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Totally Disgusted

FlyDCoop said;

My "Utopia" would be run by engineers, mechanics, and designers...people who CREATE, ACT, and SOLVE PROBLEMS. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We exist in a world of number-crunchers and "the bottom line" which is where unions come in.

I couldnt agree more, please allow me to introduce my idea. In Atlas Shrugged, whether you agree with the premise or not, the leaders, the talented, designers, engineers, what have you all pulled together and hip pocketed there skills and talents. Lets all hip pocket our skills, shut down this industry, wake up the leadership of this country, the cartel corportate thieves and begin the plan to come out with the most productive, most rewarding airline ever created. It can be done. This board can be the initial meeting place. Just imagine.
I know, 4...I love Richard Branson because he had F/U money. If we find that person or win the lottery...things could really change.

I truly love this industry, therefore I deal with the BS because I get more out of it than I give. Don't get me wrong, I give plenty and I LOVE IT!

I also don't underestimate my worth, you shouldn't either.

I don't expect to max out at 100k...I don't ask for much, my own place, paid my worth, etc. It's the American Dream.

How many CEO's are wearing USA flags on their lapels while outsourcing to underpaid countries to feed the bottom line?

Off topic here but we live in the richest country in the world...so many without healthcare. I respect Ayn Rand's views but they are unrealistic in today's society.

A friend of mine had a bumper sticker that read, "Insurance, the ultimate scam"...sad to say, I believe it.

Could go on forever, but won't. My #1 belief...question authority!
This senority thing is mostly BS. Think about it, how many times have you looked at a classmate that is one number junior to you only to think "I am better than you because I am senior!" It is BS. I could see if you were talking about being a Surgeon or something that required you doing the same thing over and over again to actually save a life! C-mon now.There is absolutly nothing that a new hire or very junior flight attendant cant do that some 40 year FA cant or isnt doing anymore! It is proven every day at AA AE atlantic coast comair and was even proven 40+ years ago at TWA! Senority is nothing more than a whipping/crying board to vent your frustrations.

If I am wrong, then someone please explain what advantages a senior mama at TWA has over a junior kid at AA, besides more more trips in a metal tube with wings!
On 2/18/2003 10:27:21 AM gogogadget wrote:

If I am wrong, then someone please explain what advantages a senior mama at TWA has over a junior kid at AA, besides more more trips in a metal tube with wings!


You hit the nail on the head. So why should every thing be based on seniority alone?

See New Topic: Merit System

Senority usually means you have found more ways to work the system and do as little as possible. Usually a large percentage of the long timers have more apathy and drag the system down. In some of the positions at AA/AE you can not tell the difference between a 2 year person and a 20 year person's work skills. The senority system does provide a way that favorotism can not come into play for better paying positions and schedules.
On 2/17/2003 8:28:40 PM bagsmasher wrote:

What is the bottom FT seniority at DFW now? He may have got laid off.
Bottom FSC ft is11/15/95. Lowest FSC pt is 1/10/00 These are from the Admin office.
Seniority is all we have left. If it was not for seniority they would have kept all the TWA mechanics and got rid of all the senior Mechs at AA. If you paid your dues at the wrong airline too bad. Stop crying and get on with your life. It happened at Easter Pan American and Tower.
On 2/20/2003 3:59:41 PM TIME FOR CHANGE wrote:

Seniority is all we have left. If it was not for seniority they would have kept all the TWA mechanics and got rid of all the senior Mechs at AA. If you paid your dues at the wrong airline too bad. Stop crying and get on with your life. It happened at Easter Pan American and Tower.

I am sorry if you feel seniority is all you have left. That sounds very much like a personal problem, and you need to look deep within yourself and ask if you should maybe consider a career change. But don't think for a minute I will stand back and let you base your career on mine. If you are senior so be it, it means you have experience that is it. Refer to Merit Topic on this board. If you are of retirement age and you choose to ride the pine for simple fact you can, than look out, a young pup is going to bite your ankles old timer. If you are senior and wish to show me a few tricks than this young pup is eager to learn.