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AA Down Under and Trans Pac?

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WorldTraveler said:
of course it's all wrong because this discussion board is nothing but a tool for personal vendetta, son

you don't the knowledge or ability to discuss anything factual so you launch into attacks at people just because they use data you don't like.

stick to throwing bags or something else you do well.

speaking about the business of aviation is way out of your league.
yes we know you by yourself are smarter than every aviation market  person and lawyer that AA has.
In reality you're just someone with a massive ego with a bunch of arrogance throwed in
In other words I'd like to buy you for what your worth and sell you for what you think you're worth
yes we know you by yourself are smarter than every aviation market  person and lawyer that AA has.
In reality you're just someone with a massive ego with a bunch of arrogance throwed in
In other words I'd like to buy you for what your worth and sell you for what you think you're worth
no I have no problems with people coming on here and discussion issues - even if we don't agree.

you discuss the issues but I would hardly characterize us as drinking buddies.

robbed doesn't discuss the issues - he just comes to crap on the conversation.

I can deal with people who actually make some attempt to participate in the discussion but little for conversation crappers.

Does AA have JFK slots that they are not using?
How many?
don't know... but AA has cut far more flights than they have traded slots.

I can't remember what parts of Pan Am that AA bought. Can you refresh my memory, WT? I know that UA bought Asia and, ultimately, Latin America. DL got the Atlantic Division and the Shuttle. What did AA get?
Pan Am had a shuttle that is what the Delta Shuttle came from.
US bought Trump Shuttle after Trump lost control and Citibank stepped in and took over, US managed it then bought it from and for Citibank.
AA bought TW's LHR routes, it didnt buy anything from PA.
UA bought PA's Pacific Operation and LHR routes.
DL got the Shuttle and the European Flights and a hub in FRA.
specifically DL got the continental European network - most of which has been replaced by the AF/KL JV or nonstop from ATL and/or JFK. The biggest remaining part of the Pan AM network is DL's strength in Southern Europe.

LHR was and still is the most valuable part of the AA, DL, and UA networks and PA already sold its LHR routes to UA before DL bought the rest.

but specific to the Pacific discussion, DL restructured its TATL network and built on Pan Am's strength. DL didn't try to build it on its own.... other than DL's ATL to Europe flights.

AA is still trying to do what no other US airline has done in any part of the world which is to build a network competitive with other carriers competing from not just their hubs to that region (which is fairly easy to do) but also from key coastal markets where market strength is far more important in determining success
really?   youre the master king of taking things off topic clown  I stay on topic a helluva lot more than you do   At least I don't turn it into pro DL bs like you do    At least I don't show bias toward one airline and knock the others away like you do all the time       Like I said  before I don't know if AA brought anything from Pan Am but 700 explained it.   In the end AA did not buy PAN AM or anything of it.   I do remember DL buying Pan Am European routes and FRA hub as well as the shuttle.   That hurt dl bad during the mid 90s
I can't remember what parts of Pan Am that AA bought. Can you refresh my memory, WT? I know that UA bought Asia and, ultimately, Latin America. DL got the Atlantic Division and the Shuttle. What did AA get?
Good question. Anyone?
See previous post:
Pan Am had a shuttle that is what the Delta Shuttle came from.
US bought Trump Shuttle after Trump lost control and Citibank stepped in and took over, US managed it then bought it from and for Citibank.

AA bought TW's LHR routes, it didnt buy anything from PA.
UA bought PA's Pacific Operation and LHR routes.
DL got the Shuttle and the European Flights and a hub in FRA.

700 is right on this....

TW was basically taken in entirety over several times by AA.

PA was divided between DL and UA.

and robbed, we are talking about factual information.

while 700 and I don't agree on a lot of labor issues, he usually is pretty accurate on airline history. I respect his knowledge in that regard.

and once again specific to this topic, AA, DL, and UA are strong where they bought assets from other carriers. UA is about the only example where its purchase of PA's Latin division has not provided any more strength. UA's strength in Latin America is due primarily to CO's strength from IAH to Latin America which is a good example of successfully building a presence in a region from one's own hub, just as DL has done from ATL where in terms of capacity, DL's Latin America presence from ATL is only 2nd to AA's from MIA.
WorldTraveler said:
no I have no problems with people coming on here and discussion issues - even if we don't agree.
I guess this doesn't apply to me, then. I asked a simple, straight-forward question with no agenda other than to get a true answer. Yet, it took multiple times of asking to finally get an answer - which I only got because you included the info in a response to another post. And, I still haven't gotten an answer to my second question about what DL is going to do to get more gates (the LAX equivalent to slots at JFK) to allow their Own Asian expansion to keep AA in check. Did you choose not to answer because you don't know or because you don't like me?
your theory is wrong, Steve.

you are barking up the same line that commavia did.

perhaps you are just him under a new user name.

neither DL or UA not going to be unable to compete because of gates.

AA will have to compete with whatever competitors come to town.

AA has demonstrated a very poor ability to succeed compared ot its competitors in NYC, ORD, or LAX to Asia.

move on, Steve.

You're in a fantasy land that won't happen.
I am not Commavia or anyone else. I am me. I stand on my own. I am not an airline employee or retiree. I don't pretend to know everything about the airline business. In fact, I readily admit that I don't know nearly enough. I am just a passenger who finds the business fascinating. That's it. End of story.

I'm sorry that you can't see past your own defensiveness to actually answer a question when it is posed to you. You said that you don't have a problem with discussing issues. I'd beg to differ. Not because I have an agenda or I'm some fanboy, but because I asked a question that challenged your assertion and you couldn't back it up. So instead, you changed the subject, threw in irrelevant data, and simply ignored me. Others on this board advised me to ignore you, but I offered you multiple opportunities to answer my very basic questions because I thought you mighty have knowledge to share. Instead of engaging in a discussion, a high horse you claim to ride on a regular basis, you disengaged and went off on tangents because you either didn't want to admit that you did not have the answers or you realized that your answers would only belie the fallacy if your original premise. Enough. I am done being insulted and demeaned by you.
good for you for being you.

you are barking up the same tree that commavia does which is that, by hook or by crook, AA will gain some real estate advantage which will help it to stop other carriers from winning in the marketplace where AA does not do well against them.

I've answered your question. You don't want to hear that DL and UA will find the resources to operate key flights including int'l routes which are strategically important.

you clearly don't want to hear that answer so you persist with your childish "we'll lock them out of the market one way or another" drivel.

AA has to figure out how to compete on par with DL or UA or give up any hopes of being anything from LAX to Asia.

it's pretty simple.

at least for anyone that isn't hung up on the idea of shutting other carriers out of the market instead of actually competing with them.
Just landed back at LAX. Came into the T-6 gates. What a dump.

I see that WT has decided to eschew any attempt at actual discourse in favor of more meaningless statistics that have nothing to do with the topic. Sadly, not surprising.

Given that he is unable to generate a straight answer to my questions, can someone else provide me with the following:

1) How many gates at T5 or T6 does DL have that can handle a 777?
2) How many of those gates can handle 777s simultaneously?
3) If all of those 777 gates are occupied by 777s, how many adjoining gates will DL lose for other ops?

As I've mentioned before, this last question gets into a murkier area of guessing and prognostication:

4) assuming that DL does not have the ability to match AA to keep them in check due to a shortage of gates, where will they go to get those gates?

Anyone here realize a connector from T4 to TBIT is being built ? This is an after security connection. Big advantage if you call T4 your home. Less so for others...
lpbrian said:
Anyone here realize a connector from T4 to TBIT is being built ? This is an after security connection. Big advantage if you call T4 your home. Less so for others...
well, I guess Dullta will be forced to sue LAX for its own connector.
uh, the connectors from T6 to T5 and T4 are also after security connectors.

and Steve has yet to ask how many gates it will take for AA to make the flights to Asia it has operated for years produce revenues comparable to DL and UA.

what flights does AA not have that will automatically turn AA's results on LAX-PVG and NRT around?

and are AA's plans not destroyed because they have to continue to fly NRT at a loss instead of doing the same to HND?
Platinum Steve said:
I am not Commavia or anyone else. I am me.
I don't know if you are aware of this, but a while back World Fraudster was caught posting on these boards as "spectator". I think it was mostly in order to vote up his own posts.
The way he got caught by eolesen, it was pretty humiliating.

Also, It isn't unusual on these boards for several posters to point out the same facts to World Fruadster. Naturally since he has no way to refute them, all he can do is accuse you of being somebody else. You may consider it to be a kind of a badge of honor.
Platinum Steve said:
I'm sorry that you can't see past your own defensiveness to actually answer a question when it is posed to you. You said that you don't have a problem with discussing issues. I'd beg to differ. Not because I have an agenda or I'm some fanboy, but because I asked a question that challenged your assertion and you couldn't back it up. So instead, you changed the subject, threw in irrelevant data, and simply ignored me. Others on this board advised me to ignore you, but I offered you multiple opportunities to answer my very basic questions because I thought you mighty have knowledge to share. Instead of engaging in a discussion, a high horse you claim to ride on a regular basis, you disengaged and went off on tangents because you either didn't want to admit that you did not have the answers or you realized that your answers would only belie the fallacy if your original premise.


This is the standard World Fraudster MO once he is challenged to prove something or caught lying.
One of the better recent examples on the AA board is apparent in the AA-KE Codeshare thread.  Numerous examples can be found in the WN/DAL threads.  Even DL employees have called him out.  At times the posts get to the point where we all witness him suffer a meltdown (unhinged).  It's quite the show.
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