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Aa Wants To Fly Hnl To Nrt

I think Jim has every reason to be upset over staying in such a rathole. Dirty sheets, kleenex in the bed. That is disgusting.
It is a "job" not a vacation and every hotel can't be a resort but basic cleanliness is not too much to ask.
Damn, all those years we thought the grass was greener on the AA side...
:jerry: :lol:--T-One

Jim, there were days I had to deal with "used underwear", toenail clippings, and "hairs" courtesy of Mr. Icahn....I know how you feel...
PS. Those hotels were owned by Icahn's cousin...

Don't get me wrong, I too would be extremely Pi$$ed off if I had a room like that to settle in to and there is no excuse for failing to provide basic hygene. But you know what, you go down to the hotel reception and you demand a new room and be as upset and demanding as you want, which is your right as a guest.
This would also put me off of staying there, but if you really despise the place and you really feel that strongly about it, then don't you have an option not to bid for that route.....At least you have that choice........I don't, I get told where I'm going, end of story!
woztwa said:
:jerry: :lol:--T-One

Jim, there were days I had to deal with "used underwear", toenail clippings, and "hairs" courtesy of Mr. Icahn....I know how you feel...
PS. Those hotels were owned by Icahn's cousin...
Oh for heavans sake woztwa. You should have taken more than one pair on your trip! 😛 Love and miss you!
TransWorldONE said:
Oh for heavans sake woztwa. You should have taken more than one pair on your trip! 😛 Love and miss you!
Thanks guys. I needed the laugh tonight.

Rusty, you totally missed the point that this wasn't an isolated incident and not just to me. A lot of crews who stayed there had similar experiences. Yet last I heard, it is still the only layover hotel in that city.

And, yes, I did complain loud and long. But, that's because I don't sleep a whole lot anyway. When we don't even arrive at the hotel until after midnight (our official arrival time is before 11pm of course, but there was the 30 minute wait at the airport for the shuttle), and you go back out again shortly after 8am, it's hard to have the energy to complain. And, I never bid a layover at that hotel, but I got stuck with it on reserve on several occasions. So, Rusty, your pat, simplistic, and condescending answers are less than useless.
Blah, Blah, Blah..........Yeah whatever!

Just grow up and stop whining!

If you can't handle it, you know where the door is!
Rusty Bullethole said:
Blah, Blah, Blah..........Yeah whatever!

Just grow up and stop whining!

If you can't handle it, you know where the door is!
My, my, my. Such an elegant turn of phrase. What a command of the English language! And, the originality of the thinking just staggers the imagination.
He really has empathy for your situation Jim, I can just feel it ozing out of him/her.
Rusty Bullethole said:
Blah, Blah, Blah..........Yeah whatever!

Just grow up and stop whining!

If you can't handle it, you know where the door is!
Boy, that was really RUDE--lighten up, Buddy. This is not a third world country.
Obviously you have not encountered being dog tired only to get to a hotel that
if one step down, would have had the out-house in the back. About the underwear..I DID complain, only to be told at 1:30am, "Well, what do you want me to do about, send someone to get them?"-I said YES and give me another ROOM. LOL I also, YELLED about the HAIRS I found in my bed-at the FRONT DESK in front of other GUESTS-and got a suite, that was, too, less than "clean"---
so lighten up. There is no excuse for this. That is what they have "hotel commitees" for...
Update on NRT-HNL from the APFA Hotline for 14May04...

"American was awarded seven currently unused frequencies between Honolulu and Tokyo this week by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The airline will now apply for slots in Narita, and hopes to have a decision on the slots no later than June 6th. American has targeted November 1st for startup of the new service. No decision has been made on which crew base will fly the new route. "

I'm assuming that "seven unused frequencies" means enough slots for 1 flight per day each way.

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