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US Airways Forum, why still listed?


Oct 25, 2003
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When DL and NW merged, the NW forum was dropped, same for UA and CO, CO forum dropped and WN and FL, FL forum was dropped. US is gone.
My guess is enough of the membership is Legacy US, that it made sense to at least keep it as a valid link, even though it automatically redirects to the AA forum...
Yeah, Kev, I'm not so sure that was even a consideration. When Kevin L owned the forums, he was actually engaged in the admin side and would reconsider moderator over-reactions.

The new domain owner/operator only seems interested in the ad revenue. Administration seems non-existent, and it doesn't appear that the moderators are accountable to anyone except each other (not a knock against their performance, BTW, but just an observation that there's nobody left to escalate a complaint to).
Yeah. Where's the Pan Am thread? I miss working there. Whoops showing my age again......
Zom JFK said:
Yeah. Where's the Pan Am thread? I miss working there. Whoops showing my age again......
I started with Allegheny in 1978 we were in the Pan AM building. It was a awesome time heck the building cleaners were eating Fillet Mignone  and champagne off the planes.People used to buy Disco jeans from some guy named Rocky I think they fell off the back of a truck
Kev3188 said:
I would actually love to hear about those days; I'm an avgeek like that...
Kev I'm afraid it had more to do with partying than aviation. But at AL there were prop jobs Convairs still in the mainline fleet the company made a big deal a few months later when they retired them boasting of an all jet fleet. Pan Am  was retiring their 707s and had them parked all over the place I swear you could have stole one and they wouldn't know. A plastic pouch was all you had to display to get access to airport no picture needed
Kev3188 said:
I would actually love to hear about those days; I'm an avgeek like that...
I remember when Eastern flew 727's into the Tweed-New Haven airport back in the 70's. No TSA, No Xray's, no screening and during the layover, the captain would let the local kids get on the plane while the crew deplaned for the 1 hour turn around. The 2 daily flights always attracted the locals to watch 727's and DC-9's land at an airport that many could see from their front windows. Cars would line the streets that gave a birds eye view of the big event.
One more pleasant memory was when on a Usairways shuttle to DCA or LGA, I don't remember which, but the after taxing to the gate the announcement was made that passengers in the rear of the the 727 could deplane via the rear air stairs. I just had to experience that one last time.  
dash8roa said:
I remember when Eastern flew 727's into the Tweed-New Haven airport back in the 70's. No TSA, No Xray's, no screening and during the layover, the captain would let the local kids get on the plane while the crew deplaned for the 1 hour turn around. The 2 daily flights always attracted the locals to watch 727's and DC-9's land at an airport that many could see from their front windows. Cars would line the streets that gave a birds eye view of the big event.
One more pleasant memory was when on a Usairways shuttle to DCA or LGA, I don't remember which, but the after taxing to the gate the announcement was made that passengers in the rear of the the 727 could deplane via the rear air stairs. I just had to experience that one last time.  
Some of the older DC9s had rear stairs too. Those Eastern planes were Whisper-jets.Eastern was cool my mom always non-reved on them. $50 a leg (flight) I believe
dash8roa said:
I remember when Eastern flew 727's into the Tweed-New Haven airport back in the 70's. No TSA, No Xray's, no screening and during the layover, the captain would let the local kids get on the plane while the crew deplaned for the 1 hour turn around. The 2 daily flights always attracted the locals to watch 727's and DC-9's land at an airport that many could see from their front windows. Cars would line the streets that gave a birds eye view of the big event.
One more pleasant memory was when on a Usairways shuttle to DCA or LGA, I don't remember which, but the after taxing to the gate the announcement was made that passengers in the rear of the the 727 could deplane via the rear air stairs. I just had to experience that one last time.  
There was a dash-7 pilot who worked for Ransome he would pull up to the gate and then back up like he was driving a Buick