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" A BIG F A T. . . . CON JOB " !

Bears, please don't ask Hack hard questions. It makes him go off the rails.

Ya, 'Dog.
I was kinda' hoping HACK would have thought back to US History, when there WAS Anarchy and Violence, because the people were tired of all the Shite that the British were doling out, A K A the American REVOLUTION.
(A huge chunk of it happened within a 200 mile radius of where (home) I am right now.)(Kinda' why us NASTY Yankees to this day, don't take ANY Shite off of ANYONE,....... PERIOD !!! )
Ya, 'Dog.
I was kinda' hoping HACK would have thought back to US History, when there WAS Anarchy and Violence, because the people were tired of all the Shite that the British were doling out, A K A the American REVOLUTION.
(A huge chunk of it happened within a 200 mile radius of where (home) I am right now.)(Kinda' why us NASTY Yankees to this day, don't take ANY Shite off of ANYONE,....... PERIOD !!! )
What's the matter Bear? ........Heck wouldn't take the bait?
Ya, 'Dog.
I was kinda' hoping HACK would have thought back to US History, when there WAS Anarchy and Violence, because the people were tired of all the Shite that the British were doling out, A K A the American REVOLUTION.
(A huge chunk of it happened within a 200 mile radius of where (home) I am right now.)(Kinda' why us NASTY Yankees to this day, don't take ANY Shite off of ANYONE,....... PERIOD !!! )
Hope springs eternal Gramps, such as the day you can stop being an uneducated mouthy old dolt, wrongheaded predictions of future libtarded glory, and your constant use of expletives on a public forum. Your a CAPS lock dumb a**, mixed in with base level bigoted smart a**. A sordid combination that leads to mockery and disdain every time you open your ignorant sewer hole on a keyboard Grampa Bears.

There is a extensive amount of more history to the answers for loaded simpleton question you asked than just the American Revolution.

Your just too stupid to know any different. Both funny and sad.
He took it hook, line, and sinker. Blew the answer and then blew up.
One-line Wonder Mutt, your even dumber than Grampa Bears. You see the definition of stupid every morning in the mirror when you wake up at the pound.

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