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AA flight attendant arrested at ORD checkpoint on Friday with gun

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Kev3188......It's one in the same,....inane point. Specifity of gauge, caliber, or velocity of round is not mentioned in the second amendment ,....assualt rifles are black,, some have collapsable stocks,...put solid stocks on them and color them pink if you want, they work and function the same as a hunting rifle or some shotguns for that matter. Power (or High power) wise to bring down a full grown Elk is way more than what you need to kill a human,...so the traditions of hunting are in your plan as well?.....this is a slippery slope that goes no where except the total ban of firearms,.....which only arms criminals and looney's,... and dis-arms honest citizens.
Like I said I do not own a gun, but have no objection to guns being available within reason.

The second amendment does not address " within reason "....it says "shall not be infringed" so your either for it or not,....I suspect then you are not, so quit trying to fool yourself Bob.
I do not see the correlation between the two.

Criminals and people who become criminals for the first time will always find a way to obtain a firearm. If a person drove a vehicle into a crowd of people would we ban vehicles? If a person drove a vehicle into a crowd of people and was under the influence of Alcohol would we ban alcohol and vehicles? Who do we go after next? Is it guns or bullets that kill people? Neither. it is the person behind the trigger or behind the wheel that has the potential to kill people. We always hear and read about drinking in moderation and not getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence. How many times has this lead to fatalities? Yet vehicles and alcohol are still legal to purchase, own and operate. Why should firearms be any different?

Because firearms are made to kill and vehicles are designed to transport people. I do not own a gun. I do not hunt. I do not kill. I have no need for a gun, rifle or shotgun for my personal protection because I live in a community with a police force; they take care of us and eliminate the need for a gun of any form. Restricting access to guns will not solve all of our problems as a nation but making it much more difficult to acquire guns or ammunition will certainly reduce the numbers of deaths caused by guns. There is no need for anyone outside of the military or law enforcement to have these killing devices.
The second amendment does not address " within reason "....it says "shall not be infringed" so your either for it or not,....I suspect then you are not, so quit trying to fool yourself Bob.

Like I said when the law was written how many shots could you get off in a minute? If the government limited us to single or two shot firearms such as were available when the law was written and require registration and testing for anything more advanced would that be a violation of the law? The law does not state one way or the other but the technology has changed since the law was written. We do not allow people to own hand grenades, Nuclear or biological weapons, is that a violation of the Second Amendment as well? People didnt have to register or test to operate their carriages when they were horse drawn, but later on after they became "horseless" they had to register and test in order to go on public roads. Registration and testing didnt stop the carnage on the roads or stop everyone from operating vehicles outside the law but I feel that without registration and liscencing it would be worse.

I'm just a little sick of hearing about these slaughters on what seems to be happening more and more frequently and hearing about how its their right to own such weapons. And I dont think I'm alone. The Constitution is amendable, put whatever reforms they want up to a refferendum and let the people decide.
Because firearms are made to kill and vehicles are designed to transport people. ....Restricting access to guns will not solve all of our problems as a nation but making it much more difficult to acquire guns or ammunition will certainly reduce the numbers of deaths caused by guns. There is no need for anyone outside of the military or law enforcement to have these killing devices.

Box cutters killed 3000 people just over 11 years ago. They were designed to open boxes.

....Restricting access to cigarettes will not solve all of our problems as a nation but making it much more difficult to acquire cigarettes or tobacco will certainly reduce the numbers of deaths caused by tobacco. There is no need for anyone to have these killing devices.

....Restricting access to alcohol will not solve all of our problems as a nation but making it much more difficult to acquire beer or liquor will certainly reduce the numbers of deaths caused by alcohol.

See how easy it is to twist your argument?

Heroin, Meth, and Cocaine are currently banned, and there's no shortage of any of those substances...

Still avoids the question of why an AR15 is even available on the public market...

For the same reason it has been in the military for almost 40 years -- it is a good design, and is very tolerant of being in the outdoors, which is where the 99% who uses it for large game (like deer and elk) are going to be using it.

Again, people want to focus laws on the 0.001% of the general public who are going to ignore the laws regardless of what they are.

Today it's an AR-15, but it could revert back to bombings, cars plowing thru a playground, poisonings, who knows what.

All the talk about gun control is ignoring the real issue.

We've raised a generation of kids who think church & marriage aren't necessary, and that sexual & violence are entertainment. We've made it acceptable for men to be married for a year or two, create a couple kids, and then move on to the younger model for a while and forget about their previous life. We've reinforced the notion that everyone should have a chance to play, participation awards are good, and that losing and competition are bad instead of just being part of the natural order of life. We've taught kids to run away from fights instead of standing up for themselves.

And you wonder why there are kids who can't see the differences between good and evil, or fantasy and reality?...
your next to last paragraph has validity but it doesn't solve the problem with violence and guns... and it also doesn't change that the types of weapons that the military and police use does not in any way limit the ability of normal citizenry to have 2nd amendment rights.

And it also doesn't change the fact that the gun lobby consistently points the finger at someone else everytime one of these events takes place.

People got sick of drunk driving and a whole host of societal and legal measures were put into place that have been successful in reducing the number of drunk driving incidents. Can you still buy alcohol in the US? Darn sure you can but there are limits and regulations that didn't exist before.

We can check back in a year or two but I think you will see dramatic changes in the way America thinks about guns - but guns will still be available for those who legitimately can and should have.

Whatever happens, America won't die - at least not because of this issue.
Box cutters killed 3000 people just over 11 years ago. They were designed to open boxes.

No, maybe one or two people, but not 3000. Airplanes were used to kill 3000 and not everyone has a right to own and operate any aircraft wherever they want without meeting certain criteria. And that happened once, rules were changed so its unlikely to happen again. What steps have we taken to prevent other mentally challenged people from getting military sytle weapons and letting loose on crowds of innocent people like Columbine, Virginia tech, and Sandy Hook? ?
No, maybe one or two people, but not 3000. Airplanes were used to kill 3000 and not everyone has a right to own and operate any aircraft wherever they want without meeting certain criteria. And that happened once, rules were changed so its unlikely to happen again. What steps have we taken to prevent other mentally challenged people from getting military sytle weapons and letting loose on crowds of innocent people like Columbine, Virginia tech, and Sandy Hook? ?

I'll tell you what has been done. The NRA and supporters of guns have been blamed.
Yet the government oversees who gets permits to carry weapons. Stricter control of back round checks is needed. Blaming guns is not the answer. Criminals will always have guns. How do people snap and go shooting up places and people in public places? They get ideas from todays society full of social media and 24hr news coverage. Family up bringing and religion has gone by the way side. Kids like violence. It excites them. They watch it on TV and video games. They see it on the news. Who controls what they watch? The parents. If you fail to raise your children properly what can you expect? We need to start from the basics. Government oversight is a start but the parents need to teach their kids right from wrong.
Do you think that other countries don't have some of the same violent cultures that exist in the US? The same video games? The same movies -many of which are produced in the US?
Of course all those countries have the same level of violence as in the US but the difference is that it is much harder to gain access to weapons that can do the level of damage that we have seen in the US.
Of course criminals still have access to guns - but the battle is largely between the police and the criminal elements and not the general populace who becomes victims in violent rampages by mentally unstable people like the guy in CT who should have never had access to a gun.
And his mother who was left to try to raise him didn't have the support necessary to care for him or have the necessary resources to make decisions for him.

No one expects that limits on weapons will solve all of society's ills - those problems still exist in other countries.

But what greater gun controls will do is limit the number of people who can gain access to weapons that can take the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do with the situation.

And those controls will in not limit the ability of people who have legitimate reasons to carry and use weapons.

I'm not one to expect the US to follow in any other country's footsteps but the gun control laws in the UK do work and should be considered in this debate.

And notably, the FA that was the subject of this thread originally would have never been put in the situation of having a gun in her luggage at an airport checkpoint.
I'll tell you what has been done. The NRA and supporters of guns have been blamed.
Yet the government oversees who gets permits to carry weapons. Stricter control of back round checks is needed. Blaming guns is not the answer. Criminals will always have guns. How do people snap and go shooting up places and people in public places? They get ideas from todays society full of social media and 24hr news coverage. Family up bringing and religion has gone by the way side. Kids like violence. It excites them. They watch it on TV and video games. They see it on the news. Who controls what they watch? The parents. If you fail to raise your children properly what can you expect? We need to start from the basics. Government oversight is a start but the parents need to teach their kids right from wrong.

Well Xbox has pretty much become CBT for Psycopaths. Of course not every kid who plays those games is going to shoot up a mall or a school and you are right, we should push for more wholesome entertainment, with our wallets.

The NRA seems to be against permits and background checks or any limitations as to the weapons people can own, so are we in agreement there?

My guess is that kid who murdered all those children knew right from wrong. If you ever had or knew someone with a disturbed child(from what I read the kid had asberghers(sic?) ) then you would know that its a challenge. There isn't a whole lot of help available and the drugs are expensive. With medical plans paying less and less it makes things even harder on the parents, in most cases it contributes to divorce which often makes things even worse.

This isnt so much about blame, its about making these tragedies less frequent by making it harder to get efficient killing tools. Sure other things can be used, but it seems that with guns so easy to get that has been the preferred method and its happening a lot.
Like I said when the law was written how many shots could you get off in a minute? If the government limited us to single or two shot firearms such as were available when the law was written and require registration and testing for anything more advanced would that be a violation of the law? The law does not state one way or the other but the technology has changed since the law was written. We do not allow people to own hand grenades, Nuclear or biological weapons, is that a violation of the Second Amendment as well? People didnt have to register or test to operate their carriages when they were horse drawn, but later on after they became "horseless" they had to register and test in order to go on public roads. Registration and testing didnt stop the carnage on the roads or stop everyone from operating vehicles outside the law but I feel that without registration and liscencing it would be worse.

I'm just a little sick of hearing about these slaughters on what seems to be happening more and more frequently and hearing about how its their right to own such weapons. And I dont think I'm alone. The Constitution is amendable, put whatever reforms they want up to a refferendum and let the people decide.

The 2nd amendment a law?,.....its a right !..(.Driving a car is a privelege btw ).......not only a right,... but a right deemed so important to our government it was listed second......I ask you why so?......I'm sick of the miss use of these rights as much as you are,.....but miss use of freedoms we enjoy is not a new thing it just gets reported to us more efficiently,....unrelated to this shooting thats being reported, was a greater loss of life by children killed in a school in 1927...... from Dynamite !......you can't legislate crazy.

23 Nowhere else in the Constitution does a 'right' attributed
to 'the people' refer to anything other than an individual
right. What is more, in all six other provisions of the
Constitution that mention 'the people,' the term
unambiguously refers to all members of the political
community, not an unspecified subset... The Second Amendment
extends, prima facie, ..."TO ALL INSTRUMENTS THAT CONSTITUTE
BEARABLE ARMS"... The very text of the Second Amendment
implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and
declares only that it 'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.'

Justice Antonin Scalia (b. 1936)
District of Columbia v. Heller, June 26, 2008

So how much further down this slippery slope do we go?,....with ever increasing violations of the constitution not only with gun control but every direction you look in the attempt to make America Utopiah and eroding what seperates this nation from all the rest(liberty and freedom) in the name of safety from a few?
Yeah, what gives us the right to take away guns from crazy people? The nerve!!!! I am sure that there was no mention anywhere in the constitution and amendment that forbids crazy people and even children from having guns.

Why are we preventing those people from having guns? It's their RIGHT!!!!!!! Isn't it? Can someone please post the constitution here? or second amendment or whatever it is called so we can review it?
Anyone that thinks guns are the problem are themselves vey ill-informed.

In fact crimes are down almost everywhere and gun ownership is way up. In fact the areas with the most liberal gun laws have seen the biggest drops in violent crimes and murder. Even the DOJ says schools shootings are down significantly, don’t let the media brainwash you so easily.

BTW places like Chicago where owning a gun is virtually impossible are bucking the trend of lower crime and murder rates.
Well Xbox has pretty much become CBT for Psycopaths. Of course not every kid who plays those games is going to shoot up a mall or a school and you are right, we should push for more wholesome entertainment, with our wallets.

The NRA seems to be against permits and background checks or any limitations as to the weapons people can own, so are we in agreement there?

My guess is that kid who murdered all those children knew right from wrong. If you ever had or knew someone with a disturbed child(from what I read the kid had asberghers(sic?) ) then you would know that its a challenge. There isn't a whole lot of help available and the drugs are expensive. With medical plans paying less and less it makes things even harder on the parents, in most cases it contributes to divorce which often makes things even worse.

This isnt so much about blame, its about making these tragedies less frequent by making it harder to get efficient killing tools. Sure other things can be used, but it seems that with guns so easy to get that has been the preferred method and its happening a lot.

Bob the Mother of this child was very well off and the cost of health care was not an issue,(her alimoney alone totaled 250k)....you seem to be pushing a political agenda very much like the President is in taking advantage of this tragedy by suggesting in an earlier post its the Republicans fault we have so many crazies on the street and then in this one,.....she lived in Conn. for christ sake and was very comfortable. But even so you can't force an adult to take meds,....which we are finding out he didn't,....and probably should have been.
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