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Woman leaves 50+ pounds of coke at LAX T4 checkpoint - may be AA Flight Attendant


This isn't the first and won't be the last airline employee to smuggle drugs or anything else that pursues people to do things for money. Not to long ago a Delta employee was running guns out of LGA down south he eventually got caught and it's still business as usual. Money makes people do cray things.....
and there is always a way to get it done
you can bet that wasn't her first rodeo no dealer would trust a "mule" with that amount of product on a first time
cltrat said:
you can bet that wasn't her first rodeo no dealer would trust a "mule" with that amount of product on a first time
Yeah, I don't know if you could afford Gucci shoes on a Jetblue salary. I have a Gucci wallet that was like $400 dollars years ago. it was a gift, It's still in the box in my drawer i'm afraid to use it, it's too expensive. Plus I never have a special occasion uh oh now i'm revealing too much
Her lawyer claiming she may not have known about the cocaine is complete BS.  "Gee, I had no idea why my bag weighed 60-80 pounds heavier than usual"  C'mon man.  Here's a question.  The authorities were saying they knew who she was.  This happened in California.  How was she able to get to New York?  You would think her name would have quickly spread thru the airlines to see if she would try to fly back home. It would be interesting to know what airline she was able to get on to fly back to New York, IF she did in fact fly back. Pretty sure she did do to the time frame...
Read the article I posted, they didn't know who she was at first.
nycbusdriver said:
Goodness, gracious me!   The sky is....
Oh, never mind.  Can't discuss security matters.
Keep going.  You're keeping the stereotype of pilots being egotistical jerks alive and well.  And, I never said that security matters can not be discussed.  I said that security policies and procedures--such as the details of security portal operations--is not supposed to be discussed in open forums.
cltrat said:
you can bet that wasn't her first rodeo no dealer would trust a "mule" with that amount of product on a first time
Was she playing the REALLY bad odds on not getting pulled for a random search?  The random rate is really pretty high  (I won't give a figure because I don't want some LAA flight attendant to accuse me of revealing state secrets.)
Or, was she so clueless that she didn't even know of the random searches?  
(I vote for the latter.)
jimntx said:
Keep going.  You're keeping the stereotype of pilots being egotistical jerks alive and well.  And, I never said that security matters can not be discussed.  I said that security policies and procedures--such as the details of security portal operations--is not supposed to be discussed in open forums.
As you keep alive the stereotype of flight attendants being whiny, clueless, self-important cocktail slingers.
swamt said:
Hate to say it Jim, but I think this will draw in some more changes to how the employees are allowed on the planes for work.  She may have just blown it for all airline employees everywhere.  If big changes are made I am sure the airlines will set up a different check point for "employees reporting for work" otherwise there very well can and will be some delays.  Also, think about the Pilots that are cleared to carry.  This could very easily turn into a huge ordeal.  Now just think if they found explosives instead of drugs?  I know some will slam me for this part, but, I believe it needs to be done.  The one time that an employee slips by with the intent to take down an airliner is one time too many.  God forbid anything ever happens again with the airliners, but I also think if it were to happen again in the USA it could very well be an employee with all the security clearences, why? Because everyone thinks they are all ok because they work for the airliners JMO...
nycbusdriver said:
Well.....that happened in 1987.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Southwest_Airlines_Flight_1771
In the aftermath of that tragedy, the way-too-heavy-on-brains-and-logic GOP President Reagan changed airline security to force all airline CREWS to pass through screening.  But ground crew were still able to "back door" it.  
And here we go again. And just more proof of ground workers still able to "back door" it.  Changes for us airline employees will be coming after these two incidences.  Hate to see it but it really needs to be done.  It just proves that someone can easily be paid 1,000.00 to back door drugs or help laundry cash.  The Delta ramp agent has done it before with a collection of total 4,000.00. WoW, risking a decent career, life, family and friends for a mere 4K, incredible...