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Aa's Big Announcement On Feb, 2005

operaations said:
back on topic. What is the supposed announcement

Pick your favorite...

1. AMR is going to merge with US Airways to "save" them from going out of business. (Like AA cares, and also assumes that AMR management is both stupid and crazy. See also AA-TWA transaction.)
2. AMR is going to sell AE and is going to transfer all the S80s to AE along with all the domestic flying that was done with the S80s--a large %-age of the AA domestic f/as to go with the planes. (Assumes that the FAA will overlook the little problem of putting the S80s on AE's certificate instantly without proving the a/c. Also assumes there would be no problem of merging flight attendants from APFA with flight attendants who belong to AFA. See also AA-TWA transaction.)
3. AA is going to buy all of UAL's Pacific routes. (Yeah, UAL's clever strategy to emerge from BK is to sell off their gold mine.)
4. SW is going to buy AMR.
5. AA is going to <fill in the blank>.

In other words, NOBODY KNOWS. :lol:
operaations said:
I will walk a mile in your shoes jim on any bad sequence you pick so i may see exactly what you are talking about. And you sit with us here in Crew Sched and see the daily abuse we take from crew members on the phone. We are not allowed to say anything back but yet we are supposed to take it. life sucks at times but we all learn to deal with it

Ok, I see you are in crew schedule.

I will tell you right now I can't understand how flight attendants get away with speaking with you guys like they do. I have witnessed it. The one thing I don't understand is why you are expected to take it? I also don't understand why you guys don't take your own form of revenge and write down names and reschedule the bad apples all over the place?

I worked for a few different airlines before I became AA and other airlines instruct their crews to NEVER talk badly to a crew scheduler because they can screw up your life.

I am always pleasant and always say thank you even when the trip SUCKS and my callout time is under two hours.
#1 is corporate suicide, no synergy, huge labor issues
#2 is corporate suicide, impossible with current labor contracts
#3 is too early. UAL's going to have to deteriorate more to the point of Chapter 7
#4 SW isn't crazy
#5 AA is going to sell the domestic operation to Virgin
Winglet said:
#1 is corporate suicide, no synergy, huge labor issues
#2 is corporate suicide, impossible with current labor contracts
#3 is too early. UAL's going to have to deteriorate more to the point of Chapter 7
#4 SW isn't crazy
#5 AA is going to sell the domestic operation to Virgin
#1-#4 Agreed!

#5 New Rumor Alert! New Rumor Alert! The sky is now officially falling! :shock: :shock: :shock:
FA Mikey said:
Hey skymess, i think there is something on your nose!

hahaha.I see what you are implying but it is NOT true. He doesn't even know my name or employee number you know? B)
They all know mine. I agree some people are over the top. Still others talk alot of crap, abou thow they told of there supervisor or a scheduler. Either way now things are recorded and a scheduler could if they want turn in a FA just as quick as a FA could turn in a scheduler.
And the answer is.... In February AA will... oh I forgot. I'm not aloud to tell or I may have to walk a mile as a crew sched and FA. 😀 😀
and by the way Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year to all.
JFK777 said:

Usairways was better off going to UA at $60/share, remember that deal. Only if Democratic Washington had listened under the Clinton regime.

Now THAT we agree on, but correction...if only REPUBLICAN Washinton with it's majority congress had listened under the Clinton regime. 😉
FA Mikey said:
They all know mine. I agree some people are over the top. Still others talk alot of crap, abou thow they told of there supervisor or a scheduler. Either way now things are recorded and a scheduler could if they want turn in a FA just as quick as a FA could turn in a scheduler.
JUst an fyi. If we did take names and schedule the bad apples inspite we would be no better than the bad apples themselves. There are far to many people to start taking names.

And Mikey...the recarded lines are not allowed to be used for disciplinary purposes. They are only there to look into pay claims and NODS.

Hence why we sit back and have to take the abuse...oh well sucj is life
operaations said:
JUst an fyi. If we did take names and schedule the bad apples inspite we would be no better than the bad apples themselves. There are far to many people to start taking names.

And Mikey...the recarded lines are not allowed to be used for disciplinary purposes. They are only there to look into pay claims and NODS.

Hence why we sit back and have to take the abuse...oh well sucj is life


"Hense why we sit back and have to take the abuse"...........


NewHampshire Black Bears said:
"Hense why we sit back and have to take the abuse"...........



Ohhhhh.......so that's what your dues money gets you??

Makes sense........you haven't been getting anything else out of it lately.
mjk said:
Ohhhhh.......so that's what your dues money gets you??

Makes sense........you haven't been getting anything else out of it lately.


I'm recently RETIRED, and I don't pay union dues anymore, but still enjoy all the benefits of belonging to organized labor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I could'nt have made ANY more sense, than what I said to "operations".
He and his fellow schedulers HAVE to take the abuse, or "not let the door hit them in the A$$, on the way out" the door" !!!!!!!!!!!

"PERIOD, CASE CLOSED" !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:


Welcome back!!

My new quote is that this company doesn't give you time to take a crAAp between flights...are you feeling it? 😛

I once went over 12 hours without eating (2 through flights), it will not happen again. I WILL take a delay to eat.

44 minutes on paper equals 14 minutes in my world.

OperAAtions, you really don't understand our world . I suggest you "walk-a-mile" on some of the crap that ORD (and to a lesser extent, SLT) is flying...the only reason I didn't transfer to BOS is that SLT's longer on-duty days meant that I got at least a 10 hour layover. I bid 2 leg turns this month for a reason. 11.15 between shifts...screw the TAFB. I'd rather lose the TAFB and get SOME DAMN SLEEP!

I am not a pleasant person if I do not get some sleep. I recognize that and bid accordingly. I also recogonize that PLT and Ex-PLTs are my most honored customers...without them, I do not have a job.

and you think I don't get it...



jimntx said:
Operaations, it's not the cleaning itself that is the problem. I knew when I became a flight attendant that cleaning the plane on some legs was part of the job. OK.

However, when crew planning/scheduling/whoever creates sequences that result in a 8-12 hour duty day with 4 or 5 legs and no more than 45 minutes between flights AND we are expected to clean the plane on at least one of those legs...

There is a point at which anyone starts to break down. Now, I usually only eat 2 meals/day. However, I do eat. Go look at some of the sequences and you tell me when the flight attendants are supposed to eat. You wouldn't work at AA a week if you were told you will get no meal breaks in an 12-hour shift. Oh, and you are to sign in before any of the restaurants open and you will get to your layover hotel well after the restaurant closes; so, don't count on buying something to eat on the plane.

And, don't blame this on our accepting the RPA last year. At DFW, long before the RPA, I had days like that. Particularly on reserve. I would be given one of those Texas shuffle sequence--DFW-SAT-DFW-AUS-DFW-OKC. There would always be the joke of "a meal will be provided for the extra on the SAT-DFW leg." Two problems...the meal was never boarded and that beeyatch of a gate Supervisor at SAT would just smirk when asked about it. Problem #2: You tell me when I was supposed to eat that ghost meal when we had about 20 actual minutes to do a beverage service for a full a/c!

And, if you exercise your right under U.S. employment law--it actually is against the law to require people to work a full day with no meal break--and stop in the concourse to buy something to eat and you walk up to the gate carrying a sack from MacDonald's or some equally healthy food establishment, the agents are instructed to write you up for delaying the flight.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
He and his fellow schedulers HAVE to take the abuse, or "not let the door hit them in the A$$, on the way out" the door" !!!!!!!!!!!

Wrong, Union or not there is no excuse for rudeness, to a customer or fellow employee! Just because some of these (low class) flight attendants think they are free and clear to treat people like garbage, does not make it OK or acceptable.

If the only way you know to vent your frustrations is through being rude or being obnoxious, you should be taken out. I don't want to work with those people any more they make my life hell other workers the same. Plus they cost us untold millions in lost future revenue, from passengers who choose other carriers because of an experience with one of these people.

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