I know that come 08 January there are 70+ clerks getting bounced from JFK and coming to LGA, with the accompanying downgrades and layoffs.
Our new manager of ramp services (Smart cookie that she is) has decided to eliminate 7 CC slots and gate manning here.
In her infinite wisdom she has also decided to eliminate inbounds (The guys who run the bags from the gate to the claim belts).
She figures she can send a five person crew out to a turn to handle all aspects of the flight,cabin service, running the inbound bags as well as loading the outbound.
Clerk one has to load bags into carts, drive said carts to the local belt and unload the bags.Okay, not a bad idea...what happens when you have FLL 757 coming in with 180+ bags? Right, send a second clerk with him to dump the bags.
Meanwhile, you only have three guys left on the gate, and two of those have to go upstairs and clean the cabin.Two guys on a 57, that'll work out well wont it?
Think those 20 minute cleaning deadlines are going to be met? :blink:
Last guy has to set up the flight, hook up the tow bar and tractor,water the aircraft and set up the loaders for the outbound.
This all sounds good right?
What happens when you get into an OSO? It's rained basically every day here in NY this week, her "Plan 2005" as she calls it would have resulted in even longer delays in every area of the operation.
What about when it starts snowing and all the deicing qualified clerks are pulled out of the operation?
Three man crews to dump,run,clean and reload? Great! We'll take even more and longer delays now!
You go Sophia, your "Plan 2005" is going to ensure you are the shortest serving Manager of Ramp Services we've ever had at La Guardia...