On 10/25/2002 5:05:09 PM eolesen wrote:
I don't think you understand, I'm so infuriated that I don't care if AA goes under. I'm just disgusted I spent so many years working for a company that alienates so many of their employees. When it goes under, it will force me to go into another line of work, and I guarantee it won't be for an airline.
No disrespect meant, but if you don't care if the company goes under, then why wait to leave?
I'm sure there are people (like WXGuesser and others on this board) who are already on street and care more about the company that would be very happy to be recalled.
Bagsmasher, I am sorry that this whole TWA purchase has irrevocably screwed up your life and your enthusiasms for working for AA. It would be wonderful if the mediator had been able to come up with a solution that would have made everyone happy. But that was truly an impossible task. So somebody had to get the shaft, and it ended up being you. That's called life! It's all in how you deal with what gets dealt you. AMR laid me off four days after my wedding, as you know from some of my previous posts. You know what? That was pretty flaming rotten. Am I angry about that at times? Every time I look up and see an AA plane taking off from DFW (just outside my window), it's like somebody kicked me in the chest. But you know what? I am happy, relatively healthy, have a loving wife, and have a job that is keeping me at least just ahead of my creditors, and for those things I am thankful. Please, Mr. Bagsmasher, take a hard look at things and count your blessings. It really could be a lot worse.
As far as the contention about management giving back, take a look around at some of the other posts on this board and others about how to retain management employees. Also, there are a lot of management employees who do not make the country club salaries. Bet you can find a lot of administrative personnel who make around that $40K number. And, I will again needlessly point out that there are a whole lot more Union employees out there than there are management employees.
And on that salary topic; had I been there through all of 2001, I would have made about that $40K number myself (and that's with slurping up every scrap of overtime I could). Would I take a 25% paycut to go back? You bet your sweet (rhymes with brass)!! I LIKED MY JOB! I wanted to be there every day because I *loved* what I did. Plus, even with that paycut, it woud beat the daylights out of working for $22K outside my field like I am now, or working for the sweatshop wages available elsewhere in private industry in my field. And that's in a field where a college degree is REQUIRED. Not that the degree makes me any more important than anyone else who works for the airline, but it does give me the wonderful added budgetary problem of $25-$30K in student loans to pay back...
Eolesen is right, there are lot of people on the outside who would do just about anything to get back inside.
Listen, I know that my idea doesn't exactly toe the union line, but since the only thing the union has done for me since I got laid off has been to offer me a CREDIT CARD (Oh, the delicious irony! Offer me a credit card that I can't afford because the offering party couldn't help protect my job!!)... I would love to know if there are other furloughed employees out there who are getting these calls. Note to any TWU officials reading this board: Might want to edit your call lists; you are torquing people like me off by rubbing our faces further in our furloughs.
Anyway, I will stop ranting for the moment... Peace, all!!!!