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Jan-Jun Performance and rankings.


Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Jan. - June Performance

OTP Bags Complaints
1) WN 83.5 1) FL 1.67 1) WN 0.17
2) NW 80.3 2) B6 2.47 2) AS 0.60
3) US 79.3 3) NW 2.53 3) B6 0.92
4) UA 79.1 4) CO 2.78 4) FL 1.08
5) AS 79.0 5) US3.21 5) AA 1.09
6) CO 77.5 6) WN 3.50 6) CO 1.10
7) DL 77.3 7) AS 4.07 7) NW 1.17
8) FL 76.9 8) UA 4.19 8) UA 1.37
9) B6 76.0 9) AA 4.61 9) US 1.44
10) AA 75.9 10) DL 5.21 10) DL 1.89

And July may see a return of the Bonuses. :up:
Awww yeah ! That's how we do ! I love when you bring the rain up and away :up:
9th in complaints is nothing to be proud of.
What are you going to do when that laging stat reaches middle of the pack like the others??????
I really dont care, but being 9th in complaints and consistently in the bottom is nothing to be proud of seems to be getting worse not better.

But hey thats right Doug doesnt care about service.
What seems top be getting worse?
Two years of very consistant improvement at all levels even compliants.
Gee when your #9 or #10 there is only one way to move, but it seems US isnt moving and stays on the bottom, if I was on the BOD and my consumer complaints were the worst in the industry I would make some serious changes, a happy passenger is a repeat customer, a repeat customer can lead to profits. But it seems no in Tempe understands that concept.

You want to see good numbers, US under Wolf for all his shortcomings believed in customer service and providing a good inflight experience to the passengers, that is why Envoy won awards and US came out on top in on of the airline rating polls, one of the most respected ones.

Can you say the same now?

9th in complaints is nothing to be proud of.

Serious Question - Why is it that we have improved (by quite a bit) with bags and on-time performance but still are so bad with complaints? Is it lag time (people complaining about flights 6 months ago)? The DOT are so vague about the complaints I am really curious. Does US Airways see the actual complaint? I wish they would be more specific.
My suspicion is that most of the complaints result from customer service issues, and not performance issues. Customer service at US has really gone downhill in the past few years.

Maybe US should change "RCA" to "CRAC" - Convenience, Reliability, Appearance, Customer Service. 😉
The DOT report breaks it down per category in each complaint
I don't see what the big deal is. US is only separated from third place by .52 complaints per 1000 passengers. It's not like we are talking about even 2 or 3 more complaints per 1000 passengers. We are making considerable improvement and are significantly closing the gap between first and last.