It's two days. There are four classes, starting the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. Mine is the 8th. We arrive in the morning from all over the country and begin at 1300. There will be some administrative things to take care of; forms to fill out, getting us back into Sabre, taking pictures for ID cards, etc, then a couple of hours of computer work. We'll be staying at the Lodge at FU, which should be convenient. The next day is basically EPT's starting at 0800 and running to 1700 (earlier, I hope) then we're released to go home.Kirkpatrick, when does your training start? It is only one day, correct? Not including one day for travel I assume. Any other fun facts on the recall training?
There's an orientation meeting (Indoc) at LGA on the 16th, but many of us won't be going as we're well familiar with the NY scene. We need our keys and parking permits and the base has been very helpful (and I take this opportunity to thank Willie Aviles, our union chair, for all his work in smoothing over the bumps along the way) in arranging for these items to be picked up at EWR for the NJ people, and earlier at LGA for those of us who live here. We've been emailed forms for parking permits so we can fax or mail them in and get those details out of the way early. Dec 17th we're officially on the payroll.
We'll get AVBL schedules for Dec and be able to bid for them at training. Jan is supposed to be reserve, but Jan is a senior reserve rotation and I doubt if the LGA people holding it will allow us to bump them off, so it's possible we'll hold lines in Jan.
I'm looking forward to getting the last of the chores done and getting back to a regular routine. You won't hear any complaining from me, and if I hear anyone gripe I'lll hit them over the head with my unemployment check stub.
MK (well, I'll b!tch a little but I won't complain)