A/c 707

I believe contray to some postings that they can continue with out interruption.. The injunction is not in force now!
usfliboy, It's hard to tell if your a pilot or f/a, but for sure your not a mechanic!!!!! :lol:
jetmech01890 said:
it had to go there since managment threw out the chairs since 700 uw dinosaur and the rest of his soon to be extinct union brothers are having a hard time working
This man wants to talk to you, it seems you have job envy and other issues.
The AFA MEC will be meeting with Doc Bonehead next week. Wonder what he will say when the question is posed about OUR plane, OUR our work sitting in his back yard.

Hopefully one of the MEC members will pose the question when he spouts off about wanting to work with labor and doesn't want any one to lose their jobs here.... :angry:
jetmech01890 said:
it had to go there since managment threw out the chairs since 700 uw dinosaur and the rest of his soon to be extinct union brothers are having a hard time working
you have job loss issues with your kind at U there sonny boy?
little stress there my friend?
chillout ,take deep breath and count to ten.....
I just hope some of the posters feel the same way about Bronner & U when their jobs are contracted out to the LOWEST bidder and they are on the street. Don't worry the IAM is just the first, maybe next week Res will be contracted to a company in India, no work group is safe, except perhaps those chosen few who sit behind the closed doors in CCY. This is just a start....some people are just to *********** to realize it..... :down:
Issues I dont have Issuses I have moved on making more than I was at U even at the OLD TOP SCALE WAGES BEFORE THE IAM SOLD OUT THE MECHANICS,its the dionsaur mentality you have that the IAM is going to save you and your work .Bottom line the brain trust in crystal city dont care about you and your family and what you and the union think they will sell you out in a minute to keep Bronner and the rest of he stock holders happy, like I said I have no issuses I moved on and better off you cant your in too deep and cant afford too and just holding on every day like the other old dinosaurs are .AP tech was right with his post soon it will all be out sourced parts , utility , res anything to cut costs