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AA and US Merge?

ur absolutely correct Hopeful weve been there and gone thru it twice
actually I do believe the majority of employees would prefer liquidation before a merger with Usair.
All the Usair employees have to get over the idea of mergers. No one wants to marry the ugly
girl. AA is done with mergers. No no and no to a merger with Usair!!!!!!
I guess that is a matter of preference, and doesn't say much for the overall mentality of those working at AA. All that I can say, is good luck looking for another job if indeed CH-7 occurs. I personally don't see that happening, so your dreams may not come true.
FWIW, AA is looking a bit Ugly itself recently. You guys are in for a big shock either way. I have been thru the BK process, and it isn't pleasant. The company will do and take whatever they want with the blessing of the
BK Judge......
American is the Ugly Girl, Not US Airways. American is the Fat Girl who rather Die Fat and Happy than live...

If Philadelphia and Pheonix are 2nd teir cities, than so is Miami and Dallas... Just Saying. And Charlotte lies in the center of the largest traffic flows in the USA. Hence why it's the 4th, close to 3rd, largest airline hub in the world. And why ATL is the largest hub in the world...

US used to go after premium passengers along the east coast hubbing every major city on the eastern seaboard with an ambition to be the airline of choice on the east coast. Then US wised up and is down to PHL, DCA, and CLT. Maybe it's time American laid to rest the dream of "4 corners" and just revert to DFW, MIA & ORD just as US laid its dreams of East Coast Dominaton to rest and Focus on its strengths (DFW, MIA, ORD)

American with Hubs at Dallas, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, and Washington DC sounds like a winner to me. I could see PHL being a big winner under a possible scenario of the 2 merging and becoming an Asian Gateway. But who knows what the future holds...
Its telling that its the Usair employees always talking up merger and the AA employees saying no thanks.
American is the Ugly Girl, Not US Airways. American is the Fat Girl who rather Die Fat and Happy than live...

If Philadelphia and Pheonix are 2nd teir cities, than so is Miami and Dallas... Just Saying. And Charlotte lies in the center of the largest traffic flows in the USA. Hence why it's the 4th, close to 3rd, largest airline hub in the world. And why ATL is the largest hub in the world...

US used to go after premium passengers along the east coast hubbing every major city on the eastern seaboard with an ambition to be the airline of choice on the east coast. Then US wised up and is down to PHL, DCA, and CLT. Maybe it's time American laid to rest the dream of "4 corners" and just revert to DFW, MIA & ORD just as US laid its dreams of East Coast Dominaton to rest and Focus on its strengths (DFW, MIA, ORD)

American with Hubs at Dallas, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, and Washington DC sounds like a winner to me. I could see PHL being a big winner under a possible scenario of the 2 merging and becoming an Asian Gateway. But who knows what the future holds...
Not in the going to happen. AA is all about NYC rather than PHL. Also big plans for LAX. Once we get the 777-300, LAX will see more Asian flying. We had RDU and pulled out so CLT is not a go either. The cornerstone strategy is part of the big picture with our alliance with BA, JAL, IB. This alliance is still in the making and the full potential is a few years away.
I agree . AA had a hub in RDU and BNA. Merging with US for a hub in CLT is not likely.
The only part of US that would make a nice addition to AA is DCA.
Everything else about US is pretty much worhless to AA.
I just do not see a scenario where merging with US makes sense to AA.
Beside DCA, none of the other hubs would add value to AA.
US has a very old fleet and talking about employees relations it's
worse than AA.
I would like to know what it's the obsessions of US employees to merge.
It's obvious they work for a company that they do not like, so why do they
think anyone would be interested in them.
if the employees of US didnt like working for the company then how we have come so far and still alive and well compared to say when we couldve said shut the doors and turn off thelights andbe done permanently? secondly we have a heck of a much younger fleet than AA the only old planes in our fleet that come close to AA are 757s and 737-300s and 400s
although Im not obessed with merger of US and AA but i do believe that its a veryreal possiblity even if it would be hostile like DP tried with DAL. Third AA is the ONLY airline to continuiosly report huge losses and this yr is no exception. US DL WN and UAL all reported profits why not AA? Wouldnt AA want the SHuttle as well as DCA??
So you believe that US taking on money losing AA will be a win for US? Seriously if AA wanted US they would have gone after long ago. As for the fleet, stay tuned.
AMR financial woes stoke merger prospects - experts

Experts think US Airways would pounce on a bankrupt AMR. Airline consultant Robert Mann said US Airways would view any AMR bankruptcy as an irresistible opportunity to to take over its larger rival. "A guy like (US Airways CEO Doug) Parker would swoop in immediately if that were to occur," Mann said. "If (AMR) prefers to stay independent then they really need to stay out of bankruptcy."

Click here to read the story.

AMR - No Bankruptcy Today ... Yet

Click here to read the story.
just because AA didn't succeed at BNA or RDU before doesn't mean there would be no value to a combined AA-US than there is today... network strategies change w/ the competition.
AA is not near as strong on the east coast as it once was and the prospect of combining AA and US does make alot of sense.
HOWEVER< there are enormous obstacles to overcome to make an AA-US merger work regardless of who does the initiating and I don't really think there is any desire to force together a merger than may or may not provide benefits. Right now, AA and US both have alot of their own "issues" to work on - combining two unhealthy companies in hopes of creating a healthy one - in all senses of the word - never works.
CO people used to be fiercely loyal to their managment who now are running the combined UA-CO and that loyalty is quickly going out the window because that mgmt team could not be for a combined UA-CO what it was for CO alone - and that highlights the significant challenges that face combining two very different airlines.
Case study 2 is WN-FL which may take alot longer to yield the desired results and may leave alot of FL employees out in the dark.
This round of consolidation will once again show that there are few airline mergers that turn out well.. which is why there was so much resistance to starting this round.
AA clearly has its work to do but I believe there is any reason to think that the turnaround will be any better off for anyone by throwing a merger in the mix.
And the reason why US employees are so interested in AA is because their mgmt has been telling them for years that US doesn't have the network to generate industry average revenues - and thus US employees are forced to work for sub-industry average wages.
Both US' current mgmt and US employees would love to have access to the huge revenue generating potential of AA's network.
It is AA's job to turn the company around and ensure that revenue generating capability is not eroded by other carriers. If AA can do that, there is no reason for any one else other than AA stakeholders to benefit. If the company can't be turned around, a merger wouldn't work anyway.
I would like to know what it's the obsessions of US employees to merge.
It's obvious they work for a company that they do not like, so why do they
think anyone would be interested in them.
You flatter yourself. Outside of the airline groupies on this board,
the subject never comes up in my part of the company.
Troubles at American Airlines, a unit of AMR Corp (AMR.N), could bring the airline closer to a merger with US Airways (LCC.N), especially if American opts to restructure in bankruptcy someday, experts say.
You flatter yourself. Outside of the airline groupies on this board,
the subject never comes up in my part of the company.
My friends at US are just praying for a merger with AA...... I just dont think it will happen. Two different airlines and never will be one.