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a question and request for advice

The agents in BNA should have printed out her return ticket for her. All Companion travelers are to get their entire ticket printed at the first city in their trip.
If you check in at a kiosk, it prints out the return.
If you check in with an agent, they are supposed to print out the return. Another possibility is that the original ticket was printed out and she lost it?
I'd be interested in seeing some more info on what exactly she was given in BNA and presented to the agent in CHS. If she had the correct info or could have had her info found easily, the I would definitely let them know about the agent in CHS.
Non-agents do not realize how many times tickets are printed and the Companion travelers have no clue big ongoing problem MAD search and a lot of stress the hole procedure if the ticket is lost takes time and a lot of explaining. We should always treat companion travelers like US1 but a lot of agent treat them like NON-REV’s. Employees need to do fact finding when they send their companion out on their own. Maybe American (sp) West will get tired of dealing with this problem and do away with it like UM’s and animals ect…
Non-agents do not realize how many times tickets are printed and the Companion travelers have no clue big ongoing problem MAD search and a lot of stress the hole procedure if the ticket is lost takes time and a lot of explaining. We should always treat companion travelers like US1 but a lot of agent treat them like NON-REV’s. Employees need to do fact finding when they send their companion out on their own. Maybe American (sp) West will get tired of dealing with this problem and do away with it like UM’s and animals ect…
John, Im kind of confused on this. If it was originally an e tkt why does the return nn to be printed? I know many non revs are treated poorly. It should be common courtesy to treat everone with respect. Too bad because the agent may need a little help from someone when they are trvlng or a friend or family member. Someone keep in mind also the non rev may be a revenue pax in the future.
John, Im kind of confused on this. If it was originally an e tkt why does the return nn to be printed?

I'm not John, but I'll answer. East policy was that companion passes were ok to be ticketed as etickets so the employee could pay for them, and the person using could pick them up wherever they were. Once the person checked in for their first flight though, all coupons were to be printed out since buddy passes on East were supposed to be paper documents, not eticketed like West.
I haven't had the greatest luck with the new e tickets either. Purchased a non-rev ticket for my 82 yr old father on the hub. Gave him the ticket number and record locator. When he went to the airport in SAN to travel, the agent insisted that his ticket wasn't paid for, and wanted him to pay again, then apply for a refund etc. Luckily he insisted that he wouldn't have a ticket number if there was no ticket already purchased. All he would have had was a record locator. The agent finally figured it out, and he did not end up paying again. He did need to change his itinerary returning, which turned out to be somewhat of a pain too.
I'm not John, but I'll answer. East policy was that companion passes were ok to be ticketed as etickets so the employee could pay for them, and the person using could pick them up wherever they were. Once the person checked in for their first flight though, all coupons were to be printed out since buddy passes on East were supposed to be paper documents, not eticketed like West.
Thanx for the info. From what I learned(the hard way) if the outbound flight has been taken you cannot change the return via the ETC you must call rez. West side will keep the return an E tkt regardless of whether its an employee or buddy pass trvler. Its much simpler and no need to worry about losing paper docs. I hope if the east side still prints return to paper they will let buddy pass trvlers know. Could cause headaches for ATO's.

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