Tell me again why I'm wrong?
Your'e wrong.
Typical response, can't even understand the question.
When did it become there job to make the job more efficient. is that not the job of the highly trained management we are trying to hard to retain?
Union contracts force inefficientcy on the company. If you cut out all the silly work rules unions put into contracts you could probably eliminate 20% of MANAGEMENT and it would probably create union jobs.
They provide for a collective voice of the masses. They establish guidelines and work rules. They help to provide a quality of life for the employee.
Thats funny, I've worked all these years without guidelines or work rules, I've never felt it necessary to get someone else to make my work life better.
The give protections against wrongful termination and management harassment.
This is the "you don't have to work, because the union will sue the company if they fire you" clause. Those pesky management people always out to get you huh?
You really think it was simply a result of unionized employees, that brought down the steel industry?
I just think its odd that the only consistantly profitable steel company in the last 20 years has been NUCOR and they are the only non-unionized, while all the rest are unionized and they went broke. Of course i'm sure that Nucor had smart management and and the rest had stupid management.