mjk said:If half of you could channel your anger into something constructive, you'd be filthy rich and could tell AA to kiss your a_s_s !
Working on it....about 4 more years to go.

mjk said:If half of you could channel your anger into something constructive, you'd be filthy rich and could tell AA to kiss your a_s_s !
AAquila said:IT'S OVER......THAT'S IT........THE OLD LADY SANG......LET'S GO HOME.
Oneflyer said:I absolutely hate you and people like you. I hope you were proud of yourself, you probably ran off 10 future customers. You union bastard!!!!!!!!!!!
Oneflyer said:This is stupidest f-ing thing i've ever heard of in my life. Why the hell did they deserve 26 weeks? The company is losing billions and you want AA to just hand out 26 weeks of pay just for the hell of it. The stupidity and hypocrisy of it is incredible. If a member of management got the 26 weeks you'd scream bloody murder, but because he's a CC he Deserves it. Incredible.
Ken MacTiernan said:1 flyer, you say I'm a "union bastard"? Why? Because I want my profession to belong to a craft and democratic union that believes in democracy & accountability for ALL union officials?
You also say, "I hope you were proud of yourself, you probably ran off 10 future customers." Let's get something straight right from the start OK? First, I am PROUD to be a skilled AMT. I work side by side with some of the industry's best as far as aircraft maintenance goes. I am NOT proud to belong to an industrial union that cares NOTHING about my profession's craft and future.
Did I run off 10 or more potential future customers? Ask Carnac. I did NOT set off to Starbucks with the intention of talking to anyone about the airlines. I almost never go to Starbucks but this particular morning I did. Did I purposely time my place in line so I would be infront of an AA F/A? No. I simply said hello and asked the common question, given the situation/scenario, of where she was flying to.
She was the one who stated that she hated short turns with little or no sleep. She was the one who stated that she would "write it up" when she got home. Did customers care? This F/A stated the facts. She was unhappy with the situation. It was the customer/passenger in front of us that inquired as to where home was. The F/A said NY I said, "Anywhere but here." (Meaning work.)
I stated FACTS to this passenger. I also stated that OTHER airlines send maintenance work to CHINA & SINGAPORE. I stated that indeed, I have taken unnecessary pay cuts and benefit cuts with NO EQUAL SHARE from management. I never raised my voice or gave the impression that ANY aircraft was unsafe. Just the opposite. But then again, a coward such as yourself is unable to read and comprehend the written language.
I went on to say that as bad as things are right now that the skilled professionals in my craft & class would rather LEAVE the industry than allow an unsafe aircraft fly. But you miss the point. You would prefer that we, meaning AA employees, should be happy and smile AND FORGET everytime we are lied to. Everytime we are blamed for doing our job and getting a NEGOTIATED wage and benefits for that job we should accept that blame. I'm the "union bastard"? Quite the opposite. I believe in a craft union and I will fight for such. I will also tell the truth when asked.
Now as for hating people, go ahead and hate me when you're at 32,000 feet. Hate me at V1 rotation. Hate me when your aircraft has a maintenance issue at departure and I come out to repair the problem. Hell, hate me because I'm an AMT CC. I could care less. But your hate is misdirected. But you already know that, don't you.
Perhaps you should "hate" greedy, inept, lieing management and union officials? Maybe you should hate your inability to see the truth in my post? Go ahead and hate yourself because you are a drone who will accept concession after concession with nothing in return but more concessions.
Me? I'll hate coffee. I got hot chocolate after I "ran off 10 future customers". 😉
High Speed Steel said:Oneflyer,
I have read some of your posts and am dissapointed in some of your opinions upon our Unionized employees at AA, but you need to understand that not all of us are as bad as you perceive. In response to the "idiot", you have replied to. He is not "Union"...! He is an "elitist", one who champions the fact that he is an associate member of a "rogue association", called amfa..!!!! He would prefer that AA go into bankruptcy and decimate your job, as well as mine...!!!! Now this "fool" is taking his complaints to our passengers on his own accord...![]()
He is either a "idiot or a martyr", only time will tell :blink:
amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Oneflyer said:I have read some of your posts and am dissapointed in some of your opinions upon our Unionized employees at AA, but you need to understand that not all of us are as bad as you perceive. In response to the "idiot", you have replied to.I'm sure that you are right, I wouldn't lump everyone in with MacTern and AMFAMAN, but I will list a couple of things that drive me crazy about unions and I'll let you or anyone else enlighten me on why they make sense.
1. The idea that the company owes you something. That because you work hard and have stayed at the company a long time the company should give you something out of the ordinary.
2. The idea that the union and the company can never work together, that the relationship should always be adversarial. If the union isn't fighting the company they must have "sold out."
3. Telling customer how bad your job sucks. No one cares! All you do is drive customers away, why would anyone ever want to do this? IT will NOT improve your situation.
4. The idea that because you work in the operation you deserve anything AA makes.
5. The idea that management is stealing from you and making millions. AA's upper management gets paid about as little as any major company, they all could leave for better salaries and for the most part their stock options are worthless. If they're just interested in money why don't they leave?
1 flyer, you can't "lump everyone" with myself and AMFAMAN. That is because those who believe in a craft and democratic union that believe in accountability for AMTs are not accepted or wanted in the INDUSTRIAL & UNDEMOCRATIC twu. The philosophy of the twu is protect the dues inflow at all costs. Even at the expense of the AMT's profession. Where as the AMFA believes in fighting for AMTs and not against them. AMFA believes the union works FOR the members and not the other way around.
Now, as for your asking to be enlightened.
1) Yes, the company does "owe" us something. We negotiated (This term is used loosely when used in the same sentence with the twu.) wage and benefits in exchange for services provided. No more no less. The fact that a person remains at a company for a long period carries a certain value. It is called seniority. This is basic knowledge in the airlines. Where do you invent that anyone is demanding for more than what is negotiated?
2) The company & union can work together. Just look at the twu and AA. Never have two bed partners been combined in aviation's history. If being "confrontational" means fighting for the membership's benefit and future then the twu is NOT "confrontational".
The twu has "sold out" because they don't fight and lie to the members.
3) Why should the public NOT care about how bad conditions are for employees? You most certainly are a twu stool. Typical twu mentality. Forget how bad your union representation is. Just be lucky you have a job and pay your dues. What exactly will improve our situation? Definitely not remaining with the twu.
4) Yes, I do deserve what is owed me for my services. It is called capitalism. If you want to do nothing and get paid for it remain in the twu.
5) What a moron. You must be thanked for this last kernel of knowledge. You think other airlines want the greedy inept management we have here at AA? They have carbon copies of these type themselves.
I have taken unnecessary pay cuts and benefit cuts with NO EQUAL SHARE from management.
AMTs did not go to AA and ask for 13 weeks pay EACH if they took a Stand-in-Stead. The company came to us. And once again the company lied.
Oneflyer said:The plane fact of the matter, for your AMFA Vs. TWU BS is that no union or management employee is going to see a raise until this airline starts to make money again and running off customers by needlessly complaining in front of them is just stupid.
Thanks for pointing out that our May 1 raise will not be coming. This is now hanging on the union board stamped, "ManAAgement says no more raises."
Oneflyer said:3. I don't consider 1.5% to be a raise.
Yeah I know you manAAgement stooges are used to double digit raises.
Coming from the twu, 1.5% in is rather large considering we got over 6 years in 95.