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Aa To Buy Ua

I would like to ask you folks at United if years ago had United took over USAIR, would you have preferred they be stapled or meshed in with your seniority list?

AA bought TWA. Not a merger! No one had any compassion for the Eastern Airlines and PanAM folks! TWA was on the balls of their ass and AA did save most of their jobs! The seniority issue was argued by the unions and arbitrated and depending where they worked, they either got 4/10/01 seniority, 25% seniority or 100% seniority. They ALL got their company time 100%. They came in with an enormous pay raise, max vacation, and get this: MAXimum SICK TIME which is 150 DAYS.
Do you guys know that when you are vested, that first year is essentially lost because you had to work the entire year? Well, the poor TWA folks got exempt from that.

I've been in the airline biz for about 28 years now. I feel for all those who lost jobs due to corporate greed. We've seen the great airlines go under. But you have to put yourself in one another's shoes when companies are bought out.

BTW, if you think AA would even consider taking over another company, think again.
They are in no financial position to do so. And as for the seniority issue, employee morale is at an all time low over it.

And if you think AA treats "AA" employees any better than "TWA" employees, you are really dreaming.
Hopeful said:
I would like to ask you folks at United if years ago had United took over USAIR, would you have preferred they be stapled or meshed in with your seniority list?

AA bought TWA. Not a merger! No one had any compassion for the Eastern Airlines and PanAM folks! TWA was on the balls of their ass and AA did save most of their jobs! The seniority issue was argued by the unions and arbitrated and depending where they worked, they either got 4/10/01 seniority, 25% seniority or 100% seniority. They ALL got their company time 100%. They came in with an enormous pay raise, max vacation, and get this: MAXimum SICK TIME which is 150 DAYS.
Do you guys know that when you are vested, that first year is essentially lost because you had to work the entire year? Well, the poor TWA folks got exempt from that.

I've been in the airline biz for about 28 years now. I feel for all those who lost jobs due to corporate greed. We've seen the great airlines go under. But you have to put yourself in one another's shoes when companies are bought out.

BTW, if you think AA would even consider taking over another company, think again.
They are in no financial position to do so. And as for the seniority issue, employee morale is at an all time low over it.

And if you think AA treats "AA" employees any better than "TWA" employees, you are really dreaming.

I don’t think that many TWA employees think the same way you do. Reading the threads on the AA side (and the old airlines of the past) I get the feeling that the TWA employees weren’t as lucky as you let it sound. The majority lost their jobs and only a small minority still has one with AA.
Just Plane Crazy said:
I don’t think that many TWA employees think the same way you do. Reading the threads on the AA side (and the old airlines of the past) I get the feeling that the TWA employees weren’t as lucky as you let it sound. The majority lost their jobs and only a small minority still has one with AA.

I believe you are correct in your observation.
I don't want to get in the Ua vs Frnt too much but I will say. We at UA have not made a profit in how many quarters ? I don't trust the way this management team is crunching numbers showing big losses but saying its all attributed to BK. They may be moving operating cost related items to BK cost items to get larger bonuses. It would not surprise me.

As for AA buying UA, it will not happen. The only thing that could happen is that AA buys a part of UA. I think management has one last try here before the judge orders a trustee. Then who knows what happens.
twasilverbullet said:
I would not wish AA on you, you deserve better. I wish you folks all the best. 🙂

What he said! B)
Just Plane Crazy said:
I don’t think that many TWA employees think the same way you do. Reading the threads on the AA side (and the old airlines of the past) I get the feeling that the TWA employees weren’t as lucky as you let it sound. The majority lost their jobs and only a small minority still has one with AA.

I think the ones that managed to stay on with AA are luckier than hitting the street. If you think TWA was a viable airline, you are mistaken. The only reason AA bought TWA was to keep up with the Joneses. If you recall, the UAL/USAIR deal was in full swing and there were no indications the government would shoot it down. Another AA benefit was that they eliminated another carrier. Like I stated before, the unions fought over the seniority issue. AA couldn't give a rat's ass about it. What I stated before was that they ones that did get jobs, got a very big raise and things we AAers did not get.

BTW: How would you feel if UAL had BOUGHT USAIR had they beeb a failing carrier for the third time in bankruptcy cour and them getting 100% seniority?
(still lower employee cost though.... Found cheapa$$ labor from the ranks of UAL has beens...
Don't EVER say that again Busdvr....I lost friends with almost 14yrs here. They worked hard if not harder than most. Suffered through the same sh*t everyone else did and they and their families got hurt by a lot of different entities. None of this is there fault. That attitude is why many people DO NOT like us, and that you would say that about people you worked with does not bode well for you. Just let this one go......
mrfish3726 said:
This is SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY, AA aquiring UAL. IN YOUR DREAMS!!! :blink:


Your moving 230K a day but at what loss???? 3Q should be VERY interesting at UAL with oil hitting $50 bucks a barrel by then. And no BK settlement on the near horizon. I bet my boss that the UAL hangar in DEN will be let go by mid OCT and that you can see possible luquidation of assets by the end of the year. :up:
Fish, don't blame you much for how you feel about the place. And I'm sure there is a little bitterness in all our hearts from our "experience" here. The DIFFERENCE between dying and restructuring....and why UAL has a better than not chance of pulling through...Growth. Dying companies are LOSING market share, not gaining. Your argument on costs is absolutely true....unfortunately. But as long as 1800 flts/day are moving 210k-235k people, she is not going to roll over easily. This WILL BE PULLED out in the end (I think I'm gonna puke), but it will. There has not been ONE single airline that went OUT OF BUSINESS, that wasn't continually losing market share over time, usually substantially. Does that mean I'll probably make dirt for a wage and no bennies...ya...."but thats my f*cking dirt....LOL"
take care :up:
Over on the AA side they are already talking about rumors hat AA might purchase UA or at least the pacific routes. They can't wait for UA to disappear.
Just Plane Crazy said:
Over on the AA side they are already talking about rumors hat AA might purchase UA or at least the pacific routes. They can't wait for UA to disappear.

I seriously doubt there's any chance of AA buying UA or any parts of us much less! ...............The odds are that I have a better shot at winning the Lottery!

Just because AA is not in bankruptcy doesn't mean that they have money for capitol purchases........They still have a very high debt load from the TWA purchase.........BUT; watch, US Air, ....... Sept. 15th....... has a large payment due to their pension trust fund. Do you think Bronner is going to make it? He has said publicly (Yahoo financial section last week) that they have a 1 in 2 chance of going into Chapt. #11 again & if they do, they won't come out........... Those birds on the tail of AA's planes........... they're not eagles!
Heavy_Iron_Pilot said:
IThose birds on the tail of AA's planes........... they're not eagles!

Ion't get it. What does that mean?
SkyLiner said:
Buzzards or Vultures perhaps?

Oh OK, so I gues what ever type of bacteria or virus it ingest it STILL SURVIVES. :up: B)
latreal said:
Oh OK, so I gues what ever type of bacteria or virus it ingest it STILL SURVIVES. :up: B)

absolutly! and eventully takes over the host.
You are correct in assuming the ex-TWAers do not hold the same insight as Hopeful. He feels we should count our blessings that AA came to our rescue. Hmmmm...all stews are gone I think...most pilots...fleet service was diminished greatly...janitors and guards all gone...my seniority is only good at MCIE...I could go on but I see no reason.

AA is not the cure for UAL....but let me wish you all good luck, I feel our industry is "under attack" by CEO's and stockholders looking to make a buck through perpetual outsourcing...the new airline way of doing business.

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