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Aa To Buy Ua

etops1 said:
yeah and american will staple all ual employees to the bottom of the snioritiy list and lay them all off. sound familiar? american is a heartless company. no way in hell this will happen. if any one has the the august 2004 edition of airways magazine. read the article "farewell to twa" it brought tears to my eyes to read what american did to this great company. twa would have been better off shutting down by them selves like pan am did with dignity than have american come in and do it for them and treat the twa employees like crap. i mean they even sent out a comail telling the employees not to show emotion on the the day they were being let go. how heartless is that. ual will not let american come in and screw things up . hell no.

I have to disagree about "twa being better off shutting down by themselves". Many employees had almost two years on the payroll after TWA was bought, and some have the possibility of recall to AA. Check out the TWA Flight Attendants: They have stuck together and put up one heck of a fight. A fight which, IMHO, they have a chance at winning.
BartlettAve said:
I have to disagree about "twa being better off shutting down by themselves". Many employees had almost two years on the payroll after TWA was bought, and some have the possibility of recall to AA. Check out the TWA Flight Attendants: They have stuck together and put up one heck of a fight. A fight which, IMHO, they have a chance at winning.
If that means laying off AA f/a's to recall twa f/a's....i certantly hope not....
BartlettAve said:
I have to disagree about "twa being better off shutting down by themselves". Many employees had almost two years on the payroll after TWA was bought, and some have the possibility of recall to AA. Check out the TWA Flight Attendants: They have stuck together and put up one heck of a fight. A fight which, IMHO, they have a chance at winning.

However you want to put it, a lot of people will lose their jobs and most likely it will be UA employees. First of all AA would not keep the A319/320 fleet. That would eliminate immediately all the cockpit crews and FA’s for those 157 aircrafts. In addition it would get rid of all the B747’s and crew’s (another 42 aircrafts. Don’t forget about all the airport and reservation agents as well as maintenance. Oh and lets not forget the people in the HQ (accounting, marketing, customer service etc.). All in all over 50% of the UA employees would loose their jobs immediately. Then would AA have to call back all their furloughed employees first at the expense of more UA employees.

And by the way who is ensuring that the passengers will like this scenario. How many have changed to other airlines after AA took over TWA?
Just Plane Crazy said:
However you want to put it, a lot of people will lose their jobs and most likely it will be UA employees. First of all AA would not keep the A319/320 fleet. That would eliminate immediately all the cockpit crews and FA’s for those 157 aircrafts. In addition it would get rid of all the B747’s and crew’s (another 42 aircrafts. Don’t forget about all the airport and reservation agents as well as maintenance. Oh and lets not forget the people in the HQ (accounting, marketing, customer service etc.). All in all over 50% of the UA employees would loose their jobs immediately. Then would AA have to call back all their furloughed employees first at the expense of more UA employees.

And by the way who is ensuring that the passengers will like this scenario. How many have changed to other airlines after AA took over TWA?
Dis-agree with most of the post...except the layoff part....that WOULD be fairly substantial with UA employees bearing the brunt....
The Ronin said:
If that means laying off AA f/a's to recall twa f/a's....i certantly hope not....

it'll be interesting....... In 1986, when the TWA flight attendants ended their strike, TWA basically said, "so what, you're fired!" The union went to court, and the court basically said. " well, you're not fired,and you will retain
your pre-strike seniority, but no replacement worker will lose their job as a result of your return". So what happened is that the strikers came back to work as vacancies occurred. And I think everyone was back within 3 years.

So, the TWA FAs could win their lawsuit without displacing any native American FAs.

I know this is a UA site, and the TWA story probally belongs elsewhere. But, for years, flight attendants at every airline have fought for professional recognition. The story of the TWA flight attendants, from their battle with Carl Icahn in the mid-80s, to their demise in the hands of the American flight attendant union in 2001, is a story that every UA Flight Attendant should be aware of.
BartlettAve said:
The Ronin said:
If that means laying off AA f/a's to recall twa f/a's....i certantly hope not....

it'll be interesting....... In 1986, when the TWA flight attendants ended their strike, TWA basically said, "so what, you're fired!" The union went to court, and the court basically said. " well, you're not fired,and you will retain
your pre-strike seniority, but no replacement worker will lose their job as a result of your return". So what happened is that the strikers came back to work as vacancies occurred. And I think everyone was back within 3 years.

So, the TWA FAs could win their lawsuit without displacing any native American FAs.

I know this is a UA site, and the TWA story probally belongs elsewhere. But, for years, flight attendants at every airline have fought for professional recognition. The story of the TWA flight attendants, from their battle with Carl Icahn in the mid-80s, to their demise in the hands of the American flight attendant union in 2001, is a story that every UA Flight Attendant should be aware of.

I understand and don't mean to be antagonistic, it is just my belief that there is nothing more screwed up than this industry and these ludicrous rulings. Thank god aviation is just about as screwed up everywhere else in the world or we'd all be toast. Nobody can run a business that is as about non-fundamental as aviation. I am sorry, but if AA bought UAL I don't feel I have a right to my job over another AA person. Thats just the way it is. And to say so is WRONG....PERIOD. The company failed as a business and separate entity. What and who hired you no longer exists, just like all these people talking here still act as if THEY still work for the company that hired them. NO YOU DON'T....THAT COMPANY WENT BANKRUPT. You are working for a company now THAT IS BK, but is still following your contracts (somewhat) until that company reorganizes, which means NEW investors of some type. And THEY are now your new bosses, and if they want to keep the same contracts fine, if not, well we know what if not means now don't we....look at the pension. Time for people to get their head out of their ass and REALLY figure out where they are. I didn't say you have to like it, but you better have a good understanding because there is going to be some big changes ahead and to be honest....I have little faith in this organization or the unions. Guess that leaves me on the outside looking in. :up:
I think Bartlett is right on about the TWA F/As. AA F/As will not be furloughed but TWA F/As will probably get some seniority and arrive back on the property as AA needs them. That is my prediction for the eventual outcome. It might be far down the road but I believe it will happen. By the way, is was much more the doings of the unions APA and APFA that really made for such a miserable integration.
L1011Ret said:
I think Bartlett is right on about the TWA F/As. AA F/As will not be furloughed but TWA F/As will probably get some seniority and arrive back on the property as AA needs them. That is my prediction for the eventual outcome. It might be far down the road but I believe it will happen. By the way, is was much more the doings of the unions APA and APFA that really made for such a miserable integration.
Of course they should have some senority....when the last AA f/a is on the property then the first TWA f/a should be recalled before "hiring" a new employee. It would really be a simple process if it was just done with common sense. But somehow, someway with a bunch of lawyers and confused jugdges you've got this mess we have now, and if I were an investor.....there is no way you could talk me into an airline. I'd rather stuff in in mason jars and bury it. :up:
If AA were to purchase United out of Bk, almost all the United folks can count on losing their jobs. One only has to look at the disgusting effect of the AA purchase on the former TWA employees.
American Airlines (which is on the edge of BK itself) buys United Airlines (Lot-Stock-N’Barrel?)

Sounds great!!!

Then we can all do the BK dance again in another year or so!!!

Only with different ‘partners’ (sounds incestuous-doesn’t it)!

Yea Baby!!!

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😛 UT
If such a ludicrous scenario were to occur, would AA stay in One-world or leave for Star? Or would it be the end of OW, with AA going to Star and the rest of the carriers migrating to either Star or Sky Team?

With Star's coverage and integration (no AA/BA LHR issues, and AA would have plenty of slots), I think AA would pick Star.
I don’t think that any of the other airlines (Legacy as well as LCC’s) will just stand by and let AA scoop up UA. That would mean that one carrier controls the majority of the market (domestic and international). MBA must have been dreaming when they made such irresponsible suggestion.

It is not the solution to monopolize the aviation industry. I have to agree that the management has to get a business plan together that does not include any loan guarantees etc. There are ways to save cost with minimal concessions from most employees. Some have to give but not all and the employees have to realize that some things will have to change.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Dayum, I should've been a consultant and gotten the big bucks!

As the Chipster would respectfully say, "as I reported first on this board"....

Our nation's flag carrier. Watch it happen!

OK, you and Chip are on the same level.
Do you feel good about that?

:down: UT

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