Why should we Americans not own guns anymore??
Because if I'm in a restaurant eating with my daughter, or at a movie and some lunatic comes in and thinks he's going to shoot people at random, he's going to be in for a BIG surprise. Because he didn't have a gun that he could find. The government did away with all the guns out there, after banning ALL people from having them.
I continued eating with my daughter, at peace and at ease, because I know that it is rare that someone would own a gun, and most likely this guys doesn't own one either.
Because I'm pretty damn good with my (CCP) Sig 45.
Which would you rather? Be at the mercy of the deranged lunatic and hope that next shot isn't in your or your girls head, or would you rather ease out/quickly aim at center mass, tap twice and drop him?
Some of you people amaze me with your logic. My God, it's no wonder..........................ahh never mind.
And yes, our right to firearms are there to counter an oppressive and tyrannical government-that seems to in motion right now-and seems some of you guys are perfectly willing to assist them.
I say let's all go back to the day of open carry. "Wild wild west!-o.k. corral", ya say. OK....we'll cull/take care of them in short order.
You think a few goons will think a little longer about trying to pull off a heist of a bank, if they think at least 2 or 3 people in there are packing? (or are there more??) I do too.... I personally believe society as whole would be FAR better off and respectful of peoples rights and property.
That all said....I wouldn't be opposed to some "tighter" laws on assault rifles for the common good of Americans. But our "politicians" scare me when they utter the word "complex".....And if the federal govt is involved, you know it's gonna get screwed up. They have lost all trust by me. They've got way too much power already, IMO. Leave it up to the states.