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Aa's Big Announcement On Feb, 2005

I know most of you are employees but this discussion is being approached from a decidedly employee perspective. AMR will make their decision based on AA's strategy first and foremost. It is doubtful that AMR will repeat what happened at TWA since US' assets are probably worth as much as the ATSB loan which is one of the few debts that must be paid off. Just about everything else can be negotiated in bankruptcy.

The reason why employees are often take as part of an asset acquisition is because there are significant costs to the estate of the acquired company for it to have to terminate employees prior to selling the assets to another company. Further, US employees are now a pretty good bargain relative to AA employees given their lower pay scales and soon to be lack of pension obligations. To the degree possible, AA would rather acquire US assets and staff them w/ US employees while correcting the costs on the AA side of the company by improving productivity.

There will be a false sense of security in the industry this winter as fuel prices stay closer to $40/bbl but the underlying issues in the industry are unchanged - falling yields, excess capacity, severely imbalanced costs between the legacy and low cost carriers. The long term view says that unless US fails fairly quickly.
LGA Fleet Service said:
She figures she can send a five person crew out to a turn to handle all aspects of the flight,cabin service, running the inbound bags as well as loading the outbound.

Clerk one has to load bags into carts, drive said carts to the local belt and unload the bags.Okay, not a bad idea...what happens when you have FLL 757 coming in with 180+ bags? Right, send a second clerk with him to dump the bags.

Meanwhile, you only have three guys left on the gate, and two of those have to go upstairs and clean the cabin.Two guys on a 57, that'll work out well wont it?
Think those 20 minute cleaning deadlines are going to be met? :blink:

Last guy has to set up the flight, hook up the tow bar and tractor,water the aircraft and set up the loaders for the outbound.

Welcome to my world over at the Red Tail. Except for the last paragraph (MTX hooks up the tow bars, and tractors), this is how we do it everyday. It's a complete joke; the drop times for inbound bags are 45 min + (from block in to last bag on the belt), and the planes go out filthy. Like another poster said, do what you can with what you've got. Let the manager reap the results of what she's sown.
WorldTraveler said:
Further, US employees are now a pretty good bargain relative to AA employees given their lower pay scales and soon to be lack of pension obligations. To the degree possible, AA would rather acquire US assets and staff them w/ US employees while correcting the costs on the AA side of the company by improving productivity.

With the labor agreements in place, AMR would have to have the union's acquiencence to conduct an acquisition of U. With almost almost 25% of the AA pilot workforce layed off, I would find it hard to believe that even the weak-kneed APA would permit U pilots on the property or at lower compensation.
Winglet said:
With the labor agreements in place, AMR would have to have the union's acquiencence to conduct an acquisition of U. With almost almost 25% of the AA pilot workforce layed off, I would find it hard to believe that even the weak-kneed APA would permit U pilots on the property or at lower compensation.

You can be sure that the TWU will roll over to whatever the company needs.....
Winglet said:
With the labor agreements in place, AMR would have to have the union's acquiencence to conduct an acquisition of U. With almost almost 25% of the AA pilot workforce layed off, I would find it hard to believe that even the weak-kneed APA would permit U pilots on the property or at lower compensation.

Don't worry about the twu. They look at any addition as more dues. They'd sell thier own Grandmother for extra dues.
Why wouldnt Aa buy US? Hell they can just go to the TWU and make the employees pay for it!
Yeah you guys are so right!!!! The TWU sucks!!! If we had AMFA here they'd fight for us like they're fighting at Alaska! Whoops, I mean UAL, Uhhhh, Just forget it!
AAmech said:
Yeah you guys are so right!!!! The TWU sucks!!! If we had AMFA here they'd fight for us like they're fighting at Alaska! Whoops, I mean UAL, Uhhhh, Just forget it!

But at least you have 'Scope'... 😉

LGA Fleet Service said:
I know that come 08 January there are 70+ clerks getting bounced from JFK and coming to LGA, with the accompanying downgrades and layoffs.

Our new manager of ramp services (Smart cookie that she is) has decided to eliminate 7 CC slots and gate manning here.

In her infinite wisdom she has also decided to eliminate inbounds (The guys who run the bags from the gate to the claim belts).

She figures she can send a five person crew out to a turn to handle all aspects of the flight,cabin service, running the inbound bags as well as loading the outbound.

Clerk one has to load bags into carts, drive said carts to the local belt and unload the bags.Okay, not a bad idea...what happens when you have FLL 757 coming in with 180+ bags? Right, send a second clerk with him to dump the bags.

Meanwhile, you only have three guys left on the gate, and two of those have to go upstairs and clean the cabin.Two guys on a 57, that'll work out well wont it?
Think those 20 minute cleaning deadlines are going to be met? :blink:

Last guy has to set up the flight, hook up the tow bar and tractor,water the aircraft and set up the loaders for the outbound.

This all sounds good right?

What happens when you get into an OSO? It's rained basically every day here in NY this week, her "Plan 2005" as she calls it would have resulted in even longer delays in every area of the operation.

What about when it starts snowing and all the deicing qualified clerks are pulled out of the operation?

Three man crews to dump,run,clean and reload? Great! We'll take even more and longer delays now!

You go Sophia, your "Plan 2005" is going to ensure you are the shortest serving Manager of Ramp Services we've ever had at La Guardia... :up:



The unbelievable part about what you've outlined here(and you and I and others have seen this MANY times before) is
THAT these friggin' people REALLY believe that #### like this will work

They go down to HDQ, to get new AND IMPROVED "chip" implants, and have the Balls to insist that(on paper) IT WILL WORK.

One thing that these GM's REALLY count on, is these phoney "out times" that they can BURY legit delays with.

AND THIS PART IS DIRECTED TO YOU APA MEMBERS, THAT DO THIS KIND OF #### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the spirit of fairness, you pilots that play by "the rules", GOD BLESS YOU !!!!

"BUT", to you DIRTY *ASTARDS, that show phoney "brake release times, may you DROP DEAD !!!!!!!!!!

I realize my words are HARSH, but your not heloing a bad situation get better, only worse.

If you ALL showed actual "out times", your cabins would be cleaner(a plus for our pax. who come to us because "we know why they fly")

If you guys(APA) know beyond any doubt, that a ramp crew, in any station is playing games, then NO ONE could ever say a word about a "brake pop".

But, if you see men and women, workers with familys just like you, being brutalized by an impossible work load by management,then use the POWER that we all know you have, take FULL CONTROL OF YOUR A/C, AND REFUSE TO RELEASE YOUR BRAKES UNTIL THE FSC on the headset, ask's you to please do so.

Look, we know that supervisors and lead agents are sticking their heads into your cockpits, begging you to pop the brakes.

WE know that we've got so called union CC's getting on the headset asking you to pop the brakes, and we know that supervisors are doing it from the ground also.

All we ask, in the spirit of DECENCY and RESPECT for your brother union workers is,
If you have a cargo door lite on, please don't pop the brakes !
If your A/C is not secured with a tow bar AND tracktor attatched, pleae don't pop the brakes.

ALL we ask is RESPECT from each other.
Thank you for hearing us out !!!!!!!!

Regards, and Happy Holidays

FSC's of AA
NewHampshire Black Bears said:


The unbelievable part about what you've outlined here(and you and I and others have seen this MANY times before) is
THAT these friggin' people REALLY believe that #### like this will work

They go down to HDQ, to get new AND IMPROVED "chip" implants, and have the Balls to insist that(on paper) IT WILL WORK.

One thing that these GM's REALLY count on, is these phoney "out times" that they can BURY legit delays with.

AND THIS PART IS DIRECTED TO YOU APA MEMBERS, THAT DO THIS KIND OF #### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the spirit of fairness, you pilots that play by "the rules", GOD BLESS YOU !!!!

"BUT", to you DIRTY *ASTARDS, that show phoney "brake release times, may you DROP DEAD !!!!!!!!!!

I realize my words are HARSH, but your not heloing a bad situation get better, only worse.

If you ALL showed actual "out times", your cabins would be cleaner(a plus for our pax. who come to us because "we know why they fly")

If you guys(APA) know beyond any doubt, that a ramp crew, in any station is playing games, then NO ONE could ever say a word about a "brake pop".

But, if you see men and women, workers with familys just like you, being brutalized by an impossible work load by management,then use the POWER that we all know you have, take FULL CONTROL OF YOUR A/C, AND REFUSE TO RELEASE YOUR BRAKES UNTIL THE FSC on the headset, ask's you to please do so.

Look, we know that supervisors and lead agents are sticking their heads into your cockpits, begging you to pop the brakes.

WE know that we've got so called union CC's getting on the headset asking you to pop the brakes, and we know that supervisors are doing it from the ground also.

All we ask, in the spirit of DECENCY and RESPECT for your brother union workers is,
If you have a cargo door lite on, please don't pop the brakes !
If your A/C is not secured with a tow bar AND tracktor attatched, pleae don't pop the brakes.

ALL we ask is RESPECT from each other.
Thank you for hearing us out !!!!!!!!

Regards, and Happy Holidays

FSC's of AA

Popping the brakes while bags are still being loaded and/or the towbar and push tractor is not hooked up is unsafe because the aircraft can roll causing injury or death to ground personnel. It can also damage the aircraft.
Same BULLSHIP here at DFW. There is no way this new set-up is going to work. Maybe .... just maybe..... They know it will not work and either they don't care as this will chase away psgrs snd get us sooner to BK so they can throw out our contract in the race to min wage employees or (sorry foy the long sentence) or... they have eliminated about 170 jobs at DFW, they will then see if we FSCs can make it work.
When it doesn't they recall 70 and the TWU pats itself on the back.
NET LOSS @ 110 jobs.
I really have to wonder if our corporate leadership ever stops to consider operational realities of these grand designs they come up with in these "Brain Storming " sessions they are so fond of.

This quest for improved personnel utilization is going to have a direct impact on the operational efficency of the airline.

You simply cant take five random people and mash them together on a daily basis and expect a cohesive and productive unit as a result.Especially not when you are going to have people from other stations and departments in that mix.

A three man gate crew that has worked together for several consecutive bids is a well oiled machine that you should not tamper with.

This woman squawks about inbound runners not meeting flights, yet she refuses to address the manpower shortages in the inbound that occur on a daily basis.

She feels the line control crew chief can handle cabin service as well, yet wonders why the cabin crews are shorthanded and unable to be found when there are gate or equipment changes, as well as numerous call backs to gates because there were inadequate supplies provisioned or the cleaners half assed it.

Gee, no crew chief riding herd,what do you think is going to happen? :shock:

She eliminates 5 of 10 vacation relief spots and is heard wondering in the middle of July (When there are 20 people on vacation) "Why these people cant make this operation run?"

She instructs her CSM's that NO Overtime is to be held without her consent, and if that means calling her at home, so be it. "And if you cant reach me, DO NOT HOLD OT"

So what it boils down to is that the bag times are going to go through the roof, the planes arent going to be cleaned properly and the operational performance is going to go into the sh!tter.

Not to mention the already low morale levels are going even lower.

Great job by the boys and girls in CentrePort, this one will produce clear dividends!

Giving customers what they want....your bags an hour after your flight gets in...dirty cabins and trash filled seat backs...
LGA, DFCCC, and aafsc,

You're ALL right in what you said.

But I go back to the phoney "out times" because they're SO interconnected to local management, and are 1 of 4 things that if "exposed" correctly, make GM's literally "$HIT in their bloomers", as far as HDQ's is concerned

(With regard to HDQ's),
4 area's of MAJOR concern to GM's who are running "CON JOBS":

1. Outbound delays that CAN NOT be "explained away" !!!
(ATC/ramp congestion can ONLY be used so mamy times)

2. (numerous) IOD's !!!
(So sorry AA, this is State governed, not "Centerport" controlled)

3. OSHA. (usually the result of Too many IOD's)
(Sorry AA, "this baby is big time"-The FEDS.)

4. (last but by no means LEAST) FAMILY LEAVE !!!!
(Again, the FED's)

IF( by chance) a noticeable amount of "1-4's" occur, 🙄 🙄, watch how fast you see ANOTHER new face in the GM "cubicle" !!!


NewHampshire Black Bears said:
LGA, DFCCC, and aafsc,

You're ALL right in what you said.

But I go back to the phoney "out times" because they're SO interconnected to local management, and are 1 of 4 things that if "exposed" correctly, make GM's literally "$HIT in their bloomers", as far as HDQ's is concerned

(With regard to HDQ's),
4 area's of MAJOR concern to GM's who are running "CON JOBS":

1. Outbound delays that CAN NOT be "explained away" !!!
(ATC/ramp congestion can ONLY be used so mamy times)

2. (numerous) IOD's !!!
(So sorry AA, this is State governed, not "Centerport" controlled)

3. OSHA. (usually the result of Too many IOD's)
(Sorry AA, "this baby is big time"-The FEDS.)

4. (last but by no means LEAST) FAMILY LEAVE !!!!
(Again, the FED's)

IF( by chance) a noticeable amount of "1-4's" occur, 🙄 🙄, watch how fast you see ANOTHER new face in the GM "cubicle" !!!



The whole management culture at AA is based on lies. The supervisors lie to each other and their managers and the managers lie to the directors in the daily meetings.Everyone is afraid of speaking the truth in fear of losing their job or being accused of not being a team player.
Last,but not least,they lie to the employees on the floor about all kinds of issues.

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