Like I said when the law was written how many shots could you get off in a minute? If the government limited us to single or two shot firearms such as were available when the law was written and require registration and testing for anything more advanced would that be a violation of the law? The law does not state one way or the other but the technology has changed since the law was written. We do not allow people to own hand grenades, Nuclear or biological weapons, is that a violation of the Second Amendment as well? People didnt have to register or test to operate their carriages when they were horse drawn, but later on after they became "horseless" they had to register and test in order to go on public roads. Registration and testing didnt stop the carnage on the roads or stop everyone from operating vehicles outside the law but I feel that without registration and liscencing it would be worse.
I'm just a little sick of hearing about these slaughters on what seems to be happening more and more frequently and hearing about how its their right to own such weapons. And I dont think I'm alone. The Constitution is amendable, put whatever reforms they want up to a refferendum and let the people decide.
The 2nd amendment a law?,.....its a right !..(.Driving a car is a privelege btw ).......not only a right,... but a right deemed so important to our government it was listed second......I ask you why so?......I'm sick of the miss use of these rights as much as you are,.....but miss use of freedoms we enjoy is not a new thing it just gets reported to us more efficiently,....unrelated to this shooting thats being reported, was a greater loss of life by children killed in a school in 1927...... from Dynamite ! can't legislate crazy.
23 Nowhere else in the Constitution does a 'right' attributed
to 'the people' refer to anything other than an individual
right. What is more, in all six other provisions of the
Constitution that mention 'the people,' the term
unambiguously refers to all members of the political
community, not an unspecified subset... The Second Amendment
extends, prima facie, ..."TO ALL INSTRUMENTS THAT CONSTITUTE
BEARABLE ARMS"... The very text of the Second Amendment
implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and
declares only that it 'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.'
Justice Antonin Scalia (b. 1936)
District of Columbia v. Heller, June 26, 2008
So how much further down this slippery slope do we go?,....with ever increasing violations of the constitution not only with gun control but every direction you look in the attempt to make America Utopiah and eroding what seperates this nation from all the rest(liberty and freedom) in the name of safety from a few?