your legal bargaining representative, deleted your labor protective provisions from your contract, you lost your seniority protection. You know the old saying "what is legal is not always fair" and it is true (just ask UA creditors who are being sued by UA). Legally, it should have been a staple but politically the AFL-CIO got involved and mandated arbitration. During the Kasher arbitration, I predicted he would give the TWA people their TWA seniority in their bases. However, what's done is done and everyone needs to move on.

**I got the numbers from two sources. The numbers stated by Kasher at the time of his arbitration decision and the 8/15/04 AA/TWU Title I seniority list. In terms of absolute people there are more than twice the amount of AA mechanics gone compared to ex-TWA. But you are right, on a percentage basis there are more ex-TWA mechanics gone. This is due to the fact that the ex-TWA workforce was much smaller to begin with.

Finally, I want to know. What stipulations is AA not living up to?

In closing, I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy prosperous New Year.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
As far as level II stations going Eagle is concerned, I can only speak about BDL.
BDL fly's an A-300(possibly now a 57), and the thing is a Gold mine.
I believe PHL fly's a SJU trip also.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless AA "tanked" these profitable trips(NOT THAT HDQ IS'NT INCAPABLE OF DOING THINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE), A/e emplyees could'nt work these trips.

I don't think you're right on this one, Bears. If a station falls below the applicable cap (2555) and there are no more station protected employees, I don't see anything in the contract which prevents Eagle or third party employees from working 757 or widebody departures. All they need is the proper ground equipment.

I know this because OGG has two 763 and three 757 departures daily, and there's a handful of other outsourced cities where we're operating 757s.
okoge1027 said:
I heard from my best friend who's based at JFK that he heard from a reliable source that AA will be making a big announcement. He thinks that we'll merge with USAir to help them from going under. Has anyone heard anything about it?

Yes, I heard there is going to be an announcement too.

But buying USAir??? :blink: You friend needs to lay down the crack pipe. AMR can't even afford to finance 18 jungle jets, how on Earth would they get the money to buy USAir? This company is surviving month to month. As if buying one virtually defunct airline didn't teach them a hard lesson.....

No, I heard from our union rep who attended the AMR leaders conference recently that the announcement has something to do with parking a substantial number of MD-80s. That's more realistic....with another round of furloughs to follow probably. :down:
I hope the big announcement is that AMR suddenly found a billion dollars in a bank account they didn't know they had; and that you're all getting raises and Christmas bonuses. From your friends at US, to all my friends at AA, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
The Lazarusman
FSA Lead
USAirways DFW
:up: :up: :up:
the other day and IOR f/a on HNL SFO-had a letter from ORD base mgr-
memo said "that as of JAN 10 you my not recognize AA as it is today"-
what can this all mean-
I saw the memo-anyone else?
AC AA LA FA said:
the other day and IOR f/a on HNL SFO-had a letter from ORD base mgr-
memo said "that as of JAN 10 you my not recognize AA as it is today"-
what can this all mean-
I saw the memo-anyone else?

If you 'saw' this so-called memo, what did it say?
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av8trxx said:
Yes, I heard there is going to be an announcement too.

But buying USAir??? :blink: You friend needs to lay down the crack pipe. AMR can't even afford to finance 18 jungle jets, how on Earth would they get the money to buy USAir? This company is surviving month to month. As if buying one virtually defunct airline didn't teach them a hard lesson.....

No, I heard from our union rep who attended the AMR leaders conference recently that the announcement has something to do with parking a substantial number of MD-80s. That's more realistic....with another round of furloughs to follow probably. :down:
Thanx for the info. We don't want to go through another TWA seniority drama again! I think AA has learned its lesson on acquiring another airline. Don't acquire employees!!!!
AC AA LA FA said:
the other day and IOR f/a on HNL SFO-had a letter from ORD base mgr-
memo said "that as of JAN 10 you my not recognize AA as it is today"-
what can this all mean-
I saw the memo-anyone else?

I think if it were as important as you say, there'd be lots of leaks about what it is. I think it's just a continuation of the business plan . . . more furloughes, closings, and transfer of work to AE.
mjk said:
If you 'saw' this so-called memo, what did it say?
...it said just that........
that AA as you know it today would not be recognizable-
thats why I am throwing it out there-wish I knew more-but the crystal ball is on the blink..
Would it be too much to hope for to have a legacy airline management actually do something innovative and effective . . . . . without raping the employees to do it?
AC AA LA FA said:
...it said just that........
that AA as you know it today would not be recognizable-
thats why I am throwing it out there-wish I knew more-but the crystal ball is on the blink..

My guess is that Eagle will be spun off into an entity called Simmons Airlines and will operate as an American Connection carrier. It will operate all RJs, up to 50 seats and turbo props.

AA will then use the Eagle name to operate the 70 & 100 seaters. This new Eagle will be operated by APA pilots on C scale and have standard room throughout coach. Additionally, these aircraft will not be painted, they will use the Silver Bird standard.
Have a safe and joyous Holiday Season, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may we all enjoy a more fruitful year in 2005.

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