As per your last post, the management salaries I was referring to are the upper crust, six figure, golden parachuted stock optioners who never lose a thing. As far as your willing to take a 25% paycut so you could have stayed in this glorious industry is a common response for those who lost their jobs. You see, WXGUESSER, I was an employee at an airline called, ............hmmmmmmmmm let me think..........ah yes EASTERN AIRLINES. A place where the givebacks started in the mid 70's. It started with 3.5% and worked it's was up to 18%. GIVEBACKS IN THIS INDUSTRY DO NOT WORK! Givebacks and concessions did not save Eastern, did not save PANAM and did not save TWA. Once you give back, you will never see what you ceded ever again. When I hear people such as yourself offer to give back everything except their first-born to stay in this exciting field of aviation, it saddens me. It saddens me because Management loves to hear it. Former EAL chairman Frank Borman used to play on our fears. He would send letters home addressed to the spouses threatening the demise of Eastern if they did not pursuade their better halves to give in. He played on the fears of the familes of employees. WXGUESSER, do you think 25% paycut would suffice? What about when AA asks you for vacation back, no more pension, no sick time? How much are you willing to give back just to stay in this game to live and give back more another day?
As per your last post, the management salaries I was referring to are the upper crust, six figure, golden parachuted stock optioners who never lose a thing. As far as your willing to take a 25% paycut so you could have stayed in this glorious industry is a common response for those who lost their jobs. You see, WXGUESSER, I was an employee at an airline called, ............hmmmmmmmmm let me think..........ah yes EASTERN AIRLINES. A place where the givebacks started in the mid 70's. It started with 3.5% and worked it's was up to 18%. GIVEBACKS IN THIS INDUSTRY DO NOT WORK! Givebacks and concessions did not save Eastern, did not save PANAM and did not save TWA. Once you give back, you will never see what you ceded ever again. When I hear people such as yourself offer to give back everything except their first-born to stay in this exciting field of aviation, it saddens me. It saddens me because Management loves to hear it. Former EAL chairman Frank Borman used to play on our fears. He would send letters home addressed to the spouses threatening the demise of Eastern if they did not pursuade their better halves to give in. He played on the fears of the familes of employees. WXGUESSER, do you think 25% paycut would suffice? What about when AA asks you for vacation back, no more pension, no sick time? How much are you willing to give back just to stay in this game to live and give back more another day?