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A.M.F.A. support at the line stations?

Ken ??? No answer?

Answer to what question? Thread is about AMFA support at the line stations. SAN is close to 100% signed AMFA cards.

Oh, you mean your attempt to deflect the stupidity of AMTs belonging to an industrial undemocratic union?
Here you go. When you send a check make sure you sign it cowardly teamster promoter so I know it's from you.

Greetings everyone,

I recently received a letter from the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum regarding the "Wall of Honor" which is a memorial to people who have contirbuted to our aviation and space exploration heritage. This memorial will be at the Smithsonian's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. The Smithsonian "Wall of Honor" will place names on an air-foil-shaped wall along with heroes like the Wright brothers, Jimmy Doolittle, Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, Amelia Earhart and John Glenn and Jim Lovell.

The AMTA is excited to be able to have a space on this wall that will include another hero, yet one ALMOST forgotten, of aviation that should be remembered as a "hero" considering that he is refered to as aviation's original "Unsung Hero". Having Charles E. Taylor's name inscribed on this Wall of Honor will help us to have Charlie permanently remembered by millions of visitors to this world class museum. Thanks to AMTA members and friends of aircraft maintenance the AMTA was able to raise funds for a bronze bust of Charles E. Taylor which we donated to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. This bronze bust shows the public what Charlie looked like and what he did for aviation. Having Charlie's name on display is a perfect compliment to the bust.

The AMTA is asking for donations to help place Charlie's name on the "Wall of Honor". The cost for having a name inscribed varies and the AMTA will purchase the largest size lettering that raised funds will provide. The following rates are what the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum is charging for varying size letters.

$100 Air & Space Friend (3/16" letters)

$500 Air & Space Sponsor (1/2" letters)

$1000 Air & Space Leader (5/8" letters)

$5000 Air & Space Benefactor (3/4" letters)

$10,000 Air & Space Patron (1" letters)

The deadline for submitting the application to the museum is July 31, 2012. This gives the AMTA a short time to get the word out about our efforts to place Charles E. Taylor's name on a wall that he belongs on. The AMTA would like to raise at least enough donations to puchase 5/8" lettering but it is possible to get 3/4" lettering if you could forward this e-mail to other people whom you feel would be interested in helping the AMTA. There is no minimum or maximum amount of money for making a donation. No donation is too small. I will keep track and post names of donors on our Facebook web site "Friends of Charles E. Taylor". To make a donation you can use the PayPal link on the AMTA web site, WWW.AMTAUSA.COM, or send a check made payable to the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Association or AMTA. Either form of donation I ask you to please note that your donation is to be placed towards the "Wall of Honor" donation. If sending a check you may mail it to:

Ken MacTiernan
Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Association
11772 Carmel Creek Road #107
San Diego CA 92130

Once funds are collected the AMTA will make payment to the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum prior to the July 31, 2012 deadline. If funds are raised over a designated listed amount the difference of funds will be placed towards the current bust the AMTA is raising funds for.

As always I thank you for your support in the AMTA and promoting the men and women who are the true "Faces Behind Safety" in aircraft maintenance.


Ken MacTiernan
Director AMTA
Spoken like a true AMFA leader. Ignore those who oppose you.... NICE

They did that at NWA. Didn't work out so well there either.

Again go read the AMFA/NWA Presidential Emregency Board hearing transcripts and tell us that again.

Explain with specifics what you mean by that statement that NWA/AMFA members ignored whoever you claimed opposed them.
I would be very interested to hear more about why you say this.
Answer to what question? Thread is about AMFA support at the line stations. SAN is close to 100% signed AMFA cards.

Oh, you mean your attempt to deflect the stupidity of AMTs belonging to an industrial undemocratic union?
Here you go. When you send a check make sure you sign it cowardly teamster promoter so I know it's from you.

Greetings everyone,

I recently received a letter from the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum regarding the "Wall of Honor" which is a memorial to people who have contirbuted to our aviation and space exploration heritage. This memorial will be at the Smithsonian's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. The Smithsonian "Wall of Honor" will place names on an air-foil-shaped wall along with heroes like the Wright brothers, Jimmy Doolittle, Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, Amelia Earhart and John Glenn and Jim Lovell.

The AMTA is excited to be able to have a space on this wall that will include another hero, yet one ALMOST forgotten, of aviation that should be remembered as a "hero" considering that he is refered to as aviation's original "Unsung Hero". Having Charles E. Taylor's name inscribed on this Wall of Honor will help us to have Charlie permanently remembered by millions of visitors to this world class museum. Thanks to AMTA members and friends of aircraft maintenance the AMTA was able to raise funds for a bronze bust of Charles E. Taylor which we donated to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. This bronze bust shows the public what Charlie looked like and what he did for aviation. Having Charlie's name on display is a perfect compliment to the bust.

The AMTA is asking for donations to help place Charlie's name on the "Wall of Honor". The cost for having a name inscribed varies and the AMTA will purchase the largest size lettering that raised funds will provide. The following rates are what the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum is charging for varying size letters.

$100 Air & Space Friend (3/16" letters)

$500 Air & Space Sponsor (1/2" letters)

$1000 Air & Space Leader (5/8" letters)

$5000 Air & Space Benefactor (3/4" letters)

$10,000 Air & Space Patron (1" letters)

The deadline for submitting the application to the museum is July 31, 2012. This gives the AMTA a short time to get the word out about our efforts to place Charles E. Taylor's name on a wall that he belongs on. The AMTA would like to raise at least enough donations to puchase 5/8" lettering but it is possible to get 3/4" lettering if you could forward this e-mail to other people whom you feel would be interested in helping the AMTA. There is no minimum or maximum amount of money for making a donation. No donation is too small. I will keep track and post names of donors on our Facebook web site "Friends of Charles E. Taylor". To make a donation you can use the PayPal link on the AMTA web site, WWW.AMTAUSA.COM, or send a check made payable to the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Association or AMTA. Either form of donation I ask you to please note that your donation is to be placed towards the "Wall of Honor" donation. If sending a check you may mail it to:

Ken MacTiernan
Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Association
11772 Carmel Creek Road #107
San Diego CA 92130

Once funds are collected the AMTA will make payment to the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum prior to the July 31, 2012 deadline. If funds are raised over a designated listed amount the difference of funds will be placed towards the current bust the AMTA is raising funds for.

As always I thank you for your support in the AMTA and promoting the men and women who are the true "Faces Behind Safety" in aircraft maintenance.


Ken MacTiernan
Director AMTA

Beautiful dodge Ken. You are a true master at politics.

Again, however, WHY NOT JD SMITH?

About Charles Taylor.

http://www.faa.gov/a...dia/CT Hist.pdf


I just do not see how Charles Taylor supports your idea of Craft and Class? He was after all more related to those who are employed by Pratt and Whitney, Roles Royce, or GE. Maybe even Boeing or Airbus, but airline mechanics? Methinks not.

Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate his contribution to our industry, and your commitment to that is nothing less than admirable, but I wonder if he would even be considered as part of our class and craft in today's standards?

To promote our class and craft of Airline Mechanics, why not present JD Smith? He was the FIRST Mechanic on the very first commercial airline, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Air Line.



Again go read the AMFA/NWA Presidential Emregency Board hearing transcripts and tell us that again.

Explain with specifics what you mean by that statement that NWA/AMFA members ignored whoever you claimed opposed them.
I would be very interested to hear more about why you say this.

I do you the favor of posting the links to articles or issues I quote. Where are yours?
Does AMFA represent the cabin apperance techs at SWA.
Do they have A&P's.
Are they only a Craft Union or do they take any one group that wants to join.
Mighty Mouse do you look like that in person.
Is your nickname RAT.
This thread is worth re visiting.

It is one thing to have open discussions regarding aviation and in this forum American Airlines issues.

You are venturing towards trouble with moderators here.
Anomaly is not a member of the mechanics craft and class
Beautiful dodge Ken. You are a true master at politics.

Again, however, WHY NOT JD SMITH?

About Charles Taylor.

http://www.faa.gov/a...dia/CT Hist.pdf


I just do not see how Charles Taylor supports your idea of Craft and Class? He was after all more related to those who are employed by Pratt and Whitney, Roles Royce, or GE. Maybe even Boeing or Airbus, but airline mechanics? Methinks not.

Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate his contribution to our industry, and your commitment to that is nothing less than admirable, but I wonder if he would even be considered as part of our class and craft in today's standards?

To promote our class and craft of Airline Mechanics, why not present JD Smith? He was the FIRST Mechanic on the very first commercial airline, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Air Line.




From what I've read Charles Taylor not only built the engine, but he also performed repairs in between flights, making him both the first OEM Mechanic and the first OH and line mechanic.

Funny how they are talking about AMFA being an organization who 'raids" other unions when the IBt is trying to do just that at AA. Or is that just smoke and mirrors by yhe IBt to divert attention away from AMFA? No matter the reamsters would never get a vote from me and I told the guy who came to my house peddling the reamster mantra when they tried to get the FX guys that Hoffa and others from the IBt flew on NWA while I was on strike. I do not care whether or not you like the union that is on strike or not if you are a president of a major union in this country that is an example of what not to do. That was a legal picket line and he and his union patronized a struck carrier. No real union would ever do that hence they are not a real union in my eyes and the eyes of my fellow striking AMFA members.
From what I've read Charles Taylor not only built the engine, but he also performed repairs in between flights, making him both the first OEM Mechanic and the first OH and line mechanic.

History of Charles Taylor speaks to him being a Machinist and the Wright brothers knowing this enlisted his help to create the means to support their historic quest. He later returned to the roots that defined him, returning to machine trades after he departed from the Wrights. He must have considered himself a Machinist first.

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