And yourself, And HACK JOBB ?????
(Hey KCF/'Dog. I'll bet you guys that I Can NOT get a "COMPLETE ANSWER " to The ABOVE Question) !!!
You saw more 'action' than I did Insp69. I got stuck on a General Repair (tender) that never when anywhere. If I had it to do all over again, it would have gone into Sub Service !
I believe 'we're' WAITING to hear about HACK JOBB's service !!!!!!!
Take a Xanax Barnacle Boy, patience isn't a virtue with you is it? How come you didn't get deployed to Nam? Not very "complete answer" on what you did. I guess you didn't learn any marketable skills on the USN General Tender seeing where you ended up, but I digress.
USAF 4 years going in at 18 out of high school, started out as a Armament Specialist (nukes and conventional arms) on F-111 and B-1. Passed my security clearances, but then decided to change my AFSC to Jet Engine Specialist. Went to school at Chanute AFB, stationed at Reese AFB Lubbock TX, worked in T-38, T-37 engine shop, F-5, A-10, F-15 TDY and flight line. Started my A@P in the USAF but since I couldn't get overseas deployed, I got out and went to school to complete my A@P and degree. Is that good enough for you Gramps?
Also most of my family has served:
Grandfather served in Army WW2 medic in France against the Nazis, his brother head shot by Nazi sniper driving a Sherman Tank. He went back 20 miles after he got word his brother was killed to say goodbye. He's buried in France.
My father was in USN as an ATC Controller during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and served in Japan.
Cousin was Army Green Beret and served in the Falkland Islands Conflict.
My uncle did 2 tours (volunteered) as a Marine in Vietnam driving a blade tank for mine fields and as a ground pounder.
Cousin was USN Chief with 21 years as a Cruise Missile Specialist. Some of those missiles you saw on TV launched at Saddam and a few others was his boats work.
Thanks for your service though Gramps, whatever it was you did on that USN Tender.