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AA adds 2nd daily CLT-LHR flight

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LH does operate ATL-FRA as well as services within Germany.

LH and BA both connect significant amounts of traffic to/from DL via ATL.

As noted, there are other options including via ORD and NYC.
No one wants to triple connect when they can go on a non-stop or a one stop.
And LH wont funnel traffic from someone in a different alliance or not in a JV unless they have too.
All their connections from ATL to MUC are on UA through IAH.
LH doesnt fly to MUC from ATL, they will funnel them to a city that has service.
why wld u want to bypass atl to iah then back track to atl?     personally I would rather make a one stop connect or nonstop
robbedagain said:
why wld u want to bypass atl to iah then back track to atl?     personally I would rather make a one stop connect or nonstop
It seems someone gets it and its not wt.
no, robbed gets it... you don't.

I can assure you that your notion that LH routes passengers from Europe to the east coast thru IAH instead of an east coast gateway or ORD is wrong... but we went thru this last night with the deregulated era of aviation before 1978 so I guess you are ready to try again.

And the entire auto industry in Germany is not concentrated in Munich.

LH has a hub in FRA as well as MUC because they can connect all of their own country with the world.

Business customers will likely use the fastest routing possible; from some cities in Germany to some cities in the US, a double connect is required no matter what carrier you use.

And unless other carriers have favorable prorates - which is not necessarily the case just because there is a joint venture - then connecting to another carrier outside of the alliance or JV might be cheaper.

LH connects traffic to DL in ATL; DL connects traffic to LH in FRA and MUC because that is how the industry works.

The notion that carriers stick only to carriers within their alliances is not reality... but you are free to believe what you want, including when the deregulated era of aviation began (and it hasn't ended BTW)
How ignorant are you?
Go book a flight on LH's webpage from ATL-MUC, first choice is through IAH, its all on there in living color.
Passengers dont want to double connect, they dont want to fly to FRA, then onto MUC when they can fly non-stop from a US gateway.
BINGO nothing.

funny, I get all kinds of connections. IAH is not the first. where it is offered, it is longer than other options.

I also get connections LH to LH via FRA using their nonstop into ATL.

and it is also apparent that LH's website will not display flights that are not on Star alliance but I can absolutely assure you that they will sell connecting space via DL if you talk to a reservations agent or have a corporate contract.

I'm sure you could tell us about your experience in int'l ticketing or reservations that confirms what you say.

back when you were still dumping lavs, I was boarding passengers on DL's flights to FRA and MUC connecting to LH.

And if LH doesn't sell these connections, it is their lost because there are dozens of combinations of locations in the US SE that have German automakers to cities in Germany where those companies have plants or headquarters that are single connections on DL via ATL.

So, if LH doesn't want to carry it, DL will.

There is a reason why DL still has a large German operation to more cities than AA/US despite having closed the FRA hub years ago.

DL learned the German market and still serves it using its network advantages.

LH and DL work well together; they always have.

I'm sure that doesn't fit your narrative but it is true.
And now DL is better than AA/US in Germany - I guess we have moved on from DL rules Asia to now DL rules Germany
Does it ever end
Ah pulling the old classification insult.
Hate to tell you this buddy, but back in 1987, I was hand writing tickets in LGA, see I worked CSA for over two years.
Typical, attack and insult when losing the debate.
One's classification has nothing to do with there knowledge, education and skill levels.
You have no idea of what I have done in my life on behalf of airline employees, have you been to the White House, the Senate and the House to lobby on behalf of ALL airline employees?
So try again.
How long ago did you leave DL?
I didn't say anything about DL being BETTER than AA... but since you brought it up, the truth is that DL carried 27% more revenue than AA and US COMBINED between the US and Germany, even though US was in Star.

DL was almost 4X larger than AA premerger to Germany.

I don't really care what you have done in your life.

All I care about is that in this discussion, major global airlines that are not alliance partners interline between each other, a concept that you refuse to acknowledge.

If you handwrote tickets and they involved int'l tickets, then you should know that.

oh, and DL is considerably larger than AA/US combined in NYC where AA is 3 out of 3 among network carriers.

aren't we having fun just because a few people can't acknowledge a few basic facts.
why not just admit dl rules the world      after all dl does no wrong  but no other airline does no right   If im a paying pax in RDU  my first choice is to fly from RDU to MUC via a 1 stop connection  not 2 stops.
no one said anything about DL rules the world.

Again, we have a know it all lav dumper who can't admit that airlines that aren't in the same alliance interline if that is what it takes to get business.

There are dozens of combinations of cities between Germany and the SE US that LH COULD NOT SERVE if they did not use DL for part of the itinerary.

we can discuss Germany if you would like but this thread is about the UK, LHR specifically.
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