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" A BIG F A T. . . . CON JOB " !

Don't know why you voted for him if you detest him that much, makes sense to you I guess. They are ALL privileged in the ruling rich class, especially married to a Heinz billionaire heiress, he still thinks he's SOS taking to Iran. I hope he gets hammered for that move, he has no business in that but helping Obammy maintain Trumpettshis legacy of failure.

When he threw his Vietnam medals into the sea he lost many vets, including my uncle that did 2 tours in Nam.

I'd rather have Trump 1000% more restoring the USA to dignity on the world stage that a John Kerry with his limp wrist polices. Iran loves him though.

I didn't detest him when I voted for him.
I had great expectations.
He promised to be a unifier, increase bipartisanship.
He has done the opposite.
He is the divider, and promotes hate and discontent.
He is the biggest liar that I have ever seen that didn't go to jail.
Yet, his base gives him a pass on every lie.
Trumpettes are a cult following.
And he loves it.
I didn't detest him when I voted for him
Now you do, because he is succeeding at turning the economy around, creating jobs, and hopefully gets Lil Kim to give up his nukes.

I had great expectations.
In less than two years he has done more than Obammy did in eight. He did this with resistance at every turn.

He promised to be a unifier, increase bipartisanship
Can't get "bipartisanship" when the leftists rage won't stop over Hildabeast losing. I thought Obammy was the great "unifier"? Race relations were became worse under Obammy and his race baiters.

He has done the opposite.
Obammy damaged the country, it can't be solved in two years.

He is the divider, and promotes hate and discontent.
Promotes hate by trying to secure the border and deporting illegals? Tries to keep out those radical mooslims that want to destroy us? The only "discontent" I see is from the leftists that are promoting anarchy and violence.

He is the biggest liar that I have ever seen that didn't go to jail.
I guess you never heard of Hildabeast or her rapist husband Billdo. If he ever commits crimes like they did than I will agree with you.

Yet, his base gives him a pass on every lie.
Don't know what lies you reference. That he banged a stripper? Been divorced several times? Right, nobody cares except CNN and you.

Trumpettes are a cult following.
And he loves it.
A cult following seeing America become great again vs what Obammy and Hildabeast did destroying it even more if she became POTUS turning us into Europe. Thank god we dodged that bullet. Wake up X. Trump isn't perfect by any stretch, but he is a damn sight better than what we could of had.
Yea, you and Trump, Trump would have been a hero if he didn't have bone spurs and you would have been a hero if your were there...😱
Check... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...😀
x you are one sick puppy if you think that mortaring was funny!....... But I think we all know that. I wasn't there during the attack, I was there about two weeks later.
x you are one sick puppy if you think that mortaring was funny!....... But I think we all know that. I wasn't there during the attack, I was there about two weeks later.
What is funny is you.
I have been through 2 mortar attacks and neither one was funny...😎
What is funny is you.
I have been through 2 mortar attacks and neither one was funny...😎
Well that's two more than I have, but I've seen what they can do, and you are 100% correct, not funny at all.
Well that's two more than I have, but I've seen what they can do, and you are 100% correct, not funny at all.
When we first checked in at the airfield, we had to check in our weapons and could not get them out without a platoon sergeants approval sign in/sign out check serial numbers, check return of brass and ammo, you know the drill. After the first mortar attack all of us were sent to the armory to collect weapons and guard the perimeter. The armory was 'throwing' M16's, chunkers, M60's in a pile, open boxes of 'all ammo', grenades, Willie Pete's, smoke, etc... 'Yelling' grab what you need!...Get to your post... So much for checking serial numbers...😀

Now, in retrospect, that was funny in a pissed off kind of way...😎
Now you do, because he is succeeding at turning the economy around, creating jobs, and hopefully gets Lil Kim to give up his nukes.

In less than two years he has done more than Obammy did in eight. He did this with resistance at every turn.

Can't get "bipartisanship" when the leftists rage won't stop over Hildabeast losing. I thought Obammy was the great "unifier"? Race relations were became worse under Obammy and his race baiters.

Obammy damaged the country, it can't be solved in two years.

Promotes hate by trying to secure the border and deporting illegals? Tries to keep out those radical mooslims that want to destroy us? The only "discontent" I see is from the leftists that are promoting anarchy and violence.

I guess you never heard of Hildabeast or her rapist husband Billdo. If he ever commits crimes like they did than I will agree with you.

Don't know what lies you reference. That he banged a stripper? Been divorced several times? Right, nobody cares except CNN and you.

A cult following seeing America become great again vs what Obammy and Hildabeast did destroying it even more if she became POTUS turning us into Europe. Thank god we dodged that bullet. Wake up X. Trump isn't perfect by any stretch, but he is a damn sight better than what we could of had.

Trumps (and your) philosophy of bipartisanship is "My way or the highway".
That is not bipartisanship.
I am really happy I can see the difference, too bad for you if you can't.
I don't care about his sexual encounters, only when he f#🙂s me, and you.
Unfortunately, you like it.
Keep drinking the coolaid.😎
For You...
Lane Army Airfield
I was in the 129th AHC (Assault Helicopter Company)
In the freaking middle of 'no where'..
Now you do, because he is succeeding at turning the economy around, creating jobs, and hopefully gets Lil Kim to give up his nukes.

In less than two years he has done more than Obammy did in eight. He did this with resistance at every turn.

Can't get "bipartisanship" when the leftists rage won't stop over Hildabeast losing. I thought Obammy was the great "unifier"? Race relations were became worse under Obammy and his race baiters.

Obammy damaged the country, it can't be solved in two years.

Promotes hate by trying to secure the border and deporting illegals? Tries to keep out those radical mooslims that want to destroy us? The only "discontent" I see is from the leftists that are promoting anarchy and violence.

I guess you never heard of Hildabeast or her rapist husband Billdo. If he ever commits crimes like they did than I will agree with you.

Don't know what lies you reference. That he banged a stripper? Been divorced several times? Right, nobody cares except CNN and you.

A cult following seeing America become great again vs what Obammy and Hildabeast did destroying it even more if she became POTUS turning us into Europe. Thank god we dodged that bullet. Wake up X. Trump isn't perfect by any stretch, but he is a damn sight better than what we could of had.

I'm serious now.
Can You ever remember a time, when there was Anarchy and Violence within our Country ?

Think carefully, before you answer.
I'm serious now.
Can You ever remember a time, when there was Anarchy and Violence within our Country ?

Think carefully, before you answer.
Think carefully, oh okay Gramps. I thought about your moronic red herring question for about 2 sec. I concluded I just don't take you or you filthy expletive laced leftist blather seriously, and the fact your mostly wrong on just about everything.

Therefore, I won't go on with what would be a waste of my time and what could be a long post. However lost on you it would be.

I'd rather just mock you, and your nutty extremist unhinged libtard statements. I do enjoy it.

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