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Small Airlines Oppose Plan For U.s. Aid To United

Dizel8 said:
Same thing in Long Beach, a city that was trying to get service from AMR, who flatly said no, not interested. Enter jetBlue, who wanted to service the airport, but who was also smart enough to secure slots, because they were well aware, of what the response from AMR would be.
Dude, put down the ganja. Have you ever lived in LA? I have and I can tell you that there is an extremely vocal minority that wants to close LGB. The he!! with slots. They want it closed. No one was pressing for additional LGB service prior to JBLU entering the fray. Post a source for the preposterous allegation that AMR was not interested in providing additional service. Otherwise, I will (rightfully) assume that you're just making this stuff up.
And here's another point to make to those incessant bellyachers whining about "bailouts" to the majors - a point I forgot to mention before. Government laws that have a deterimental effect on the legacy carriers that don't effect the commodity carriers. Example: the changes to the TWOV (transit without visa program). See below for how AC is benefitting up in Canada from intl passengers who used to connect via the US - on US CARRIERS. Gee, do you suppose they were travelling on JetBlue or AirTran on those Brazil - Tokyo routes? (See below)


Air Canada Recalls Flight Attendants for Increase in Long-Haul Flying

Air Canada dreamed of Delhi
Air Canada announced yesterday that as a result of increased long-haul flying, all of its 400 flight attendants laid off last May have now been recalled. The airline also is conducting a flight attendant recruitment drive in several major Canadian cities.

Air Canada has benefited from the increased difficulty with which people around the world have in securing entry visas for the United States. The carrier told Commercial Aviation Today recently that it is enjoying success on recently launched routes to Latin America from overseas passengers, particularly from Asia, seeking routings that avoid U.S. connection-related hassles.

Air Canada has undertaken significant expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean with the launch of new routes to Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; San Jose, Costa Rica; and Havana, Cuba. In addition, Air Canada has recently boosted its Hong Kong service to twice daily including new non-stop flights from Hong Kong to Toronto and launched the only nonstop service between North America and India.

In light of the carrier's long-haul focus, to be considered for a flight attendant position Air Canada requires applicants to be fluent in at least two languages, English and French, or either English or French and one of the following languages: Punjabi, Hindi, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, German and Korean.
Honestly, I don't have too much of a problem with the USG helping airlines per se. I DO have a problem with propping up failing enterprises in ANY industry, and I'll be highly pissed if my tax dollars are put on the hook for an airline that refuses to do better...
Don't know where you're getting this from AVEK but somewhere this week, someone posted an article that stated that United and American had come the farthest at turning themselves around. I'm going to go search for that article again. Don't count out UAL just yet my friend.

Woah big fella,

Yes, there are those vocal minorities, that wish for LGB to be closed, same airport that has been there for eons, but now the houses are getting close. The same airport, that was home to Douglas and now Boeing. There will always be a vocal minority, the examples are to numerous to mention. HPN, white plains is another story, heck, I am sure you could find people who would like to see ORD go away.

As far as LGB wanting traffic, it was widely reported, at the time jetBlue announced service, that the city council had approached AMR to increase service, AMR declined. I will see if I can find some articles for you.
The following excerpt is posted on the AWA employee's website. It should clear up any confusion regarding AWA's position on the UAL ATSB loan application.

"- United Airlines Chief Financial Officer Jake Brace told analysts at the J.P. Morgan airline conference Tuesday that securing a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the federal Air Transportation Stabilization Board (ASTB) remains the carrier's best bet to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Chicago has given United's parent company, UAL Corp., until April 8 to file a reorganization plan. Note: The New York Times erroneously reported yesterday that America West is a member of the Air Carrier Association of America and that America West Airlines opposes the ATSB granting UAL the loan. America West has no official position on the ATSB's decision to give United Airlines the loan. "
I second the thanks to HP!

Now, I just wish times get better UA will buy HP. PHX and LAS hubs added to the UA network...what a huge presence in the western USA.

Not to mention, despite the lack of frills on HP, everytime I have ID-90 on HP that staff has been tremendously nice.
iflyjetz said:
Dude, put down the ganja. Have you ever lived in LA? I have and I can tell you that there is an extremely vocal minority that wants to close LGB. The he!! with slots. They want it closed. No one was pressing for additional LGB service prior to JBLU entering the fray. Post a source for the preposterous allegation that AMR was not interested in providing additional service. Otherwise, I will (rightfully) assume that you're just making this stuff up.
You are correct.

AMR only approached LGB about additional service once B6 grabbed all the available slots.

And a very vocal minority in Long Beach is madder than hell that B6 chose LGB and not LAX.
I hope you don't mind if I do not wish HP to be bought out by UA. I like my job and with all the furloughed folks at UA my position would be gone.

I appreciate the thought and the kind words though.
Fly said:
Don't know where you're getting this from AVEK but somewhere this week, someone posted an article that stated that United and American had come the farthest at turning themselves around. I'm going to go search for that article again. Don't count out UAL just yet my friend.
I'm getting my information straight from the horse's mouth - UA's financial picture continues to look grim, with the carrier again losing over $6 million/day from operations alone. Sure, the company has done alot to stabilize itself in bankruptcy, but there's no way in hell that it will emerge as a viable enterprise with those financials. Indeed, I'll go so far as to say that Brace is making an effort to ultimately "spin" ATSB as the bad guy (as opposed to poor decision-making from ATSB) when United fails to emerge from Chapter 11 by July.
Small Airlines would not compalain that much if they would have seen a real effort from every one @ UA to get out of the mess. I just can imagine that they look at it in a sence of: "The goverment is going to throw the money at a dying dinosaur".

UA's biggest problem is the ego of to many. Not just Unions but also Management!

Don't just ask the employees in the lower pay classes to give up something. Start at the top with a good exsample and let it go from there.

If every one at UA loves the company as much as they say and if they would get their ego out of the way and their act together, they would come up with a solution that would make the company profitable.

At this moment UA is an old battleship in a war that is fought by frigates. They need to get leaner, with a sence of loyalty to each other and a management that is comitted to the company and not only a pay check and some image. Yes not every one will be happy and every one will have to give in. Not just loosing some $'s on a pay check but also giving some kind of concession.

Closing of bases, seniority, type of aircrafts, restructuring etc. etc. etc. You have to look at it from a perspective, either I continue like this and have no job in a year or I get my act together and will make it.

Exsample, closing the MIA base and redirecting South American Traffic to DIA and ORD is just logical. It will save money, give passengers a better service (and please don't forgett, they pay your sallary). But there are a few people who will have to give up their cosy live in FL and will have to reolocate (or shuttle). Feel the pain of all the others who are suffering at UA too.
UAL has operation in economically sensitive states with large Congressional Delegations; The Loan will be approved. Colorado, California, Illinois and Virginia are all large Ua bases of operation with many employees.
JFK777 said:
UAL has operation in economically sensitive states with large Congressional Delegations; The Loan will be approved. Colorado, California, Illinois and Virginia are all large Ua bases of operation with many employees.

(PS remember this is only a loan GUARANTY UA are seeking, not an actual loan.)
It's deja vu all over again...

Isn't this what some UAL boosters were saying in November 2002 just before the ATSB said NO WAY UA?

(PS remember this is only a loan GUARANTY UA are seeking, not an actual loan.)

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