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AA adds 2nd daily CLT-LHR flight

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did u? 10% is not much when compared to ua via ewr or ord US at CLT
considering that there are some people who can't accept that LH does interline to DL even if there are alternate connections on Star carriers, 10% is ALOT of traffic.

And I already excluded traffic that LH connects to UA at ATL.

And you know the best part? UA itself markets some of the LH operated FRA-ATL connecting to DL at ATL tickets?

That's hysterical coming from the person who suggested - with a straight face, I must assume - that Delta is going to "win in N. Texas."  Pot, meet kettle.  I swear some people have absolutely no sense of irony.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand - that being of course the fact that AA will soon be flying three daily flights from North Carolina to London, and yet Delta is the second largest U.S. carrier in Germany.  🙄
I'll be waiting around for AA's mini-hub at IAD.

... and DL hasn't had a hub or alliance partner in Germany for how many years?
737823 said:
ATL and CLT must be small stations for LH, single flight to FRA (ATL) and MUC (CLT). I bet they don't have their own lounge facilities either. Point is carriers have long interlined with non-aligned and carriers in competing alliances.

Just like SQ, NH, CX, AC, JL don't have their own lounges in most cities in the US.  Having a lounge does not mean it's not an important market.
Once again, why do you feel the need to call me a lav dumper, you are trying to insult me and imply I dont know anything.
Dude, I have done plenty in my airline career, did you dump a lav when you were in ACS?
And once again, show me the exact wording where I said LH doesnt interline with non-star members?
I have done everything on the operational side except fix a plane or fly them.
I have worked Air Cargo, Ramp, CSA, Utility, Stores and been a Trainer, have you called me any of those job titles I held?
My words:
Why would LH route them to ATL when LH doesnt fly non-stop to MUC?
No one wants to triple connect when they can go on a non-stop or a one stop.
And LH wont funnel traffic from someone in a different alliance or not in a JV unless they have too.
All their connections from ATL to MUC are on UA through IAH.
LH doesnt fly to MUC from ATL, they will funnel them to a city that has service.
Gee look a qualifier!

I have never said you didn't do a lot in the airline industry.

But you did dump lavs, right?

Is there anything so horribly humiliating about admitting it?

No, it isn't a qualifier. It is a statement of a fact that you denied within the last couple hours that LH connects to DL.
DOT data specifically shows that they do in fact connect to DL at ATL just as DL does in FRA and MUC because that is what int'l airlines do.

and if the option is to lose the business or not, then an airline will choose a non-alliance connection.

And there are also plenty of times when the fare with a non-alliance connection is cheaper than via an alliance connection. If LH has seats available on the long haul at lower fare levels, they will absolutely sell an interline connection than lose a sale because a customer wants to go on a particular date and time and connections via the JV or alliance are higher priced.
You are making things up once again.
Show the board my exact words when I said LH didnt connect with DL?
Never said those, for a man of the cloth, you certainly dont follow the teachings.
As a matter of fact, I never even used DL in my post.
Misinformation and lies, thats what you are good at.
if you say that LH will connect to DL in ATL, then drop it.

because they do.

and they WON'T be connecting near as much traffic to US as they once did.

That is a fact.
WorldTraveler said:
feel free to.

there actually is data from the US DOT that shows that approx. 10% of LH's FRA-ATL traffic connects in ATL to DL.
would you like ketchup with your crow?
Why don't you post the numbers? 
Why don't you post the numbers of the LH customers that prefer DOUBLE CONNECTIONS (including those on DL via ATL) compared to * alliance 1-stops from the SE USA to Germany.
I don't doubt that DL and LH interline. 
But you're making up BS big-time saying LH customers would rather double connect (your words, not mine) as opposed to a 1-stop option on a * alliance carrier(s).
Your 10% number is otherwise meaningless.
that information is not available to non-US citizens. This is a public website.

If I saw your birth certificate or passport, I might think about sending it to you.

if you don't want to believe what I say in generalities, you can go to DOT headquarters and, with proof of your citizenship, look up the information yourself - unless you have access to another means to view the data.
WorldTraveler said:
if you say that LH will connect to DL in ATL, then drop it.

because they do.

and they WON'T be connecting near as much traffic to US as they once did.

That is a fact.
Yes, but again, I challenge you to show the data where LH customers would rather double connect (via ATL on DL) rather than a 1-stop on * alliance from the southeast USA to Germany.
Come on, show us the data.
WorldTraveler said:
that information is not available to non-US citizens. This is a public website.

If I saw your birth certificate or passport, I might think about sending it to you.

if you don't want to believe what I say in generalities, you can go to DOT headquarters and, with proof of your citizenship, look up the information yourself - unless you have access to another means to view the data.
TRANSLATION:  I'm making things up / making incorrect conclusions to fit may narrative.
Put up or shut up.
translation: show me your passport and I might be able to show you the data.


Restricted Data

Types of Restricted Data
1. T-100 (U.S. Carriers) and T-100f (Foreign Carriers) non-stop segment and on-flight market data from January 1990 to date. Public access to international data of U.S. and foreign air carriers is restricted for a period of six months from the data date, except that U.S. carriers foreign-to-foreign airport data are restricted for three years.
2. Passenger Origin-Destination (O&D) Survey . Domestic data are unrestricted. International data are permanently restricted; however, an applicaton for restricted access to these data may be filed. (See below for more information.)
3. Domestic and International ER-586 (Service Segment Data) and Nonstop Market Report (Schedule T-9) data are unrestricted since 1997, although the international data were permanently restricted before that date. Collection of these data ended on January 1, 1990, when it was replaced by the T-100 data collection from U.S. air carriers.
Nice deflection to the DOT/BTS.
What happenned?  Did you run out of qualifiers or disclaimers?
You have stated that LH customers would rather double connect as oppossed to a 1-stop (or non-stop) on * alliance when travelling between SE USA-Germany. Show us this data!  How did you reach this incorrect conclusion?
We're not discussing DL-LH interlining - a topic to which you deflected because you can't back up a statement you made up to suit your narrative then when challenged you came up with a number (10%).  Come on, I dare / challenge you to show that LH customers would rather connect.  What data do you have to 'grasp' this conclusion?
WorldTraveler said:
translation: show me your passport and I can show you the data.


Restricted Data
WorldTraveler said:
LH DOES interline via ATL on DL if they have to. As in any joint venture, their preferred partner is UA. but given that UA is not that strong in the SE and much of their service is via 50 seat RJs, I am certain that are LH customers who say they would rather double connect or take a connection thru ATL on a large RJ or even mainline connecting to LH.

can you tell me what part of your career has been in ínt'l reservations or ticketing?

the statement is about a double connect (mainline to mainline on both sides of the Atlantic) vs. a single connect that involves flying PAST the destination by two hours and then coming back by a 50 seat RJ.

a connection from Germany to the US does that.

and, BTW, LH's website does show double connects in markets that DL sells service on a single connect basis. LH will try to sell it and some passengers will buy it.

Business passengers are far less likely to do so.
WorldTraveler said:
can you tell me what part of your career has been in ínt'l reservations or ticketing?
That's irrelevant to the topic at hand and it is none of your business.  Nevertheless, I'll answer it for you:  my "career" is not in the airline industry.
Now, I challenge you again to now answer my question:  You have stated that LH customers would rather double connect as oppossed to a 1-stop (or non-stop) on * alliance when travelling between SE USA-Germany. Show us this data!  How did you reach this incorrect conclusion?  We're not talking interlining here, or DOT/BTS database access rules.  Can you or can you not answer how you arrived at your conclusions that LH passengers prefer a double connection like DL via ATL when travelling from southeast USA-Germany as oppossed to 1-stop or non-stop service on * alliance.  If you can't then don't bother replying.  Good day!
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