A/c 700 Out Of Mobile S-check

Jun 17, 2003
It seems that A/C 700 fresh out of S-check down in Mobile is already developing MAJOR problems. Sources say it made an emergency landing in Richmond tonight with a major hydraulic failure. Manual extension of landing gear involved.Aircraft is quarantined and under FAA investigation.Also had 5 mel's fresh out of check a couple of days ago. I will be anxiously awaiting the complete story on this situation.When will this LOUSY mangement group learn? :down:
No small surprise here, The acft arrived in CLT with logbook write-ups from Mobile...it took a 2+ hour delay before operating it's 1st revenued flight because of this.

Examining the length of time actually spent in the S-Check...and the lost time between additional part being sent from CLT , beyond the ones shipped out initially to Moble via truck...One has to ask the hard questions regarding the calibre of work performed..and at premium prices doing so beyond that of Mobiles actual fees.

Again...Industry surveys show a modest 2% savings in outsourcing Heavy Checks...but those savings are only achieved if the vendor is provided or carries all the needed items to perform said task.

As anyone in Maintenance , Engineering or Logistics can testify too...We lack almost everything regarding ideal support for the airbus fleet...and now it's bleeding over to the Boeings. Some of this is a direct reflection on Airbus...but at least 50% of this can be attributed to U's lack of prosecution on purchasing needs.

I'm sure if the FAA has in fact quarantined the Acft...the story on ST Mobile Aerospaces practices will come to light. Lets keep in mind...Test Flights are performed after Heavy Checks....and even U has to tweak'em in the aftermath of a test hop...but to Test Fly and return an Acft to service with MEL's..and then have a failure of this nature is more than suspect.

Does anyone care to take bets on how the corrosion issues we are seeing were addressed in the narrow time frame used by Mobile??? I'm willing to bet that we will be seeing this problem on a broader scale in the future...saying we have a future to begin with?

and you saved how much on this Dave ????. I'm sure the bounty that we,ve paid Sterling Courier Service , AOG fees..and now the un-forecasted downtime and possible FAA fines will eat your paultry 2% up nicely and then some....then lets not forget what you've done for the internal morale with this boon-doggle.

BTW...are all the legal fee's going to be attributed to one time charge-offs too on the next quarterly report ??.....Don't worry pal , the employee are here with open wallets to cover your blunders again. NOT !!!! :down: :angry:
to much time to quit said:
It seems that A/C 700 fresh out of S-check down in Mobile is already developing MAJOR problems. Sources say it made an emergency landing in Richmond tonight with a major hydraulic failure. Manual extension of landing gear involved.Aircraft is quarantined and under FAA investigation.Also had 5 mel's fresh out of check a couple of days ago. I will be anxiously awaiting the complete story on this situation.When will this LOUSY mangement group learn? :down:
If this turns out to be true, This needs to be FRONT PAGE NEWS.. This management team refuses to listen to employees [ They even refuse to listen to a Pennsylvania judge ! ] Maybe they will listen to PASSENGERS... Hey IAM, get off your wallet and make sure the public knows about this.. If this is true.
Just an added fact that was reported by CLT Utility. While performing the required "Security Check"..a passenger seat cushion in coach class was attempted to be raised to look under it as required.

They discovered that the seat cushion would not release from the Velcro due to the seats "Power Wire" being routed through the safety straps that a passenger would grasp in an over-water emergency situation. Looks like a flaw in the system huh???

What else will come to light??? :shock:
Now remember Dave 'The New Lorenzo' had our passengers safety in mind when selecting this vendor.

--He only tells lies when his mouth is moving.

--Pro outsourcing pilot Chip may want to fly that aircraft.
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a bit fishy? If this is true, this is VERY BIG news. Hydraulic Failure - Manual Extension of Landing Gear - this would be the lead story on all of the local news stations and heavily covered in the newspaper. National news media would surely make mention of this, as well. Where did the flight originate? Where was it headed? How many passengers on board? Someone please provide some details that can be verified (perhaps a link to an article from a reputable news sourse - otherwise this just seems like the kind of rumor mongering that will ultimately do more harm to labor than it will to management. Thus far, labor has playde this straight down the line - honestly and admirably. Don't start taking the low road now.

If this story is correct, it will affect my decision fo fly U in the future. Safety is paramount. That's why I've supported the IAM on this issue all the way. If the IAM -- or a supporter -- chooses to trash the airline's reputation for safety because it's upset about who did the work on this plane, then harm is being done to everyone involved - mgmt, other workers, passengers and ultimately, the IAM, too. Please provide evidence or stop making claims that can't be backed up.
I verified with someone at work that 700 is showing in RIC out of service. I do not know the specifics though.
tadjr said:
I verified with someone at work that 700 is showing in RIC out of service. I do not know the specifics though.
Here is some specifics for ya.

Acft 700 is being maintenance ferried to CLT from RIC....a list of parts as long as Shaq's arm is waiting for it.
Aircraft 700 has two full notebook pages of problems that was written up by mechanics. Spoke with someone who worked the airplane this morning and the pilot told him "It is like being on a test flight, everytime you turn, something else goes wrong."

Plus the airplane was never washed or polished when it came back from MAE.
lester said:
Aircraft 700 has two full notebook pages of problems that was written up by mechanics. Spoke with someone who worked the airplane this morning and the pilot told him "It is like being on a test flight, everytime you turn, something else goes wrong."

Plus the airplane was never washed or polished when it came back from MAE.
well what do you expect from AIR-WALMART?
As of this moment , Acft 700UW is sitting in front of the CLT Line Hangar with "Real Mechanics" working it.

The new name for 700 is the "Alabama Slammer"....a great name for a military jet...but hardly flattering for a passenger carrier.
to much time to quit said:
It seems that A/C 700 fresh out of S-check down in Mobile is already developing MAJOR problems. Sources say it made an emergency landing in Richmond tonight with a major hydraulic failure. Manual extension of landing gear involved.Aircraft is quarantined and under FAA investigation.Also had 5 mel's fresh out of check a couple of days ago. I will be anxiously awaiting the complete story on this situation.When will this LOUSY mangement group learn? :down:
TMTTQ:my sources have eyes on look at logbook...they reveal 1 [ONE]mel out of DFW yesterday.
TMTTQ:as i write this a/c 700 sits in front of the CLT line mtc hangar broke...not in RIC as you indicate.no circle of feds quarantining either.check your "questionable"sources...... :down: :angry: :rant:
Chip got one ready for you to test hop.


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Here's the issues (MEL'S) issued for 700UW as of this morning out of DFW

(1) CATIII Dual
(2) #1 Rudder Trim
(3) B F/A Reading Light
(4) GPS
(5) R/H Aft Lav Waste System

The current issue.

(1) Declared Emergency In-bound to RIC due to loss of "Green Hydraulic System"

(2) Flap System TSI

Corrective Action......Replaced Pilot Valve...and will require function test in CLT. Gear Swing.

Mull it over for what it's worth...but these are the facts....I nominate this to be Chip's plane...with his name painted under the pilots sideview window.