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AA flight attendant arrested at ORD checkpoint on Friday with gun

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Blue Collar,why is it amazing? If the main point is to save a lives as you said cars kill way more people,just a fact?

Mass shooting deaths by guns is .00001% of all gun crimes, it is a non issues, only for the emotional weak to grab onto.
It is an obvious mental health issue not a gun issue. The only gun issue this country has is among the criminal element.
I took your quote and decided to play with it a little. Just imagine if this, what you wrote - the beginning of that story happened in place where most people didn't have guns, like in some countries in Europe - your story would be so short.

Why should we Americans not own guns anymore??

Because if I'm in a restaurant eating with my daughter, or at a movie and some lunatic comes in and thinks he's going to shoot people at random, he's going to be in for a BIG surprise. Because he didn't have a gun that he could find. The government did away with all the guns out there, after banning ALL people from having them.

I continued eating with my daughter, at peace and at ease, because I know that it is rare that someone would own a gun, and most likely this guys doesn't own one either.

Because I'm pretty damn good with my (CCP) Sig 45.
Which would you rather? Be at the mercy of the deranged lunatic and hope that next shot isn't in your or your girls head, or would you rather ease out/quickly aim at center mass, tap twice and drop him?

Some of you people amaze me with your logic. My God, it's no wonder..........................ahh never mind.
And yes, our right to firearms are there to counter an oppressive and tyrannical government-that seems to in motion right now-and seems some of you guys are perfectly willing to assist them.

I say let's all go back to the day of open carry. "Wild wild west!-o.k. corral", ya say. OK....we'll cull/take care of them in short order.
You think a few goons will think a little longer about trying to pull off a heist of a bank, if they think at least 2 or 3 people in there are packing? (or are there more??) I do too.... I personally believe society as whole would be FAR better off and respectful of peoples rights and property.

That all said....I wouldn't be opposed to some "tighter" laws on assault rifles for the common good of Americans. But our "politicians" scare me when they utter the word "complex".....And if the federal govt is involved, you know it's gonna get screwed up. They have lost all trust by me. They've got way too much power already, IMO. Leave it up to the states.


Living under your idea is like living in fear.
Living under mine is like living in peace.
I took your quote and decided to play with it a little. Just imagine if this, what you wrote - the beginning of that story happened in place where most people didn't have guns, like in some countries in Europe - your story would be so short.

Living under your idea is like living in fear.
Living under mine is like living in peace.

Then you wake up and realize criminals don't abide by laws , you go on the meds the psychiatrist prescribed cause the hallucinations are back.
I took your quote and decided to play with it a little. Just imagine if this, what you wrote - the beginning of that story happened in place where most people didn't have guns, like in some countries in Europe - your story would be so short.

Living under your idea is like living in fear.
Living under mine is like living in peace.

You live in a dream world bud. Period.
I took your quote and decided to play with it a little. Just imagine if this, what you wrote - the beginning of that story happened in place where most people didn't have guns, like in some countries in Europe - your story would be so short.

Living under your idea is like living in fear.
Living under mine is like living in peace.

In your world the only people that do own guns are criminals and you are at their mercy...
Id rather carry
except there is no evidence that America is safer because its citizens can carry guns to protect themselves - in fact quite the contrary.

And you do not have the constitutional right to bear arms to protect yourself from civilian crime.
Bearchit, WT.

Did you know that only 20% of the home invasions in the US occur when someone is home.

In England, over 50% of the home invasions occur with someone at home.

Why is that? The fear of the homeowner having a gun?...

The only thing stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. That's not always going to be a paid public servant.

10 of the last 11 mass shootings took place in places which were declared as gun free zones.

The 11th was the Gabriel Giffords shooting, and there, an armed bystander held Laughner at bay until the police could get there.

In the Oregon mall shooting last week, an armed bystander drew his weapon on the shooter, and the shooter took himself out, which ended the event with only two fatalities instead of 20+...

I could care less if pacifists want to waive their right to defend themselves, and depend on the government to do so.

But just like paying for car or home insurance, if you don't have it, you'll never question not having it until it's too late.
Bearchit, WT.

Did you know that only 20% of the home invasions in the US occur when someone is home.

In England, over 50% of the home invasions occur with someone at home.

Why is that? The fear of the homeowner having a gun?...

The only thing stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. That's not always going to be a paid public servant.

Could be that Americans are away from home more because we work more.
In your world, or USA for that matter, every school would have armed guards.

But then, the crazy's would move onto churches. http://usnews.nbcnew...ith-police?lite
As a result, in your USA, every church would have armed guards in it.

Then, a shooting would happen inside a mall. http://www.nj.com/in...gon_focuse.html
As a result, in your USA, every mall would have a bunch of armed guards in it.

You decide to go to McDonalds, but get stopped by an armed guard because of this: http://www.findingdu...s-Massacre.html

Then, a mass shooting would happen at work. http://www.cbsnews.c...ets-police-say/
As a result, in your USA, at work they would have a bunch of armed guards in it, since I'm guessing that your employer would not want you to carry your own gun.

So, basically you want a police state.
Could be that Americans are away from home more because we work more.
uh huh

and it also doesn't change, E, that a small percentage of gun related crimes in the US involve unknown victims.

Even in countries where criminals have guns but the general citizenry cannot, gun violence is drug related and between drug factions and police.
"Charleston Heston,
let's make a short, opening blanket comment, there are no good guns , there are no bad guns. any gun in the hands of a bad man is a bad thing, any gun in the hands of a decent person is no threat to anybody, except bad people."

And yes, gun save people everyday. people with the right to carry, save life everyday. They don't run to the media an report it. Like the media would report it LOL! I know personally two people instances this year.

Schools are a known place where no person can have any weapon. Thats why they go there, there is no threat to them.
The kid used his mother gun, I fault her for not keeping it away from him. If not on her person it should have been lock up.
Like the excellent bumper stickers state:

"Criminals prefer unarmed victims" and...

"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"

These are indisputable facts. Funny....you don't see a loon stroll into a cop substation with intentions of opening up on law enforcement. Nor a shooting range. Why is that?.......noooow you're gettin it. (Maybe...)
and it also doesn't change, E, that a small percentage of gun related crimes in the US involve unknown victims.

Even in countries where criminals have guns but the general citizenry cannot, gun violence is drug related and between drug factions and police.

Well, duh. I've been saying that for over a week.

The fact that criminals and drug traffickers are the ones most impacted by firearm homicide says that it's the lifestyle, not the guns.
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