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" A BIG F A T. . . . CON JOB " !

True enough. But you know something? Nobody on this blog commands the US Armed Forces. Shouldn't the qualifications for the commander in chief at LEAST be as stringent as they are on an anonymous message board?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion I guess.
I'm not the one questioning the legitimacy of posts based on military experience. Insp4 made the comment Hack, I really don't think K.C., or bears, have seen any military service. ...... Just saying. And perhaps he IS 'just saying'. But it implies that BECAUSE I didn't serve in the military, my posts should be questioned. If that criteria is enough to diminish the validity of my words, wouldn't it hold true that it would ALSO apply to a person who prefers tweeter over message boards (and happens to be commander in chief of the US Armed Forces). FWIW, that comment came from out of the blue....nobody had been critical of the military, nor were we even DISCUSSING the military. Just blurts out "they haven't seen any military service". If it matters on a message board, shouldn't it matter for a much more critical position?
Just pointing out that you, don't have a dog in this fight........ Or let's put it this way, those that have served, in whatever capacity, have a investment in this that those that haven't, do not...... And I'm talking this blog, nothing more!
Are you implying that bicycles are childish? I turned 61 last month and rode a mile for each year...in one ride. I average about 400 miles per month. Tell you what...I'll rent you a bike and you can ride with me and the retirees who ride on Wednesday mornings. 3 of the guys are over 80. Our shortest ride has been 35 miles. Care to join us? You'll need to be able to average about 17 mph for the trip, but I'm sure it's no problem for a tough guy like yourself.
Seems like I got under your skin KCFrier, you sound angry. I didn't imply bicycles are childish, just your endless TDS whining. I don't think I would have too much trouble keeping up, I ride my mountain bike all the time on rough trails, and a stationary bike almost every day. I just don't ride bicycles on the public roads, too dangerous. A friend of mine that bike raced was nearly killed training road riding, rear ended and the driver took off, hit and run. Probably another illegal immigrant with no insurance. So no thanks. I'd rather lift weights, I'd invite you but I know you couldn't keep up. 😳
Not everyone is cut out for military duty......went from draft to volunteer...and there's reasons for that. Volunteers want to be there while draftees are indentured servants more or less. "Nam proved the problems of forced service. All this crap of this guy or that guy 'dodging' military service is more often than not, cited by clowns who never served and never wanted to...so go figure. Above that, during the 'Nam years, one went to high school, got out, got a job and waited to see if they got drafted...some volunteered by enlisting....some got completely legal college deferments...that is the way it was then......others hid or went to Canada....those are your draft dodgers, not someone who used the system to their advantage. Trump supposedly had bone spurs but got a deferment one way or another....lots of Sentors sons did too......ask Bill Clinton about favoritism...it was abundant then and wrong. But George Bush dodged the draft by enlisting in the ANG for several years....kiss my ass.
I was there early on. My feelings are if you go to war, go in to win! but if that's not the goal, then don't go at all! Our Democrat President Johnson put so many restrictions on us that it assured a no win scenario. It's no wonder there was so much animosity at home, and in the ranks.
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"I love the smell of napon in the mourning!"
Napalm Sticks to Kids (Caroline)
Napalm Sticks to Kids
We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,
We do our best to maim,
Because the kills all count the same,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Chorus: Napalm sticks to kids,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Flying low across the trees,
Pilots doing what they please,
Dropping frags on refugees,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Goods in the open, making hay,
But I can hear the gunships say,
"There'll be no Chieu Hoi today,"
Napalm sticks to kids.

See those farmers over there,
Watch me get them with a pair,
Blood and guts just everywhere,
Napalm sticks to kids.

I've only seen it happen twice,
But both times it was mighty nice,
Shooting peasants planting rice,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Napalm, son, is lots of fun,
Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,
It gets the gooks when on the run,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Drop some napalm on a farm,
It won't do them any harm,
Just burn off their legs and arms,
Napalm sticks to kids.

CIA with guns for hire,
Montagnards around a fire,
Napalm makes the fire go higher,
Napalm sticks to kids.

I've been told it's not so neat,
To catch gooks burning in the street,
But burning flesh, it smells to sweet,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Children sucking on a mother's tit,
Wounded gooks down in a pit,
Dow Chemical doesn't give a ****,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Bombadiers don't care a bit,
Just as long as the pieces fit,
When you stuff the bodies in a pit,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Eighteen kids in a No Fire Zone,
Rooks under arms and going home,
Last in line goes home alone,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Chuck in a sampan, sitting in the stern,
They don't think their boats will burn,
Those damn gooks will never learn,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Cobras flying in the sun,
Killing gooks is lots of fun,
Get one pregnant and it's two for one,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Shoot civilians where they sit,
Take some pictures as you split,
All your life you'll remember it,
Napalm sticks to kids.

NVA are all hard core,
Flechettes never are a bore,
Throw those PSYOPS out the door,
Napalm sticks to kids.

Gather kids as you fly over town,
By throwing candy on the ground,
Then grease 'em when they gather 'round,
Napalm sticks to kids.

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Just pointing out that you, don't have a dog in this fight........ Or let's put it this way, those that have served, in whatever capacity, have a investment in this that those that haven't, do not...... And I'm talking this blog, nothing more!
What aircraft carrier were you on?
Did you ever put your boots on the ground?

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