operaations said:back on topic. What is the supposed announcement
Pick your favorite...
1. AMR is going to merge with US Airways to "save" them from going out of business. (Like AA cares, and also assumes that AMR management is both stupid and crazy. See also AA-TWA transaction.)
2. AMR is going to sell AE and is going to transfer all the S80s to AE along with all the domestic flying that was done with the S80s--a large %-age of the AA domestic f/as to go with the planes. (Assumes that the FAA will overlook the little problem of putting the S80s on AE's certificate instantly without proving the a/c. Also assumes there would be no problem of merging flight attendants from APFA with flight attendants who belong to AFA. See also AA-TWA transaction.)
3. AA is going to buy all of UAL's Pacific routes. (Yeah, UAL's clever strategy to emerge from BK is to sell off their gold mine.)
4. SW is going to buy AMR.
5. AA is going to <fill in the blank>.
In other words, NOBODY KNOWS.