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What would you do?

and that she had a bad back so instead of placing the papers in the seat pocket in front of her she was throwing them behind her seat. If you are not familiar with this seat then this is equivalent to throwing your papers behind the last seat before the bulkhead...kind of into a no man's land.


So it DIDN'T hurt her back to throw the newspapers behind her, possibly over her head? Interesting...lol! Why do I feel that JFK is one of the city codes involved?

I have nearly slid and busted my ass on newspapers in the aisle too many times to count. That's unsafe for us and the other pax. I don't especially like writing reports if the situation could be avoided!

I don't give out crew names, period. It's a security issue. The company doesn't want our IDs displayed prominently on the A/C but to be discreetly on your person. Seems like I hear that at EPTs every year. I usually tell the pax to reference the flight number and date. If it's warranted, the most I will do is give the position number of the flight attendant.

Of course, there is a huge difference between the number of FAs on a 777/767-300 vs. a S80/737!

Pax are welcome to use my nickname which is on my nametag and my apron...they are not getting my full name.

Gate agents are not supposed to give out names either. I looked in the manual to see if I could find anything on A/C ID security but no luck. I do love the part where they tell you to take your Crew ID, passport, roomkey, and wallet with you if you have to evacuate the hotel. Good thing I wear a fanny pack to bed on layovers with these VERY items in it...I AM PREPARED :up: Just kidding!

Was this a JFK-LAX / LAX-JFK flight? Just curious.


YES Coop...welcome back, and thanx for "another view"

TO...jimntx/FA Mikey and Eolesen(3 gents I have a lot of respect for), if you 3 are totally honest with yourselves, you KNOW FULL WELL, that with AA, your guilty, until proven INNOCENT !!

I approve of name tags also, but NOT full names.

jimntx....If I said you advocated "full names", when you did not,...then I apologise !


Your right.
AA's Absolute worst BALL BUSTERS are flying between...JFK..to LAX/MIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Bears doesn't want names disclosed because, in his view, AA sees "employees always guilty until proven innocent."

So by circling the wagons, according to Bears, it will be tougher for the passenger to set in motion the complaint that will result in the "guilty even if innocent" process.

If it's not about the childish "if we give out our names we'll be besieged by stalkers" paranoia, then it's about stonewalling. The former is just silly; the latter is much worse.

For Christ's sake, Bears, the crew has access to complete info about each passenger's name, AAdvantage number, etc., and you're advocating hiding the ball on the name of a flight attendant? To make it tougher for the passenger to identify the FA?

What if I ask the FA to repeat the name of the Captain and FO? As you know, that's part of the "Welcome aboard" script. Should FAs tell me to pound sand if I don't catch it the first time? That's security sensitive info, and I'm not gonna tell you.

Gimme a break.
What if I ask the FA to repeat the name of the Captain and FO? As you know, that's part of the "Welcome aboard" script. Should FAs tell me to pound sand if I don't catch it the first time? That's security sensitive info, and I'm not gonna tell you.

Good Point! As a matter of fact, it is part of the company-designated intro in the PA card for the #1/Purser to state their name to the passengers right after giving the cockpit names and flight info. I don't do it because it sounds just a little "grand" on a flight from STL to DFW to say, "My name is Jim. I am your #1 f/a." It gives the impression that I am in charge. Nothing could be further from the truth on the S80.

And, it all goes back to the fact that what I have seen result from stonewalling a passenger is that their "unhappiness" escalates into "the worst flight I have ever had. The entire crew were rude and lazy. Etc. Etc. Etc." This includes stonewalling them on any information--delays, diversions, connections. If you tell the passenger the truth, they might not like the answer, but they can't say later that you lied to them.
Good Point! As a matter of fact, it is part of the company-designated intro in the PA card for the #1/Purser to state their name to the passengers right after giving the cockpit names and flight info. I don't do it because it sounds just a little "grand" on a flight from STL to DFW to say, "My name is Jim. I am your #1 f/a." It gives the impression that I am in charge. Nothing could be further from the truth on the S80.

And, it all goes back to the fact that what I have seen result from stonewalling a passenger is that their "unhappiness" escalates into "the worst flight I have ever had. The entire crew were rude and lazy. Etc. Etc. Etc." This includes stonewalling them on any information--delays, diversions, connections. If you tell the passenger the truth, they might not like the answer, but they can't say later that you lied to them.



Re-READ your first 2 lines above.
And quess what, I AGREE with what you said, especially about the Purser.
My contention is that NO other F/A be VOLUNTEERING the full name of any non purser F/A.

With ALL due RESPECT,It's not brain surgery I'm proposing here.

A bit dramatic here my good cyber friend !!


(pax sitting in first row of Y, on a 767)
(pax calls to the nearest F/A to report an "irregularity", other than THE F/A in question)
"Excuse me, I want to complain about one of the F/A's.....I see he's way in the back of the plane..,WHAT IS HIS FULL NAME", he did yada..yada..yada"

(The "called upon F/A")...."I'm Very sorry M'am, that you've had an encounter. Let me get the on board PURSER, who will follow through with this"

(Purser)..."Good Morning Ms. Pearlstein, .....I'm James Andrews, your on board PURSER. I understand that you've encountered a difficulty with one of our crew " ???

(Ms. Pearlstein) "YES...he would'nt yada..yada..yada"
(Purser) "Let me speak to the F/A, and I'll get right back to you"

(Purser to Ms. "P") "I've spoken to Rodrigo, and he said that your bag can NOT be stored in the closet in front of you, because it is FULL to CAPACITY with belongings of our Business class pax. However, I'll personally try to find space here in your Y section"

(Ms. "P") "Even if you do find space, I WANT HIS FULL NAME BECAUSE I DID"NT LIKE HIS TONE", and I'm reporting him to American Airlines" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Purser) "Ms. Pearlstein..I've located a spot 3 rows behind you, under a seat for you bag, just until we take off, and the captain has turned off the seat belt sign, at which time, I or another F/A will retrieve your bag, and will bring it to you, while we're in flight"

(Ms. "P") "Thank you James...However I want that F/A's full name, before we arrive into LAX" !!!

(Deplaining in LAX)
(Purser).."Ms Pearlstein..I've spoken with Rodrigo a second time, and again I'm SORRY that the closet was full. I've also spoken to 2 other F/A's who said that rodrigo was polite, and was doing his job !
HOWEVER, with that said, please take my AA business card, AND I've written on the back the address to the AA dept. that you may wish to contact, I've also included the F/A's (rodrigo) first name, AND the position number that Rodrigo was assigned to,our flight today to LAX was Flt. # 3.....And Again...Please accept MY apology for your Inconvenience, and Thank You for Flying AA"

Pretty straight forward...I feel !
My upgrade cleared the other evening MIA-LAX on 649, the 763. Got my fav seat in row 6 and had a great flight. Throughout the flight, kept the area around my seat picked up, as always.

I picked up the plastic bag holding the duvet and pillow, the chocolate wrappers, the misc napkins, etc. When I deplaned at LAX, the area around my seat looked like it did 6 hours earlier when I boarded.

As always, I was appalled at the garbage-strewn areas around the other seats. Napkins, magazines, newspapers, blue tablecloths, everything just tossed on the floor. What a freakin pigsty. Not unlike the garbage infested yards you see in the poorest neighborhoods when you travel by train. It's even worse on NRT, PVG and DEL ultra-long flights.

What's with these people?

I have noticed that inbounds from both MIA and NYC are by far the messiest, with MIA the worst. Maybe there is something in the water.

Some through flights do not have the lavs serviced at MIA, so the smell might make people less well-behaved. Some will unconsciously rationalize, "If it smells like a pigsty, why should I care if I make it look like one?" It references the "broken window" school of civic order.



Re-READ your first 2 lines above.
And quess what, I AGREE with what you said, especially about the Purser.
My contention is that NO other F/A be VOLUNTEERING the full name of any non purser F/A.

With ALL due RESPECT,It's not brain surgery I'm proposing here.
A bit dramatic here my good cyber friend !!


(pax sitting in first row of Y, on a 767)
(pax calls to the nearest F/A to report an "irregularity", other than THE F/A in question)
"Excuse me, I want to complain about one of the F/A's.....I see he's way in the back of the plane..,WHAT IS HIS FULL NAME", he did yada..yada..yada"

(The "called upon F/A")...."I'm Very sorry M'am, that you've had an encounter. Let me get the on board PURSER, who will follow through with this"

(Purser)..."Good Morning Ms. Pearlstein, .....I'm James Andrews, your on board PURSER. I understand that you've encountered a difficulty with one of our crew " ???

(Ms. Pearlstein) "YES...he would'nt yada..yada..yada"
(Purser) "Let me speak to the F/A, and I'll get right back to you"

(Purser to Ms. "P") "I've spoken to Rodrigo, and he said that your bag can NOT be stored in the closet in front of you, because it is FULL to CAPACITY with belongings of our Business class pax. However, I'll personally try to find space here in your Y section"

(Ms. "P") "Even if you do find space, I WANT HIS FULL NAME BECAUSE I DID"NT LIKE HIS TONE", and I'm reporting him to American Airlines" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Purser) "Ms. Pearlstein..I've located a spot 3 rows behind you, under a seat for you bag, just until we take off, and the captain has turned off the seat belt sign, at which time, I or another F/A will retrieve your bag, and will bring it to you, while we're in flight"

(Ms. "P") "Thank you James...However I want that F/A's full name, before we arrive into LAX" !!!

(Deplaining in LAX)
(Purser).."Ms Pearlstein..I've spoken with Rodrigo a second time, and again I'm SORRY that the closet was full. I've also spoken to 2 other F/A's who said that rodrigo was polite, and was doing his job !
HOWEVER, with that said, please take my AA business card, AND I've written on the back the address to the AA dept. that you may wish to contact, I've also included the F/A's (rodrigo) first name, AND the position number that Rodrigo was assigned to,our flight today to LAX was Flt. # 3.....And Again...Please accept MY apology for your Inconvenience, and Thank You for Flying AA"

Pretty straight forward...I feel !

I'm in full agreement with you Bear.
The Captain always says his name and who he is, even if we don't read it.
As purser I announce, " my name is Chris and I will be your purser on this _______'s flight" I don't announce my first AND last name.

Name tags ARE a requirement at AA. Real names aren't. That's the flat out truth. I'm sure those who wish to argue will say that real names are a requirement. If that were the case than why is it possible to have any name you want written on your apron?? Why can people have Mrs. R or Miss J. on their name tage? I know people who enjoy coming up with new names for tags that appear to be real first and last name but have a hidden joke behind them.

If the company wanted your real name on your tag they would never let us get the false ones and I wouldn't be working with.
Dick Hertz, Polly Ester, Kay Sedia, and my personal fave S.P. the alias which I'm not giving out because it is too funny to see go away.

The company just wants the passengers to be able to call us period. They don't care what they call us or what we want to be called, unless it is rude. Mr. Dick Hertz had to retire the tag but before he did a passenger asked, " do you have a pencil, dick?" cause she got it.

If people go through such trouble to conceal their names I don't think it is up to any of us to willingly give out their real name in lieu of asking them for permission to do so.
Two observations....

1) I flew out of LHR this week and watched the guy in 13E take the plastic wrap off the duvet and throw it behind his seat... so it does happen, and he obviously didn't think twice about being a slob. He was from NYC -- he was somewhat loudly talking about how much of a zoo customs was and how great it was at his home airport, JFK, now that they'd upgraded the terminal...

2) On the way over to LHR, I asked the purser for my FA's name without saying why I wanted it, and she gave it to me without hesitating. If she hadn't, I know someone who could have pulled the NSG for me, but I was glad to see that I didn't have to go that extra step. (it was to write a good letter... believe it or not. The service I received on both legs was better than normal, even though the J seats are crappy).
"do you have a pencil, dick?"
At TWA we had a Capt Richard Dick and a Capt Richard Head. That's right, Dick Dick and Dick Head. They both had fun with their names and never failed to get everyone in a good mood when they did their PA routines.

In the FA ranks we had a Dodge Purser who, when he became a purser, was purser Purser, and a Carrie Traze. I understand that was Ms. Traze's real name, but never verified it. We had a male FA whose name tag said simply, "Sir."
