PIT has been and will continue to be OVERSTAFFED even after the displacement. (Reserve factor around 32% if memory serves me correct).THIS displacement should be treated no differently than ANY other that has been completed. This is the FOURTH round of displacements OUT of PIT since 2001......what gets me is when the "Junior" people in the base got their walking papers so to speak, the more tenured employees had a "oh well attitude" and didn't blink an eye over what was going on AS LONG AS THEY WEREN'T AFFECTED. Now that they see THEIR NAME on "The LIST" they want to P*ss and Moan......and I am not buying it. What most of the OTHER bases want to know is WHY are they keeping all that dead weight sitting around at 32%? (I feel for anyone regardless of seniority that has to deal with the disruption and uncertainties that comes with being uprooted but after seeing MIA/SYR/GSO/SAN/SFO/LAX/BWI domiciles CLOSED, what makes PIT feel they are so "SPECIAL".) :down:
When the displacements were frist announced, F/As in PIT were not happy but we knew that it was coming. What DID make us p*ss and moan was the letter from Kirby and how it was handled. His letter went on and on about how they would not disrupt the lives of the F/As in CLT--how CLT F/As had made such sacrifices, etc, etc...oh and bay the way PIT will still have their displacements. The way that the whole matter was handled was TERRIBLE and was yet another HUGE blunder on our esteemed leader's part. If they had come out and said ooops, we screwed up the numbers and are now rescinding the displacements from CLT then most of us would have been OK with it because we are overstaffed...however, as stated above, it was insulting to PIT in the way it was handled.
I have spoken to quite a few F/As who were displaced in the previous rounds before this last one from PIT. Some were very snotty saying "well, you didn't stand up for us when we were getting displaced." and I told them that the displacement was not handled this way or we would have.
Scott Kirby's letter was insulting and very disrespectful. In addition, our arguement was that if both CLT and PIT will be overstaffed from June 1- January 1 2008 as Mike Finn said then why are they letting 10 year F/As stay in their base while displacing the more senior 18+ year F/As? Well, as we all know with what happened with the pilots and pass riding, DOH and seniority mean nothing to our management. Our arguement was that if both bases were overstaffed then go by seniority until CLT gets their time back in January 2008 and then displace.
I hate to say it but when the other dispalcements occurred, the situation was different and PIT was then the only base overstaffed. Now they have two...granted PIT is more heavily overstaffed but CLT is still over and they are not taking that into consideration.
As far as keeping PIT at a 32% RSV factor, I would prefer to see it balanced like all the other bases....instead it's like they are amputating fingers, toes and limbs on displacement at a time. I was in GSO up until a few months before they closed it and it's not pretty to watch a base dwindle.
Just get it done already and quit calling me at 5 am to cover a BOS, LGA, PHL or DCA out of base trips because the base balancing formula that the company uses just doesn't work with this F*-it, bucket system. Keep in mind though that if they do reduce PIT by 12% down from 32% to 20% then all those people will be going to other bases and bumping those with 20 years or less down a few notches...June secondary lines in PIT stopped at 1983 with 24 yr. F/As on RSV....we all come to your base, you might not be flying what nice trips--if any--- you have left in your base.
Just my opinion......breathe deep and get rid of your anger.